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  1. X

    facebook owns your asses now!

    Exactly what I was thinking :)
  2. X

    facebook owns your asses now!

    Yeah, but why would Facebook want a topless photo of me in the sea?
  3. X

    L4D Stutterbug

    Haha, I use to get this all the time with The Orange Box. But now I play it on the Xbox 360, no stutter bug for me! :)
  4. X

    MISCELLANEOUS: The Great Redemption

    I am sat in my bed waiting for the bathroom to be free so I can go in before family arrives.
  5. X

    Happy Valentines Day!

    Single Awareness Day
  6. X

    Most articles just about games on Steam

    I don't know any deals about Steam or any new games coming to it unless tells me, so I think it's good.
  7. X

    MSN wtf :/

  8. X

    Happy Valentines Day!

    Had a right go at the lady last night. Originally, going to the cinema was me, her and 2 friends of ours. Our 2 friends can't come now, so she only gone and decided all her mates - and their boyfriends - some of which I cannot stand and was like, "Oh, if they piss me off, I'll go ballistic"...
  9. X

    Braces are OFF.

    I need braces, but don't have a dentist >:(
  10. X

    Aww, how cute.. a 13 year old dad! Wait, I meant depressing. :|

    I lol'd at The Sun saying things like "Alfie, who only looks 8" or "his voice has not yet broken" Hahaha
  11. X

    Your Xbox 360 LIVE Gamertag

    Mine is iogg All the Xbox 360 fanboys at my school constantly have a go at me for it not being 'sci-fi' or 'high-tech' or they're like "wtf is iogg" and that. I reply, "Yeah, well at least I can pronounce it in real life, unlike yours." Theirs are like Xl M4ST3R lX - I mean, wtf. It must...
  12. X

    Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver

    I lol'd at this person not actually reading the thread.
  13. X

    Half-Life 2 Episode 2 Reference in my School Play

    Who the hell would understand any Half Life 2 references in coursework?
  14. X

    best, fast and simple Mp3 software player?

    I use iTunes. Go on, shoot me.
  15. X

    Source Engine used to simulate fire drill

    I did see a link to this article on the BBC website, but couldn't be bothered to look.
  16. X

    Ditching bad friends

    I never really ditched this guy, but I'm glad I moved away. In primary school, he'd basically own me and was like my only friend. If he announced that he didn't want to be friends, I'd cry and it would honestly break my heart. Similar feeling to when a girl dumps you. If someone invited me to...
  17. X

    Snow today, no trains, no work! POST SNOW PICS

    Woke up to this:
  18. X

    Left 4 Dead Valentines!

    Hardly stealing, the guy provided a link to a PDF of them.
  19. X

    Obama: The Movie?

    Barack Obama as Barack Obama