Looking for a skilled animator with some free time who would be willing to create some attack animations and what-not.
If you're the least bit interested, just post in the thread and I'll PM you with the mod details.
Right now I've only heard Kojima and Yosuke Hayashi give it some praise. Nothing incredible, but they basically just reiterated that it'll take a while until the hardware is understood, but that it will happen and the ones who do it will be rewarded accordingly.
Yosuke Hayashi is the main guy...
Stigmata: The game was Enchanted Arms and I think Blue Dragon is on multiple discs.
Cole: It'll only last for a couple years before the next medium comes out. I also think the whole movie downloading concept will take off and users will be presented with a lot of options as far as obtaining...
Stigmata: The BluRay format may seem like a bad idea, but it'll payoff in the long run. There are already Xbox 360 titles that span multiple discs and the system is only a year old.