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  1. LoneDeranger

    Name and avatar meanings

    It's back! Haha, just like 2003.
  2. LoneDeranger

    Name and avatar meanings

    Ah I remember you, Bad^Hat. I actually showed up briefly when HL2 came out to post some G-Man theories .. hehe. Good to see some of the old guard are still around here. :cheers:
  3. LoneDeranger

    Name and avatar meanings

    Name: Avatar: From Cowboy Bebop the movie .. I created it waaaay back
  4. LoneDeranger

    Has anyone here been able to give up games?

    I though I gave up gaming for good .. well until HL2 came out. I'm pretty sure I'll be back for HL3 .. I can't possibly imagine myself not wanting to find out what happens next in the story.
  5. LoneDeranger

    G-man and Crows

    It sounds like they put in a lot of work into them .. I dont think they would spend all this time working on a bunch of birds just for fun.
  6. LoneDeranger

    Crowbar problem

    It's not that hard to find a crowbar ... :/ I think a more interesting question would be why Barney didn't give you a real weapon, like his pistol, for example.
  7. LoneDeranger


    Wasn't Xen a bunch of floating islands with low gravity? (as far as I remember) Doesn't really seem like the best habitat for antlions ...
  8. LoneDeranger


    Where exactly did the antlions come from? Are they from Xen, or did they come from the Combine world (whatever that is)?
  9. LoneDeranger

    G-man and Crows

    One on his shoulder? Do you have a screenshot?
  10. LoneDeranger

    What was your favorite part in the game? (spoilers) I was also quite impressed by this scene .. sort of a last ditch effort by the combine to hold off your advance .. I lamost felt sorry for those guys as I knew a few seconds later they would be disintegrated by an energy orb or...
  11. LoneDeranger

    Half Life 2 is a game (spoiler?)

    There is some value to this (especially if you read what the Vorts say), but it would be such a terrible ending I dont think Valve would go down this road.
  12. LoneDeranger

    What does Breen know? *Ending Spoilers*

    Here is the exact quote from the guide: "Your tasks end with a tumultous ascention of the reactor spire, where Breen is stopped and the shocking conclusions of your mercenary activites are revealed."
  13. LoneDeranger

    What was your favorite part in the game? (spoilers)

    When Breen says : The man I saw, I'm all but certain it was... (turning around) Gordon Freeman!
  14. LoneDeranger

    Sentient Fungi?

    "Carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi. Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where dimensions intersect" I thought this quote was quite funny, but what is Breen talking about? Perhaps these are...
  15. LoneDeranger

    Helicopters and Gunships?

    I guess they could have done with just one aircraft. But you can't really complain about having too many diffrent enemies, can you? Plus the chooper is damn cool.
  16. LoneDeranger

    Is Half Life 2 perfect?

    HL2 PROS: - Eveything HL2 CONS: - No snarks - No assassins There
  17. LoneDeranger

    What does Breen know? *Ending Spoilers*

    One of the HL2 books (I think the strategy guide) actually uses the word mercenary to describe Freeman.
  18. LoneDeranger

    What does Breen say? (spoilers)

    I looked into this, and it seems Breen is gone by the time your hear his last words (plus they sound as if he's talking from somewhere out there) .. the question is where did he get teleported ...
  19. LoneDeranger

    Did Alex make it out alive?

    I think she should have survived. Clearly, the G-Man has the ability to save her if he wants too.
  20. LoneDeranger

    The Odessa and Gman conspiracy

    Additionally, if you look inside the Colonel's house, you'll see family photos that look like they were taken in the 1800's or something.