new interview. sounds fantastic! some new screens too. march 16!
I just sold my xbox360 for the price I bought it for, thats a nice deal :thumbs: ...Gears kicked f...kin ass, but its a long time until a another killer title like that will pop up(alan wake) + I`m falling back to my pc as the nr one gaming platform for fps. I`l use the cash to upgrade my rig...
Too bad they didn`t capture the feeling of the alpha leak. That was awesome. Real horror. The first part and some of the hell part was great. Though getting that "goingtohellmachine" to work was a drag. When the game returned to mars it got boring. The caves/dig site was not fun. Didnt like the...
A couple of cool things:
30sq km where 60% of the environment is accuratly modelled after Chernobyl(sarcofago, red forest, pripyat). Rome free if you have the right might be eaten by a pack of dogs though
Revolutionary(hopefully) life like AI. Too much to mention on this...
the rendered cimatic intro of S.T.A.L.K.E.R is here to be downloaded(part 1 of 2) Cool as hell...
the gameworld has always been divided in chunks, how the hell could they ever load a playable 30sq km map with all its stuffing? the reason for why the driving is cut are answered in the interview.
this game is going to be so good(hopefullly). AI is still fully intakt, thats good to hear. the atmosphere of this game will most likely be unbeatable.