Finished Wallpaper


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Yes, its done.. i think its okay... I dunno, it probably sucks...

I tried to keep it simple, none of that impressive weird stuff... and i stuck with err... uhh... urban.. coldish... tones... I dont know what the hell im talking about.

Hmm, anyways, tell me what you think, I did the Combine logo myself... and.. yes thats about it... I did a ghost effect on the soldier... making him appear... darker, and switched the red/blue hue's

uhmm.. yeah i dont know... if its good... or not

oh wow i need to relax

anyways its for 1024x768 only, so.. yeah...

heres the link a freinds hosting... (please bare with the popups)
LOL i got no poup(thx opera!), and opera reported, that the site wants to install an illegal cookie, so i refused it :P
hmm.. thats odd... it really shouldnt, i'll have to yell at it

if it is somehow illegal it should be harmless, i think, but if you dont wanna risk it then smart choice
its ok... but then again... it is only a picture of a combine... and the logo... not much effort? am i right? but still good *thumbs up*

I... was hmmm, trying to go for something toned down and easy compared to the others... lately but so it still has.. ummm an attractive look to it, like... easy on the eyes, while not completely crappy

nothing big really, just trying to recreate the combine logo (which i failed to do... jeez i suck at everything) err... and figured i wouldnt let it go to waste

yes, thanks
sry, did i offend u? cause i was only saying my honest opinion... its prabaly beacause there are so many wallpapers where they a just pictures of halflife 2 changed a little ... and ppl are like wow thats amazing and stuff.... i spose it kind of anoys me as there are some truly great wallpapers out there which ppl have pout so much effort into them. anyway i didnt relise u did that logo, im much more impressed now ;) maybe i should have rewad ur comment .... anyway goodgood :)

also i think the MR white in the corner is a little to big.... it takes the atmosfear away... serioulsy that logo is quite impresssive... did u do it from scratch? in photoshop? anyway... i have already posted 2 comments on this page... far to many for my liking ;)
yeah, photoshop, and scratch... I'll make it smaller and maybe reposition the two, maybe make it darker too... i suppose, oh I dont know
Nice to see someone put effort into a wallpaper. I like the concept. :)