Hey if anyone is interested we released a couple videos from a weekly test we do a couple weeks back.
Here they are :)
well maps will compile with leaks, you'll just have massive lighting and vis issues. It is odd that the compiler isn't explicitly saying LEAKED though.
Are you using area portals?
Did you match a decompiled valve biped or are you using a different sized biped?
What you usually do is make the merged bones in a neutral place (valve puts them in between the players feet) then rig the weapon in a separate file with the exact same bones. The bones must not move at all so...
You might consider decompiling just so you can see exactly what valve was doing with CSS. They have some pretty funky animation code.
As a reference though, it should be attached to the hand bone. You're correct to put the bonemerge QC in your player model. Do you have the appropriate bones...
uncheck "constrain proportions" if you want to only change one dimension of the image
as for the materials, did you set up the vmt correctly? it sounds like you have a bad path pointing to the vtf.
well right now, we're in bugfixing mode and are doing everything we can to avoid adding any superfluous new features before release.
In the future that's a possibility, but tbh I dont think I or any of the other animators here have looked into how valve implements eye animations, we'll have...
you mentioned you were using an ene_sun. That doesnt do anything for lighting, it just makes a corona.
what you need to use is light_environment
read up on it here