What do you like? What would you want to see later on in Half-Life?
I'd like to see bull squids again, for one thing. If I encountered one up close in Half-Life, it always felt like a force to be feared if it were to get you, what with the speed and the power. If they were to make them stronger...
^ God, it was fricking boring to me.
1408 9/10
I liked it a whole lot. Kinda hard to elaborate because the whole movie is just one continuous mind **** in the same place. A highly entertaining continuous mind ****, but a continuous mind **** nonetheless. Not really scary. Some parts try to be...
One time when I was about 6, I was at the cabin we used to own when we lived in Washington. We had a bonfire going, and I didn't know the ashes around it would be hot, so I tried to grab a couple hand fulls. I have scars in the forms of barely noticeable bumbs on each finger tip.
I also broke...
Spy 24-
Pyro 66+
I hope they've really made some improvements to how the pyro works, because from what I played of the first Team Fortress, I concluded that the pyro is the most useless piece of shit ever.