

Jul 18, 2003
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I know you've all probably sick og Heckler & Kock, but this is no "my first weapon, mp5-thread". I've been modeling on and off during my sparetime and I think I'm close to finish.

I recon there are some (many actually) weaponfreeks here that might guide me on mistakes I hvae done. I have poor refs. (yes I have alot of them, but most are 300* sometingsmall.gif) Maybe some of you have tried it too? Well here's a render:


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while it looks very good i don't see how it relates to hl2 models. Ohh well. Good job
by the looks of it Mikademius knows what he's doing, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is a high poly model for baking the details onto a lower poly one

I've no idea if it looks how its supposed to, but it looks like a very nice model.. Now texture it damn you! ;)
your all about normal maps eh fenric? the only problem is on mid and low end machines you won't see the normal maps. unless i am completely mistaken on what i've read of them.
Originally posted by Mikademius
I know you've all probably sick og Heckler & Kock, but this is no "my first weapon, mp5-thread". I've been modeling on and off during my sparetime and I think I'm close to finish.

I recon there are some (many actually) weaponfreeks here that might guide me on mistakes I hvae done. I have poor refs. (yes I have alot of them, but most are 300* sometingsmall.gif) Maybe some of you have tried it too? Well here's a render:

Would you be interested in helping out the Downtown Dispute mod if you have enough time. Your models look very good and we could use you. We are a Law Enforcment(Police & SWAT) vs Gangs/Robbers mod.

my AIM: stuarthannig
MSN: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Originally posted by HiroProtaganist
your all about normal maps eh fenric? the only problem is on mid and low end machines you won't see the normal maps. unless i am completely mistaken on what i've read of them.

I've been using them for a long time, their mighty handy :)

True, wont appear on low end machines, but doing it that way can help with producing low end textures that still look good but without the normal maps
Originally posted by operative x
Do professional game studios use Normal maps?

yep, starting to anyway. Over in the film/tv stuff we have for a long time, some studios more than others, but then we've had the luxury of not being realtime.. so we were spoiled hehe.

The technology has been there for years, we've just had to wait for the computers to catch the hell up so we can all start playing with them in realtime finally :)
Originally posted by HiroProtaganist
OP X- not until recently.

Fenric- it does produce some amazing effects!

yep, great little feature :) Oh hey, have you seen that other way of modeling. I don't remember all that much about it now, basically its very similar to normal maps (using the colors to explain what goes where and so on) only the whole object is created from the information in the image. So instead of having incompatible formats, you'd just have a special plugin that could read these images and create the model at the polycount you want. Use the same generated image to create at runtime whatever resolution model in a game it could handle.

Or just use lower res images even. I think it also mentioned something about 3d scanning techniques, instead of the usual laser method we have today, it said something about it being lit similar to how normal maps are generated, which would allow for a much higher resolution yet stored in a small image format and with far less bugs in the original mesh as current methods. And also that it would be cheaper than 3d laser scanners. Every artist should have one then :D

It was that bit which interested me, as basically you could make a perfect 3D model of anybody or anything, down to, well, the pores of the skin if you wanted, far better quality than laser scanning, and simple enough to get perfectly matching textures.

Then one minute have a super dense model that takes a week to render, the next tell it to output a low poly game model and all the textures would all still match and scale down to fit heh imagine the possibilities ;)

I wish I could find the pages about it now, it was still kinda in its testing stages when I read about it, But even then it seemed to be able to knock out really good models
Originally posted by operative x
Danm lol! That would put professional modelers out of a job!

hehe yup.. It's a good bogeyman story to tell staff if their not behaving or doing their work properly "do your job or we'll replace you with a scanner!" bwahahaha :devil:

Hell if that comes along and works how I hope it will, then add a £33,500 mocap suit with the facial animation cam. You can basically cut down on most of the workforce where expensive modelers and character animators are involved.. less wages = more profit = I get richer hahaha.

and its why I'm putting more effort back into the old school ways of FX, sculpting and stuff. Make sure I've a head start on the competition when suddenly digital artists aren't needed anymore *grins* it payed off learning Softimage early on, so I'm hoping it'll work a second time ;)

just think though, as the cost comes down, almost anyone would be able to make great looking visuals.. I'm sure there would be some method, maybe infra red or something that could be used with getting the data too.. Think medical stuff, or firefighter training, getting 3D data of interiors of buildings almost instantly, knowing exactly where people are and where the fire is and all sorts. Or fun stuff like use it to scan your house inside and out, then scan your family and have video games with them in it heheh... Even later on as it improves, it could be used to not only scan the skin, but also the muscles, the bones, organs (as with the medical stuff) but also know what the bones are, how about ragdolls with _real_ bone structures and muscles eh :) It could happen in a few years, ya never know :)

.. right, where's my ball of clay
i think thats looking pretty sweet.

only real critique i can make is that in all the pics i have the thick piece near the end of the barrel has 3 or more bumps coming off it, its not round. the piece like right above the middle of the flashlight.

i was wondering though what technique your using for high poly stuff?
im doing the same sort of thing right now. im using subd's and trying to get a workflow going with them but i havent done mechanical stuff before with them and its a beeyotch.

anyway i attached a pic of the mp5 im working on with this method. im digging it but its slow going.
you can see the little thing at the tip i was talking about too.


