What do you do while installing things on your computer?


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
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Personally, I'm a multi-tasker.
I'll be installing a game, ALT+TAB out, and continue surfing the web... or play a flash game.

I just thought of making this is a thread as I'm currently installing Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition again.
Took me about an hour and a half to install the first go. :o
But the game was a bit fubar(some modules weren't working, and the expansions weren't working at all.)... Sooo, I'm on my other computer.
Rainy days suck. D:
browse teh interwebs or read the manuel to the game(i buy mine), listen to the radio, tv etc....
Heh. What an unnecessarily specific thread. Why not just ask what do you do when you are bored.

Installations rarely take long enough to alt tab and do something else, and when they are you may need to insert the next CD. But I usually sit through them because they usually offer cool screenshots.

But to stay on topic, with a question that would have the same answers, what do you do while virus scanning, well I do what I usually do, browse forums, talk to people, anything besides gaming. As for scanning for viruses WITHOUT internet access, that's when I get to the bottom of the barrel. I find myself playing minesweeper, looking around my pc for old files (old memories) or doodling some pixel art in MS Paint.
Browse the interweb. It's not like installing a game is a really long process, unless it's an MMO or something...
I try to fit all my installing time or virus scanning time into... err, time.. where I'll be doing something other than sitting at my computer. Like tonight, I'll be watching Lost and then an episode of Spaced, so I'll run my spyware tracker then so when I come back upstairs it should be finished.

Other than that, I read. I have tons of British Army leaflets, guides and magazines cluttered around my bed, so I usually end up reading through them.
browse teh interwebs or read the manuel to the game(i buy mine)....
Really, cause for me I always make sure to close my torrents, turn up the Eminem tracks released tomorrow, maybe watch my favorite scene in Pirates 2, then come back to check the installation progress for my leaked copy of Internet High Horse: The Game. ^^
(No, I don't listen to Eminem-Rubbish, and there's not really a favorite scene for me in Pirates 2).

I also just watch the screenshot slideshow cause they do manage to be fun. On a stranger note, if it's an application I find the "show details" flowing list of paths being installed to be strangely fun to watch also.
Read the manual, often find cool lil tidbits of info in there
I try to see how many times I can masturbate before it gets done installing.
I wait till it installs. Browsing internet and playing flash games takes up precious cpu crystals! MORE FOR MEH!
I try to see how many times I can masturbate before it gets done installing.

And god almighty that's a shitload amount of times that you can!:laugh:

BTW, I just wait. In case if I get some errors or if I need to change the discs... I hate it when I leave the room assuming the game would be done installing and it asks me to have clicked something or fix something, when I get back.
Read the manual if I'm installing a game, or surf the interweb. Maybe I'll totally get off the computer and go do something else. That doesn't happen that often.
Hahaha, I taught myself that same White Stripes tune on the keyboard awhile back :)

And yeah, just a little out of sync. The video's been at 4:23/4:23 for about a minute now and the audio's still playing :P Cool stuff though.

Edit - I'm an idiot. I opened your myspace just as the video was ending and thought the song from there was coming from the video... >_<
hahaha Caz you crazy dawg :)

I tend to walk off during installations and read/get a drink/put mp3 player on.
Read the manual if it's a game. Watch the installer if it's C&C. For a programme...wait, or it it's too long turn on the telly.
Aww yeah, C&C installers for the win :D

Really sucked that they took em out for The First Decade...
When installing a game I usually sit back in my computer chair and stare at it until it finishes (with small games, like Morrowind, or Deus Ex), with big games (Like Oblivion, or Hitman) I take a walk around my house..
Read the manual or watch the pics it shows during the installation. If there are no pics i usually go to the kitchen for some snacks.

Edit: CrazyHarji, you could do some ambient background setting whatever music for Mods or something with those skills.
I just sit there and wait for the installer to finish? :S
Well, due to this current computer being to slow to multitask very well anymore (System keeps on getting memory leaks) I just sit and wait
CrazyHarji, you could do some ambient background setting whatever music for Mods or something with those skills.

What makes you think I'm not ;)
Really? I'm curious as to what.

I think the last project I worked on was two years ago. A sci-fi CGI film that sadly fell apart.
not anything i'd want to spill the guts on just yet. maybe when i've finished a title track i'll upload it if the team leader is fine with it
Holy ****, I want that thing.

Hey! It's the melody from that one song! Your song! How awesome.
haha absinthe, it's really not that big spectacular ultra secret projects or anything, but i'd rather wait until i actually get some tracks finished :P

Holy ****, I want that thing.

Hey! It's the melody from that one song! Your song! How awesome.

i love taking it to bed and making little melodies and really repetitive ambient stuff before i go to sleep :) may not be analogue or the phattest biggest synth but i kinda like it, it takes some time to learn how to tame it and program the stuff you want to, but it becomes pretty versatile once you get the hang of it!

Ahaha, dude, it's so awesome that you recognised the tune and called it my song, because i really feel like the melody is very personal to me, my song. it's part of this melody thing i've been playing on the piano on and off for really long, it's just sorta stuck. :P
I was just talking with Eres about how I admired your music, and you as a person, and we got into this dispute (none of his fault, i was flipping out, i don't want to explain) and I realised how much of a good friend he is.. and I just listened to your track again with that melody, and I have tears rolling down my face.
I'm a multi-tasker too. After installing windows I always have a download going for the next program to install while installing the current one as well as listening to music and surfing the web etc.

That's awesome, CrazyHarij. :D
Holy ****, I want that thing.

Hey! It's the melody from that one song! Your song! How awesome.

Seriously, try Reason again. I know you said you didn't understand it in IRC one time, but once you get over it's bare-bones basics, it's such an amazingly intuitive program.
i wait,get a snack,see how the progress goes,listen some music,stuff like that.

I was just talking with Eres about how I admired your music, and you as a person, and we got into this dispute (none of his fault, i was flipping out, i don't want to explain) and I realised how much of a good friend he is.. and I just listened to your track again with that melody, and I have tears rolling down my face.

shit man, that really warms my heart. <3 i don't know what quite to say, it's such an unbelievable situation. i've been doing that with the artists i love and i dunno. shit. but thanks. i'm really humbled, and keep in mind you're a great person too :)

i agree with absinthe, you should try reason out if you feel like you want to make music yourself!
if you feel like you're having problems, contact me on msn and i'll walk you through the basics of it

edit: what struck me as interesting was that you got in that dispute, since the theme is sort of a theme of sadness because of others being a victim of you, not the reverse.. i have a tendency to **** things up
Grab a cup of tea, brows the internet, listen to music, do some 3D moddeling, etc.