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  1. HiroProtaganist

    Neotokyo: SD11

    long time noe see. Awesome skin. keep it up my friend
  2. HiroProtaganist

    CWMP: Spectre M4 by Hiro

    looking a these renders i realize i forgot to add a few things. so for anyone ntocing theres no trigger it'l being added now. the 2000 PC is without backface deleting.
  3. HiroProtaganist

    Desert Eagle By IchI

    you could create the circular face for negative extrusion by use EDGE cut to make a cross shap the center vertice being the center of your circle. then chamfer the cneter vertice twice to create the circle. the nly problem with this is you have to go back in and delete some vertice and edges...
  4. HiroProtaganist


    OP X- not until recently. Fenric- it does produce some amazing effects!
  5. HiroProtaganist


    your all about normal maps eh fenric? the only problem is on mid and low end machines you won't see the normal maps. unless i am completely mistaken on what i've read of them.
  6. HiroProtaganist


    while it looks very good i don't see how it relates to hl2 models. Ohh well. Good job
  7. HiroProtaganist


    the only problem is it's kinda a waste of time to create intricate kung-fu actions in a first person shooter. For the obvious reason you would only see a small fraction of the animation. Of course if someone goes third perosn cam then i wanna see some "Hard Boiled" and "Dead to Rights" action.
  8. HiroProtaganist

    Clothes in hl2?

    ...trenchcoat? *seems like kinda a waste to just make a one word response. I did see a post int eh Valve info sticky regarding clothes as majestic pointed out. Should be awesome to see some realisitc clothing. The cape from "Spawn" anyone.
  9. HiroProtaganist

    Male Head Wip

    makes me think "the sims"
  10. HiroProtaganist

    Switched to 3dsmax 6.0

    yeah upgrading from AuctoCad 12 to 2000 was a huge jump in space requirements. especiialy when you add on Architectural Desktop.
  11. HiroProtaganist

    what is a good progy for modeling???

    didn't realize XSI was gonna have a insdie painter. will it work similar to DeepPaint?
  12. HiroProtaganist

    3d weapon model

    heh, cousre the nade launcher removes the small hole problem BOOM small hole now a big hole. though i agree, it's the Vietnam F-4 phantom problem of developing this incredible machine that serves one purpose (and is a death trap in every other aspect) when a peasent with a 40 year old ak-47...
  13. HiroProtaganist


    it looked like the faces on the right side of the gun were deleted thats why i asked.
  14. HiroProtaganist


    Now thats low poly modeling done right! What can i say other than brilliant work as per usual. so the model is for left handed?
  15. HiroProtaganist

    CWMP: Shipka SMG (Hiro)

    thanks, i run adaware every two days so it's not a spyware problem. it seems as though the dns/IP for Goolge and Altavista are blocked. plus when i use yahoo seach i get the main page to load but it never connects to searc pages. it goes into the screen as if the site didn't exist. BTw...
  16. HiroProtaganist

    Render programs

    Sorry, i know you didn't and i didn't mean to offend you. that comment was a general statement to anyone posting later not to mention warez. Again I apoligize profusely for the miconseption.
  17. HiroProtaganist

    Render programs

    brazil is no longer free. and since we don't talk about warez in these forums it's of no use to him. do a search fo a post by Grey regarding a free rendering utility. it's awesome though i can't for the life of me remeber what it's called. search forum or PM Grey.
  18. HiroProtaganist

    CWMP: Shipka SMG (Hiro)

    thanks for the excellent crits i'll check into them. and the praise is greatly appreciated coming from other great modelers. As for my ref pic i pretty much just used this one. Since IE won't connect to i've been forced to use the inferior Webcrawler, neeedless to say it's...
  19. HiroProtaganist


    looks good. the flow from the first knuckles into the fingers is a little "off" for lack of a better phrase.
  20. HiroProtaganist

    [3D] Glock 27

    it does look pretty good for a "free hand" though i wold recomend in the future creting the entire wapon from one or two primitives if box modeling is the techinique you use. it's too much effort to attempt to match and weld all verts between two primitives and it never comes out looking great.