The Combine weren't specifically hunting for Gordon until after he reached Dr. Kleiner's lab. Before this they weren't aware of who he was. During the failed teleportation Gordon "flashed" momentarily into Dr. Breen's office. Breen knew Freeman from Black Mesa, that he was dangerous, and...
Ha, I got a warning for that post. I was only kidding, man. I've been posting on an Asheron's Call forum and a Jedi Knight message board since at least 2001 so when I call someone a nerd it's only in the most good-natured and chummy way.
Not only did I get a warning, but my return-thread got...
Been a few years. I had lost the password and forgot which email account it was associated with. I'd like to apologize to everyone I harassed/argued with during my religious "awakening" of 2005-2008. I was disappointed with my post count when I logged in, sub 2000 posts despite this account...
Another possible answer
5. If God is all-good, then he oes not stop all evil because it would certainly compromise the free will of his creation, which would be un-good.
God can not and will not commit suicide, because it would spell chaos for the universe, if not absolute undoing. It would...