Civil Protection Episode 4


Nov 4, 2006
Reaction score

after forever and a day, I've finally finished Episode 4. This one is a lot more ambitious than the others as you'll see. It has lots of goodies like swooping camera shots, motion blur, and a lot more action than the previous ones. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, Civil Protection is a comedy series I've been making based off the policing force from HL2, you can see the previous episodes on the website. HQ and Youtube links below. Also, I'm going to perform the dark art of trying to Digg this, so if you're signed up for that, I'd appreciate clicking on the link. Enjoy!

High quality version (92MB)

Youtube version


Digg link:

omfg dude ive been waiting forever for this, and i didnt kno u were a member here!
He presents each episode here. :p

I'll check it out right now.
i was the 2nd download w00t. this was very impressive but i was a bit dissapointed with its lenght and amount of dialogue compared to the other episodes =/
Well I want to have a variety. You should like Episode 5 once I resume working on the series again. For Episode 5 I plan to focus especially on the writing and could be the longest one yet. It's likely to bore the hell out of most internet audiences though, since attention spans aren't exactly in abundance. That's kind of why I wanted to make this one next to show that I CAN do action-oriented stuff and to get a wider appeal. Believe me, I like the dialogue-oriented stuff just as much.

I saw the ending coming but I still laughed my ass off, there's something about the sound of his head hitting the bridge that cracks me up :laugh:
omg i did not know you were in these forums, fantastic job! i cant wait to see..
Brilliant! Been waiting for this, mate! Downloading it now...
Far out Chilled, far out. You are awesome. That whole thing - awesome.
Excellent work. The train bits were a bit long, but otherwise I like it. It'd have been funnier if it had intercut between scenes of trainy chaos and Dave(?) being bored back at the bridge.
my god, it must have taken a really long time to make that map, it was really detailed and nice.i am curious, is that one long stretch of a map (scenes in hl2 of course) or multiple scenes? man, i would really love a train ride in hl2 like that..
Woah... :O. Nice camera work. Reminds me of Mighty Crane Films' stuff.
Fantastic work dude! Really nice camera work! I was just waiting for a non-static setting, really good job.
Looking forward to the next episode, no matter how long it'll take. I'll definetely keep advertising your work at my avatar! :D

It'd have been funnier if it had intercut between scenes of trainy chaos and Dave(?) being bored back at the bridge.
Yeah, but I was already screwing with the pacing by having the Vortigaunt interlude, thought it might kill the mood some if I had too many disruptions to the music.

my god, it must have taken a really long time to make that map, it was really detailed and nice.i am curious, is that one long stretch of a map (scenes in hl2 of course) or multiple scenes? man, i would really love a train ride in hl2 like that..
Yeah it's 4 maps in all (plus the lighting/scene variations of the same map).

The first map is a very large extension of d1_town_05 (after you exit the mines), the second one is d1_trainstation_06 (where you get the crowbar), the third is just a tunnel, the last one is d1_canals_01 (start of Route Kanal).

Thanks for all the other positive commentary. Seems like there's a mixed reaction on it so far, which is interesting. I think I might be able to encompass more fans over time trying to have some variety instead of making every episode standing around talking.
OMG that was awesome....totally Red vs Blue for HL2!! The sound during the credits rolling had me in tears...
that was fantastic man. Even if it wasn't the usually humor it was still good.

cheers to you
Thanks for all the other positive commentary. Seems like there's a mixed reaction on it so far, which is interesting. I think I might be able to encompass more fans over time trying to have some variety instead of making every episode standing around talking.

A 30 minute episode with a nice story would be so awesome! But I can imagine all the work.. omg.. :eek: But there seems to be endless possibilities, so the future is bright
But I still love the dialogue between Mike and Dave, never drop that element!
RE: Civ Prot Episode 4

Simply genius. Wonderfully paced and nice music score. Head to Hollywood, my friend. I would prefer a full length Civil Protection flick over Spiderman 8 or Die Real Real Real Hard....

Nice work. Bask in the glory.

Even if it wasn't the usually humor it was still good.
And the humor for next episode might get pretty different from the previous ones as well.

But I still love the dialogue between Mike and Dave, never drop that element!
Don't worry, that will be coming back strong in Episode 5. I plan to especially focus on the writing for that one, I hope to top all the previous ones in that sense.

Head to Hollywood, my friend. I would prefer a full length Civil Protection flick over Spiderman 8 or Die Real Real Real Hard....
And I have tons of ideas that wouldn't even need to be CP. Regardless, I don't see Hollywood anywhere in sight. It's like the old axiom goes, making it in art is a matter of 10% talent and 90% who you know, but then I'm cynical (if you haven't figured that out from Mike's dialogue yet).
V-Man's foreword

I haven't watched it yet, but it looks good.
Did you animate those MC's yourself or where those ingame animations?
Because i don't remember an animation of a sitting MP for example.
With the exception of the headbobbing, everything you see them do in these episodes is from the in-game animations for Valve. Those particular ones were from an animation in the canal levels where CP's drop down from ledges. I just looped the sitting part until I was ready to have them drop, then I had to pull a few more tricks because the height they were dropping from was higher than what happens in-game.
Well you did it very well then...because i didnt notice anything wrong.
It all looked very fluid. GJ