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  1. shadow stalker

    HL2 the worst game ever?

    HAHAHAHA hah HA ha yea.... real funny...
  2. shadow stalker

    HL2 the worst game ever?

    ... *runs away*
  3. shadow stalker

    Half Life 2: ?

    Half-Life 2: The forbinden Fruit...
  4. shadow stalker

    My wallpaper

    ... EDIT: woah... past out for a sec there.... that wallpaper is ... interesting ;)
  5. shadow stalker

    Finished Wallpaper

    also i think the MR white in the corner is a little to big.... it takes the atmosfear away... serioulsy that logo is quite impresssive... did u do it from scratch? in photoshop? anyway... i have already posted 2 comments on this page... far to many for my liking ;)
  6. shadow stalker

    Finished Wallpaper

    sry, did i offend u? cause i was only saying my honest opinion... its prabaly beacause there are so many wallpapers where they a just pictures of halflife 2 changed a little ... and ppl are like wow thats amazing and stuff.... i spose it kind of anoys me as there are some truly great wallpapers...
  7. shadow stalker

    I would like your opinions

    Toblerone Addict - LOL anyway.... yea the wallpapers fine... i personally wouldnt have it but it is still nice :bounce:
  8. shadow stalker

    Finished Wallpaper

    its ok... but then again... it is only a picture of a combine... and the logo... not much effort? am i right? but still good *thumbs up* ShadowStalker
  9. shadow stalker

    Guess what arrived in the post today...

    wahey, thats really cool.... *wants t-shirt also* i dont surpose u could take a pic or somthing? :) ty ShadowStalker
  10. shadow stalker

    2 new wallpapers HL2-TechnoWater and HL2-OldPaint!

    it dosnt work though... it just takes me to this free web hosting thing.... O_o help
  11. shadow stalker

    2 new wallpapers HL2-TechnoWater and HL2-OldPaint!

    yey - my hero ;) no seriosly cheers dude. :) EDIT : er.... ur site is right? well how do i get to the wallpaper? cause when i look at the internet adrees it says if that is the right site... wheres the wallpaper .... thank u *feels...
  12. shadow stalker

    Addon for Mr_Matts...

    that is very m,uch ownage :D ... but i was just wondering is it easy to install and unistall ? and where did u get those icons... they very nice indeedy :p an dif that isnt ur desktop..... do u know where could get those icons ? thankys ShaodwStalker
  13. shadow stalker

    2 new wallpapers HL2-TechnoWater and HL2-OldPaint!

    plzplzplzplz make that techno colour one in a much higher res.... say 1280 - 1024.... thankyou... and if u dont .... i no longer like u ;) :bounce:
  14. shadow stalker

    New Wallpaper- "HL2-Life"

    are the good old crop circle thingy.... i might have to do that sometime..... nice use of photoshop ShadowStalker :borg:
  15. shadow stalker

    my cartoon drawings of...

    mmmmm not to shaby.... i dont quite know whats going on with Alyx's head but hey Gordons ok.... o and btw the last link dosnt work. ShadowStalker EDIT: oki nm the link works now.... that aint bad... the head is ****en huge though :P
  16. shadow stalker

    Half-Life2: Day of Realease

    lol - o dear.... thats my birthday and i didnt even know the day... i thought it was wadnesday lol.....
  17. shadow stalker

    Half-Life2: Day of Realease

    welll im hoping im going to get it the day it comes out (wednesday, i think) because its my birthday on that day WOOHOO - but im only going to play it a few hours a day.... plus my dad works in the room with the PC in so i might have to wait or ages just before i can install it .... o well im...
  18. shadow stalker

    Gordon the vector guy :)

    thats really good actually.... although im sure it didnt take that much efort... but nice none the less. nice a smooth..... i might even stech to actually having it as my wallpaper *faints*
  19. shadow stalker

    Triple monitor wallpaper

    try i know they do duel monitor wallpapers, not sure about triple.... but hey sry if its no gd :) ShadowStalker o a btw cheak out my area :D
  20. shadow stalker

    Tunnels- Thoughts

    ... Not sure wheather u guys noticed this, but is that a slightly differnet video to the one that was in bad quitly - becuase if i remember correctly when he shoots that combine soldier with the grenade launcher i swear he falls down, and not just lays there. i could be wrong though. also when...