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  1. J

    What if Jesus was to come back?

    This had to be posted. Anyways, I'd throw a party if Jesus came back, and he'd be invited.
  2. J

    Character - Galil Concept

    I can't draw at all either... Anyways, damn good picture. I agree that Galil's a good name.
  3. J

    2 Years of suffering and pain.

    I know how you feel, I've been on here for more than two years ;(
  4. J

    God helps those who help themselves

    The bad stuff like buses full of kids crashing is the devil's fault, durr.
  5. J

    ATI R600 News

    Hmm. This card has eight times more pipes than mine.
  6. J

    Nvidia or ATI?

    Some pretty good ATI cards are cheap, but so are some Nvidia ones. Like Giant said, we need info about your computer and your budget
  7. J

    Are you in good physical shape?

    I still have a bit of fat but I'm a lot thinner than I was say...five months ago. I'm eating less, and healthier stuff, but I'm still not doing a lot of excersize. Oh well.
  8. J

    How Mad Have You Gotten At A Game?

    Yeah that's how it usually goes for me. Any one else get PISSED off at the last mission of Black? Took me two hours to beat that, I swear. I took a break for about 20 minutes and came back. I beat it in about five tries after that.
  9. J

    The most retarded bug you've ever witnessed in a game

    Every once in a while on CSS my shaders go all dull, and the lighting starts to suck, and I get like 2 fps. Restarting the game fixes it. Something thats happened a lot is that I get a new game and it won't even start up. I always fix it somehow though.
  10. J

    How Mad Have You Gotten At A Game?

    Everytime I have a bad day in CSS I get mad, but I can control it now. My freakouts have recently been reduced to me yelling obscenities. I used to slam the cd drive door of my computer, kick my computer, slam my mouse and keyboard, and throw thingd that had the misfortune of being on my desk...
  11. J

    Portal Artwork

  12. J

    Episode 2 Q&A

    EDIT: Woops wrong thread
  13. J

    What do you do while installing things on your computer?

    Read the manual if I'm installing a game, or surf the interweb. Maybe I'll totally get off the computer and go do something else. That doesn't happen that often.
  14. J

    Your racial heritage

    I'm french, irish, german, scottish, and english.
  15. J

    Yarr! A New Game of Any Price!

    I was pretty addicted to the Rollercoaster Tycoon series for a while but I lost the cd's. RCT 3 is pretty damn fun. You can make crazy rollercoasters and ride them in first person.
  16. J

    What you think about The Sims? (not sims 2)

    I did the exact same thing, I felt bad about it afterwards and exited to the neighborhood without saving. The Sims and The Sims 2 are my favorite games after the Half-Life series...but it's depressing going back to play number one after having played TS2 for so long
  17. J

    A Sketch

    I agree :cheers:
  18. J

    Let's be bitches and talk about movies that made us cry.

    Requiem for a Dream was a pretty depressing movie.
  19. J

    Did Free weekend convince you?

    I've wanted to buy it since the first free weekend, but no moneys
  20. J

    early day of defeat

    Ah, memories of mod versions passed...I used to play DOD with my brothers all the time on really old versions. :O