Even more S.T.A.L.K.E.R pics and interview


Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Not earth-shattering stuff, but its new.....






New interview contains the following info :

* Driving has been cut (although the code remains).

*Mod tools will be released.

*Minimum reqs for dx8 - p4 2.0 ghz, 1024mb ram, g-force 6800 ( dx9 minimum not specified).

*Development is two months away from release candidate stage.

*No single-player demo, but multiplayer beta is a possibility.

*AI has been crippled only to the extent that the computer cannot beat the player to the end of the game, all other AI behaviour left intact.

*Levels, not seamless world. Each level is 3-4 sq kilometres.

*Game ships on one dvd.

Those pictures are medium quality still, right? Either way, it looks pretty cool. I have faith in GSC and I think it's pretty sad how many people wrote off the game on the drop of a dime.
It does look pretty cool, but it's clear they were waaaay too ambtious, it'll probably be no where near as good as we hoped it would be back in 02. WIth that said, I'm hoping STALKER will be a giant leap forward in terms of freedom and level design. Maybe over the next few years some developer will accomplish everything GSC hoped to back in the 90's
Still looks pretty good and will likely look better on HIGH settings. Good to hear the AI is still in it (though not to win it). Sorry about the vehicles, though modders should be able to fix that in due time. I imagine that the mod community will turn this thing into something that resembles what we have hoped for since it was announced. If not, much of team is leaving to get it done right after this one is in the can anyway. :bounce:
the driving is out? they must have completely scrapped the old level design because early interviews said ithere's too much territory to cover on foot ..I guess they had to chop the gameworld in chunks meaning it'll probably be more linear

man this game is almost completely unrecognizable from what they first announced
What the .....

.... this game looks worse every time I see it, and now you say they've cut the only half decent thing about it? :laugh:

I don't get it ... it's been in development for over 5 years, and from what i've seen, it was more complete after 1 year than it is now. It's taken them over 4 years to cut the cars and reduce the map?

F*** me, what are these guys playing at? Nobody's going to buy this when it finally comes out, it already looks outdated. Just another crappy FPRPG
What the .....

.... this game looks worse every time I see it, and now you say they've cut the only half decent thing about it? :laugh:

I don't get it ... it's been in development for over 5 years, and from what i've seen, it was more complete after 1 year than it is now. It's taken them over 4 years to cut the cars and reduce the map?

F*** me, what are these guys playing at? Nobody's going to buy this when it finally comes out, it already looks outdated. Just another crappy FPRPG

The game has like 10 different endings so I'm assuming there is a lot of content.
I really hope they remake this game a couple years down the road, when they can actually pull it off :(
I just lose more and more interest looking in this game. The evironments just look so bland and unoriginal, they're getting rid of content to make it's realese faster, meh, I smell another Dakitana.
It's a shame thinking of what this game could have been. But I'm definitly not getting it. One they dropped the open seamless world feature, which would have been my main reason of buying the game. Also now it's levels with loading times and confined areas? They should have left this one dead
It's getting more dissapointing. Plus, why the hell would you need a 6800 to run a DX8 game?
this game is going to be so good(hopefullly). AI is still fully intakt, thats good to hear. the atmosphere of this game will most likely be unbeatable.
the driving is out? they must have completely scrapped the old level design because early interviews said ithere's too much territory to cover on foot ..I guess they had to chop the gameworld in chunks meaning it'll probably be more linear

man this game is almost completely unrecognizable from what they first announced

the gameworld has always been divided in chunks, how the hell could they ever load a playable 30sq km map with all its stuffing? the reason for why the driving is cut are answered in the interview.
* Driving has been cut (although the code remains).

*Levels, not seamless world. Each level is 3-4 sq kilometres.

Wtf? how are we supposed to cover this much ground on foot? Can you say..Boring?
6800 for DX8 - wtf? I remember the leaked beta running at >60fps on my 9550, lol.

Driving cut - what the ****, stop cutting content.

Other than that looks still good, looking forward to it and release it before you decide to cut one dimension and leave it 2D.

EDIT: Mmm, sweet video. EDIT 2: Meh, just read it's renderered, not the game engine.

EDIT 3: Haha :D:

Is vodka still in?
Anton Bolshakov: Of course. How else can you cure radiation?

It's also funny how the dev asked about the release date, goes on talking about stuff in the game and never actually answers the question.
I don't get why people are so surprised about driving being cut, this was one of the first features they had announced as cut, and that must be well over a year ago.:)
New interview contains the following info :

* Driving has been cut (although the code remains).

*No single-player demo, but multiplayer beta is a possibility.

*AI has been crippled only to the extent that the computer cannot beat the player to the end of the game, all other AI behaviour left intact.

*Levels, not seamless world. Each level is 3-4 sq kilometres.
What a depressing post.. poor Stalker, what is left of ye ?
Driving has been cut... I remember videos with comments from one of the developers, saying that vehicles can break, need to be refueld, fixed etc.

Kind of a shame it has been cut, but I'm still looking forward to this game.
Not hyped for this anymore. But ill probably pick it up once it comes out.
Why not heighten the positive aspects of the interview, such as when they're asked about the AI life sim etc.

"We have only removed the possibility of a regular stalker finishing the game. We have carried out our mission in all the other respects, as promised."
Driving cut, crippled AI, non-seamless levels... and no demo???

Boy oh boy, Yeah, I'm definitely holding out on this game.

Pretty ballsy to not release a demo, after all the shit they've put us through. :|
xlucidx, it's hard to make a proper demo of a open-ended game tbh, I really don't remember there being a demo of Elder Scrolls 3 nor 4, and in a sense those are the games you can most closely link to STALKER in terms of 'genre'.:)
""We have only removed the possibility of a regular stalker finishing the game. We have carried out our mission in all the other respects, as promised."

Yea , but who knows if it's really good.
It's unfair to use the cripeled AI argument as something negative, because that one feature they cut out sounded incredibly annoying.
It seem to me that they have only cut a few things here and there because they feel the gameplay is better without it. Sometimes its better to sacrafise realism for gameplay.

Will have to wait and see. I'm hoping the game is going to be sweet.
xlucidx, it's hard to make a proper demo of a open-ended game tbh, I really don't remember there being a demo of Elder Scrolls 3 nor 4, and in a sense those are the games you can most closely link to STALKER in terms of 'genre'.:)

gothic 1 and 2 had demos ...I think a demo would go a long way at rekindling interest ...I also think a multiplayer beta could kill even more sales of Stalker because it's just deathmatch (plus find the artifact) and that wont do anything to convince gamers that stalker is anything but just another shooter ...I think that stalkers rpg/open ended world gameplay more than anything else garnered stalker the attention it had from the very beginning ..now with all the cuts and delays it will have to go that extra mile to convince gamers (who've already moved on) that it's something special ..call me a pessimist but unless they release within the next 6 months north american sales will be somewhere along the lines of Boiling point and the game will eventually quietly disappear

however I'm willing to be proven wrong, in fact I hope I am
Stormy, sometimes it's better to sacrifice realism for gameplay, yes, but not when the title sets out originally to be a SURVIVAL game, where realism is what it's all about tbh.:)
And don't get a SURVIVAL game mixed up with SURVIVAL-horror ala Resident Evil, I've seen seen here do that.:)
Again , how i'm supposed to move in a 3-4 SQ kilometres level without any veichle? What to keep me from falling asleep at the screen , getting bored from the walk?

Games like Boiling Point which had cars were boring to go from one place to another and I don't see how Stalker will avoid that cause it seems from the pics there won't alot of diversity in the environmets.
Again , how i'm supposed to move in a 3-4 SQ kilometres level without any veichle? What to keep me from falling asleep at the screen , getting bored from the walk?

Games like Boiling Point which had cars were boring to go from one place to another and I don't see how Stalker will avoid that cause it seems from the pics there won't alot of diversity in the environmets.

I assume the dev's might not have liked the idea of removing vehicles as well, considering they were ready with them, but they sacrificed them to improve gameplay, meaning you should not be bored by walking (cause if you would, they would simply leave the already completed vehicles in the game).
Stormy, sometimes it's better to sacrifice realism for gameplay, yes, but not when the title sets out originally to be a SURVIVAL game, where realism is what it's all about tbh.:)
And don't get a SURVIVAL game mixed up with SURVIVAL-horror ala Resident Evil, I've seen seen here do that.:)

Well the way I see it is they have obviosly given it alot of testing befor they have taken it out of the game to see how it works, the fact that the working code is still there just tells me that after the testing they have decided that the game works best without. I have have somthing to do with the push on story based gameplay which perhaps means the player isnt moving about so much.

I'm just going to wait and see what happens, and if the code is still there i'm sure modders will take advantage of it.
Didn't they say the coding was in for vehicles? I'm talking eating and sleeping here, vehicles were hardly a major SURVIVAL aspect.:)
Also, according to the interviews, it seems they're not willing to be open with modding the SP game, because they just speak of a mod kit to modify the MP, I quote.

"I can only tell you that we plan to release Mod Tools - a set of tools that will allow players to make multiplayer mods. You will be able to create levels, models, weapons, you will be able to tweak the balance."

I still don't have that much faith in STALKER anyway, most of the original team that came up with the entire idea are leaving the team after the games completion to work on Metro 2033 on another company, some people are already working on it, Andriy Prokhorov, the (former, not sure) project leader on STALKER.:) The idea is that Metro 2033 will be what STALKER was originally envisioned as, a full 100% open-ended survival simulation.
Educate me, I havent read anything about Stalker. Why were so many people sharding their pants about it? Looks like a cool game but what makes it unique?
Well, it used to be really unique. Now it seems to be turning into another average game.

Maybe I'm getting older, but the screenshots seem to be getting worse and worse.
Educate me, I havent read anything about Stalker. Why were so many people sharding their pants about it? Looks like a cool game but what makes it unique?

A couple of cool things:

30sq km where 60% of the environment is accuratly modelled after Chernobyl(sarcofago, red forest, pripyat). Rome free if you have the right equipment...you might be eaten by a pack of dogs though

Revolutionary(hopefully) life like AI. Too much to mention on this one.

Day/night/weather cycles(rest on a hill and watch the sun go down on the horizon).

RPG elements.

You have to work hard to get hold of the equipment you need to survive.

Join stalker clans, make enemies with other stalkers, make friends etc. "Oh he has a nice gun + alot of vodka"...should I put him down and take it all...though then someone might see me and I will be in a lot of trouble...or just trade some of it to be on the safe side...mmm?


(spelling and grammar might be a little off :farmer: )