
operative x

Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
This is my first hand with Milkshape3d, so tell me what you think!
1st thing that springs to mind...lemme think...ah yes :p, very good shape, looks like u got that, excpet its a little wide, the fingers a little short and the area around the base of the thumb is a bit muscly. BUT and theres always a but, its a little low detail on the roundness of the fingys :( but yeah, it looks good.
looks good. the flow from the first knuckles into the fingers is a little "off" for lack of a better phrase.
its not a bad start, but there's no thought in the mesh, it should flow more, that will help with the animating aswell then as the model would move better.. Not a bad start though I guess.

here's various hand modeling tutorials you might find useful, different packages and methods

uses NURBS but can still be done with poly's if you make the required changes in putting it together

http://www.be3d.org/tutorials/Hand Tutorial.htm




http://www.3dlinks.com/tutorials/maya/maya_tutorials.cfm?tutorial=mechhand not human hand, but still useful, helps you get an idea of bones and things I imagine

im no modelling expert, but i think thats high for just a hand.
yeah its quite a lot, but if u looks at the mesh/wireframe, u can c theres a lot of unecessary polies, such as around the wrist. no offence, but that model doesn't look like 3796 polies :(. how did u model it ? looks very confusing/unorganised for Milkshape :rolling:, apart from the fingers.
mindless: not everyone has the money for Max *and/or friends who don't use thiers :) ).

And we all know that Warez are bad.

I know you said it wasn't going to be used in a mod/game, but you never use meshsmother if you are.
I like it.. it does seem like a lot of polys.. but it looks freakin good, you can see muscles and bone type stuff, very realistic.. only thing that looks odd and that has been mentioned is the first set of knuckles where the fingers connect to the hand, they have a kinda odd puffyness that creates a line that you see in the top right image..
The tutorial you did for this hand (Joan of Arc on www.3dtotal.com) is meant for a high poly model. You can't just model the same thing for a low poly model and expect it to look good, high poly and low poly a different concepts.

yes i am quite new to modelling but y can't u use a mesh smoother in a mod ?!?! :devil: :o
cause the engine wont make use of it or even see it, its just a modifier in Max, you can always collapse it to an editable mesh but it would just hugely increase your polygons. using subdivision to build models for mods is a bad idea, they look cool in the application but they wont look too hot in the game when the subd is switched off and polys are all over the place

its just how things work
Originally posted by eddie500
yes i am quite new to modelling but y can't u use a mesh smoother in a mod ?!?! :devil: :o

mesh smooth physically alters the model by substantially increasing poly count
I wouldn't recommend using mesh smooth for any models that are gonna be put ingame.