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  1. Hudson

    Joe's 1st Flash Video

    That was fawking excellent!! Nice work dude! You have a good feel for cinema
  2. Hudson

    Super Mario Bros 3 in 11 minutes

    that super mario one blew my mind. the guy must have reflexes like a spider.
  3. Hudson

    teh lost kitteh

    teh kittah wuz lostt btu ten joo fonud it!!!1!! teh happpy stroy!11
  4. Hudson

    is it just me?

    alyx isnt hot, elf or otherwise
  5. Hudson

    This is disgusting

    I'm scared outside, as doing so risks human contact.
  6. Hudson

    Super Mario Bros 3 in 11 minutes

    That guy must be the 1337est person on the planet.
  7. Hudson

    Counterstrike Problem

    1. Make sure all your Half-Life CD stuff is uninstalled 2. Install Steam 3. Enter your CD key
  8. Hudson

    This is disgusting

    ***WARNING DISTURBING MATERIAL*** ********************************** ********************************** I really dont know what to say, this has just left a queazy feeling in my stomach.
  9. Hudson

    Controversial Topic (not for kiddies) and be serious

    porn is more addictive then CS.
  10. Hudson

    Doom 3: Doom 2.

    /looks at Doom3 /looks at Wolf3D mod for Doom3 /takes Doom3
  11. Hudson

    my first flash...

    oh sorry, guess i forgot the [/sarcasm] tags. Thought those were not needed.
  12. Hudson

    Happy Birthday!

    :D bless you good sir.
  13. Hudson

    Massive, Hi-Res Doom 3 Trailer

    Storylines in games like Doom are like a storylines in pornos. They're expected to be there, but they're not all that important.
  14. Hudson

    Best-selling PC games for the week of November 23-29, 2003

    All prices listed are in Plutonian currency.
  15. Hudson

    my first flash...

    post this on, so I can laugh, really, really, hard when people flame the living crap out of you!
  16. Hudson

    Vote on week 7's photoshop contest

    OMoss's entry pawnz j00 all
  17. Hudson

    Odd-Life(kind 56k warning i guess)

    HAHAH "Die bitch!!"
  18. Hudson

    Cwmp: M9

    just noticed, the trigger guard looks kinda funky, or is that how it is supposed to be?
  19. Hudson

    Any good OCing forums?

    The futuremark forums are pretty good for that kinda stuff I hear