Is my dad cheating on my mom?

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Cheating in marriage is not automatically bad, even if it usually is. Sometimes two people are married who hate each other and for whatever reason they don't want to get a divorce. These are not ideal, rational, or pleasant situations, but they remain situations in which it is unfair to just condemn people out of hand for having affairs.
it is in Iran the kill people for doing that ^_^
women are no better than sheep ..that's the whole idea behind polygamy ..well at least the ones that are religious based
Cheating is telling your wife/husband that your years of marriage and relationship and love mean absolute shit and you care that little for the other persons feelings
Oh, please.

You might care a lot for your significant other and still cheat on them. Don't attempt to blanket say, "If you cheat you don't love your partner," because oftentimes a person who cheats isn't cheating because of that reason.

Besides, even if the opposite were the case, maybe those years of 'love' were shit.
50 percent of marriages fail

and that makes me happy for some reason
Cheating in marriage is not automatically bad, even if it usually is. Sometimes two people are married who hate each other and for whatever reason they don't want to get a divorce. These are not ideal, rational, or pleasant situations, but they remain situations in which it is unfair to just condemn people out of hand for having affairs.

Yeah, see arranged marriages. Go India!
( - lol depressing)
Oh, please.
You might care a lot for your significant other and still cheat on them. Don't attempt to blanket say, "If you cheat you don't love your partner," because oftentimes a person who cheats isn't cheating because of that reason.

by cheating on your significant other just shows how little you care for them
50 percent of marriages fail

and that makes me happy for some reason

well that stats cooked ..50% of marriages fail within the first 5 years ..since most people getting married are in their 20's we can conclude that 50% of those seeking arriage dont know what the **** they want ..or as I like to call it: "the stupid-just-out-of-their-teens-and-want-to-play-house-syndrome"
Your semantics are wrong.
I was going to say that I disagree. However, I realised that my only disagreement was silly nitpicking about semantics and in fact I agree with your post, especially in the case that Eejit pointed out. ANOTHER POINTLESS DEBATE OVER SEMANTICS HAS BEEN NARROWLY EVADED, LET US REJOICE


I'll say, I fully agree it can be really messed up messy sticky situations and nothing is black and white, but in principle, I will always believe cheating makes the cheater wrong and at no point should expect to be treated as anything more the a disrespectful villain.

But overall, agreed.
it really dose
No dude, you're wrong. You might perceive it that way if you're the one being cheated on, but that doesn't make it true. You're wrong and you're speaking from a point where you have absolutely no backing.

No one can ever completely say how much a person cares for another person even if they do things that seem contrary. You ESPECIALLY can't say, "Everyone who cheats doesn't care about their partner." You're wrong.
No dude, you're wrong. You might perceive it that way if you're the one being cheated on, but that doesn't make it true. You're wrong and you're speaking from a point where you have absolutely no backing.

No one can ever completely say how much a person cares for another person even if they do things that seem contrary. You ESPECIALLY can't say, "Everyone who cheats doesn't care about their partner." You're wrong.

although in general I sorta agree with you ..there's this:

Darkside55 said:
You're wrong and you're speaking from a point where you have absolutely no backing.
My point can be backed, Stern. Listen to the number of people who say they still care for their partner after cheating versus the number of people who say, "I don't give a shit about that person so I ****ed around on him/her." There are such people of course, but I'd say the number of people who still enjoy having a relationship with their significant other--yet cheat on them--is higher.
No dude, you're wrong. You might perceive it that way if you're the one being cheated on, but that doesn't make it true. You're wrong and you're speaking from a point where you have absolutely no backing.

No one can ever completely say how much a person cares for another person even if they do things that seem contrary. You ESPECIALLY can't say, "Everyone who cheats doesn't care about their partner." You're wrong.

no i'm really not
its not like they were forced to do it, if they chose to cheat on there partner then they obviusly care nothing about the persons feelings

and you can say its wrong because it fact it is not
I have to agree with Kase, saying they care is bullshit and they are probably more sorry for themselves and getting caught.

Nobody forces you to get hard, your secretary didn't accidentally land on your cock.
Goddamn you're obstinate.

You really have no idea what you're talking about and I refuse to argue the point with you further.

Also you guys sound like victims. Nice victim schpiel.
am not a victim of anything its rather simple people who cheat obviusly dont care because if they cared they wouldnt of done it in the first place

and u cant argue it further because you know you are wrong
My point can be backed, Stern. Listen to the number of people who say they still care for their partner after cheating versus the number of people who say, "I don't give a shit about that person so I ****ed around on him/her." There are such people of course, but I'd say the number of people who still enjoy having a relationship with their significant other--yet cheat on them--is higher.

that's the part I agreed with

anyways ..kase would probably be better off had he said anyone who cheats doesnt respect their partner ..which is true in pretty much every case
its not like they were forced to do it, if they chose to cheat on there partner then they obviusly care nothing about the persons feelings

when they cheat and DONT tell, id say they care about their partners feelings. I agree with darkside on this. Stop redefining love as some heavenly force that binds two people forever.

You also have to factor alcohol into the equation.
when they cheat and DONT tell, id say they care about their partners feelings.
ok so a married man can have sex with as many people as he likes aslong as his partner dosnt find out oh yeah.....:upstare:

if you cared you would of done it its really that simple

You also have to factor alcohol into the equation.
and from my personal Experiance its not that hard ot say no when drunk
Goddamn you're obstinate.

You really have no idea what you're talking about and I refuse to argue the point with you further.

Also you guys sound like victims. Nice victim schpiel.

Wow, nice way to so utterly and completely concede your innately flawed position to begin with.

You have no basis to accuse us of getting cheated on, cheap shot makes winning argument not much.

Also I'm 23 and I've never been married so. :thumbs:

If you refuse to argue why did you begin with in the first place?.

Just so were all aware, adultery is an extreme statement, act and sign of disrespect and misplaced trust for your partner.

You cheat on them, you obviously don't care about their feelings enough.

"Oh the poor poor sex starved dears, maybe they just have sex addiction or they have some behavioral discombobulated advanced neurological brain behavioral disorder that forces them to utterly betray their significant others, poor poor victims, maybe want nice mug hot coco?".

I concede entirely that these can be messy situations, I concede that a married couple can hate each other (but its not cheating then is it?, how can you misplace trust you don't give?) but overall, if your married, you have made a commitment and are obliged to play by the rules until such a time as you both set down the rules or you divorce.

The act of cheating, AKA betraying ones trust you have made a promise to uphold beyond normal obligations is wrong. End of. You betray that trust, you are the villain, and you have proved in the most devastating way how little you really care.
Your sort of saying that assholes (anyone who cheats on their spouse)can't be in love. Just because someone cheats on their wife one time and feels bad for it for the rest of their life doesnt mean they dont love the person. Ya, its a shitty thing to do but the sad truth is it happens every day to couples in love.
People do have moments of weakness.

Nobody's perfect.
when they cheat and DONT tell, id say they care about their partners feelings.

Bull. That's just silly. They don't tell because it's just something you just don't tell your partner, because you're going to get shit for it, obviously. They only care about their mate's feelings to the point of 'what is she going to think of me for doing this, ****, she's going to not want to be with me if she finds out' But, for whatever reason, they want to stay with the person they are cheating on, or don't have the balls to end the relationship before engaging in other romances.

HOWEVER, just because they want to stay with the person they are cheating on, does not mean they care about them to the extent that they should. Obviously they care about them a little, but Nuri's argument is that they don't care ENOUGH. Cheating hurts relationships. They don't care enough about the relationship to mind it being hurt. Rather, the only way in which they care about it being hurt is for their own selfish reason, that they just want to keep the relationship while having another, that's why it's called cheating. You can't be in a relationship in which you only care about your benefit from it.
this just in, there has never been a single case of anyone cheating on their spouse even when they were in love.

is that what you are saying?

people (mostly virgins who have no experience beyond what they see on tv) forget that there's two types of women: those you take home to mom and those you cover in chocolate while her best friend/sister licks it off both your bodies

you dont bring home the latter
this just in, there has never been a single case of anyone cheating on their spouse even when they were in love.

is that what you are saying?

no i am saying if you loved the truly loved them none of this scared to be alone love you wouldnt cheat or even feel the need to :imu:
people (mostly virgins who have no experience beyond what they see on tv) forget that there's two types of women: those you take home to mom and those you cover in chocolate while her best friend/sister licks it off both your bodies

you dont bring home the latter

f that, i live in an apartment, im taking the second girl and her sister home :cheers:
This thread was interesting to read, thanks. There were like three separate psychological dramas going on:

1) The thread subject
2) DarkEdge vs. CptStern
3) Late 2007/2008 users pretending to be in the party (LET ME TELL YOU WHAT KIDS, YOU'RE NOT)
4) Late 2006 user pretending to be cool by talking about the 2007/2008 users


edit: damnit barney
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