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whoa, replies :)

Thanks for all the answers.

HiroProtaganist: Hehe, well it's actually not related to HL2 models.
Allthough I could lie and say: "Can't you see it's 1300 tris?". I only do high poly stuff, but I figured there were alot of weaponfreeks here.
It's actually a prop for an upcoming short to be released may 2004.

Fenric1138 : As stated above, this will remain highpoly. You'll probably see it textured later, but texturing is what I hate the most ;) Also, you had some scary info about modeling techs... :eek:

Submerge: I don't think you want me in your team. Unless you have a kickassengine which can handle models with a polycount of 50000 :P

nekkidman: Are you reffering to the flasheliminator? As far as I know there are several different eliminators. At least the norwegian mp5 has one of theese. You're modeling a regular mp5 too right?
I have to say that your model looks good so far, a bit too round in places. You might want to harden it up places. And also, your stock should be hollow.

I have attached another image. This image has red circles where I want to remodel the parts, the green ones where I want to add more details.
I also drew a circle around nekkidmans front to see if it's the part you're talking about.
This is maya, pure boxmodeling (even though most parts are cylindrical.) :) Can't call it cylindermodeling, can I? ;)

Here's an update with more details on it. Probably remodel the butt tomorrow and the aiming parts (in lack of better words)


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Can't recall giving out much info at all :) I'm sorry, but I'm on a NDA from ILM... yeah right :D

It's a one-man project that I will create to pass my animation class 2003/2004. I won't tell much about it yet. I'll probably post updates on other props here later, but I keep the plot and other settings to myself at this point.

But your project sounds interesting too. Mail me later so we can follow eachother's projects.
Oh, I'm sorry nekkid for not answering all your que's.
The way I model weapons (Highpoly) is not very hard really. Most objects are cylindrical. Not a shock is it? I model in poly and extrude is my best friend. It's no hokus pokus with this one. The wire is messed up so I won't post it in case someone tries to learn from it :)

But if you wonder how I made spesific things, just contact me and I'll try to explain.
Originally posted by PvtRyan
Hey Fenric, have your worked with ZBrush? I haven't tried it but it's supposed to be really cool , especially for creating normal maps for low poly models.

I'm actually quite a fan of Zbrush, I hated it at first but its gradually becoming one hell of a powerful little secret, and when it comes to organic modeling (weird characters and such and silly high poly counts for normal map generation) its very nearly as good as using straight clay modeling and 3D scanning. It kinda sucks for machine made stuff, but if you need to do some characters then I'd certainly recommend it, its pretty smart with the old 3D painting too so there's quite a lot going for it.
Cool model. I like the detail level. Reckon you've got a future in games modeling.

Hey, Fenric, were you talking about procedural modeling? Y'know, where you have a file which is basically a list of instructions for creating and texturing a model, instead of a coordinates file and a texture file.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Cool model. I like the detail level. Reckon you've got a future in games modeling.

Hey, Fenric, were you talking about procedural modeling? Y'know, where you have a file which is basically a list of instructions for creating and texturing a model, instead of a coordinates file and a texture file.

hmm I dunno, when did I mention procedural modeling?
Originally posted by Fenric1138
yep, great little feature :) Oh hey, have you seen that other way of modeling. I don't remember all that much about it now, basically its very similar to normal maps (using the colors to explain what goes where and so on) only the whole object is created from the information in the image. So instead of having incompatible formats, you'd just have a special plugin that could read these images and create the model at the polycount you want. Use the same generated image to create at runtime whatever resolution model in a game it could handle.

I dunno, that stuff just reminded me of the sort of stuff you can do with a procedural model.

Ever seen "The Product"? It's a little rolling demo that has real neat graphics and music, runs for several minutes, and best of all is only 64k in size. It won an award. Uses procedural textures and models.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
I dunno, that stuff just reminded me of the sort of stuff you can do with a procedural model.

Ever seen "The Product"? It's a little rolling demo that has real neat graphics and music, runs for several minutes, and best of all is only 64k in size. It won an award. Uses procedural textures and models.

nope the product doesn't ring a bell.. might have seen it i dunno though


hmm, probably not the same thing, what I was on about isn't currently available to the level shown in the paper. It's still pretty experimental apparantly. Was probably called image modeling as that seems to be the best discription of it. Procedural modeling/animation is used in Houdini, and very nice it is too (the program is god awful to pick up, but really isn't so bad afterall.. and man did I b*tch about Houdini for the past ooh years haha)
I'll try to e-Mail you a copy some time... less than 64k, so it shouldn't clog anything.
I dunno. Looking for it. Can't remember which drive it's on, or even the name of the file.

I have fixed the butt and the front aim.
I have also made some letters for my short. Tried them together :)
I believe the modeling is done now and I'm currently creating storyboards and trying to fix some layouts of the shots.

I can post a larger image if you want to so you can see the details clearer..
the letters work good, but i htink the
T" could use some work... it looks like something else...small....
LOL Sidewinder! Very nice work I wish I had your talents.
I also dislike the "T" Have sharpened it up a bit, maybe the span is too big between the parts that build the letter.. I'm not going to use it like this, just had to make a comp. with it :)

Large version:
