Is my dad cheating on my mom?

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haha, sorry vegeta.

you can have the next one, bud
Cheating sucks and causes great emotional harm and distress.

Sexual instincts are extremely powerful and difficult to control.

Short- or long-term problems within a relationship can make losing control of sexual instincts seem like a beneficial course of action.

Humans as a rule reliably make bad decisions.

There. Debate over. :|
Good call Stigmata.
I suppose what I'm getting at is the idea that the idea of cheating is quite thoroughly subjective. For example, two people who are in a dysfunctional marriage perhaps might not care if the other has an affair. Can it truly be called cheating if no emotional harm is done? On the other hand, can it truly be called anything other than cheating if it's done while they are still under the institution of marriage and have committed themselves to fidelity?

Indeed, what is cheating? If you're in an open relationship, it may well be all good to go sex that woman who works at the supermarket, but others may consider that cheating. MAYBE cheating is really dependent on what you and your partner decide on.
Cheating sucks and causes great emotional harm and distress.

Sexual instincts are extremely powerful and difficult to control.

Short- or long-term problems within a relationship can make losing control of sexual instincts seem like a beneficial course of action.

Humans as a rule reliably make bad decisions.

There. Debate over. :|

Ahmen!. o/

Now lets all go down to the pub and get blooted and end up with hazy memories that could endanger our relationships (if we have any). :D
My point can be backed, Stern. Listen to the number of people who say they still care for their partner after cheating versus the number of people who say, "I don't give a shit about that person so I ****ed around on him/her." There are such people of course, but I'd say the number of people who still enjoy having a relationship with their significant other--yet cheat on them--is higher.

Do you have a source for this?
If you refuse to argue why did you begin with in the first place?.
Because while I'm willing to argue about anyone, about anything, at any time, one thing I absolutely hate are obstinate people who are unwilling to concede a point. It's really the most annoying shit in the universe to say, "Look, you can't say this, because this this and this; you're wrong," to which they reply,


In b4 people saying I'm doing the same.

"Oh the poor poor sex starved dears, maybe they just have sex addiction or they have some behavioral discombobulated advanced neurological brain behavioral disorder that forces them to utterly betray their significant others, poor poor victims, maybe want nice mug hot coco?".
See, what you don't realize is that very few instances of cheating are done for sexual reasons. "Sex starved" isn't always the case; cheating isn't always about lust. Sometimes something is missing in a relationship, and not just in the bedroom. It could be attention. It could be stress. There could be a lot of problems that drive someone into the arms of someone else; to post that bullshit that these people are betraying their partners because they just want more/better/different sex, that's completely narrow-minded, not to mention asinine.

The act of cheating, AKA betraying ones trust you have made a promise to uphold beyond normal obligations is wrong. End of. You betray that trust, you are the villain, and you have proved in the most devastating way how little you really care.
Bleeding hearts, what a victim schpiel. Let me give you a situation here, son. I want you to picture this.

A woman and her husband conceive a baby. The baby is stillborn. The husband, not wanting to deal with it, becomes cold and withdrawn, and although he never openly admits it's impossible for him to conceal what could almost be called contempt for her. He blames her, somehow what happened is her fault. She still loves him, but he's so distant toward her now you could almost call him hostile.

She has a coworker. A coworker who plainly has feelings for her. He's giving her the attention she isn't getting at home--not just physical, but mental. Emotional. She loves her husband, but goddamn, he's just not there. But her coworker is there for her, and he gives her that attention. He makes her feel good, makes her laugh. Makes her happy, takes her mind off what happened with her child. She feels good in his arms; god, it feels good to be held again. One thing leads to another, and they end up in bed together, and for the first time in months she feels close to another person. Not just sexual. Emotional.

But that makes her a cheater.

That means she betrayed her man's trust. His 'love' and 'devotion.'

She couldn't possibly still love him. She couldn't possibly still care about his feelings.

It had nothing to do with wanting to feel close to somebody; no, she was a sex-starved whore.


You don't know what you're talking about, you narrow-minded fools. So shut your yaps, please. You act like you've accumulated the wealth of knowledge on the subject of cheating and you can pass judgement on everybody who does it, calling them "villains." You think that the cheater only does it because they lack feelings, or enough feelings for their partner, that someone can't be driven into the arms of another for need, no, it's sex and disrespect, yeah, those are the motivating factors behind every instance of cheating in the entire world, over the course of all human history.

And by the way...the above story? It's a truthitude.
It's the truthiest. The girl's a friend. I'm not the coworker, just an ear and a shoulder. Hence why I've been so pissy in defending my position.
^ When you promise to cherish someone for life, you either uphold that promise or you're a whore. It's binary.

If the b*tch didn't even work to fix her marriage then yes, she's a whore.
and I think we can safely close there, before things start getting all Godwin. This kind of polarisation does not a good debate make.
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