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  1. half lunatic

    power of the headcrabs

    NOW ya tell me!
  2. half lunatic

    the giant firethrowing 'thing'

    Is it me or do Gargs expand for a split second before they explode?
  3. half lunatic

    How do I make HL2 have the muzzle flash visuals?

    nooby question What are muzzel flashes?
  4. half lunatic

    Poll: "Would earth's animals survive?"

    Antlion guards will pwn all!
  5. half lunatic

    Enormous fish-like creature

    The iytvheosour scared me silly in Hl1 i remeber being in the cage and it began circiling the cage...and this was with cheays on!
  6. half lunatic

    Dog vs. Garg

    Garg would win easy because Gargs seem impossible to kill...Plus DOG is smaller than a Garg (I think).
  7. half lunatic

    What's the most climactic moment in Half-Life 2?

    When your rising in the lift with Alyx and you see breen talking to the thingy.
  8. half lunatic

    power of the headcrabs

    Real life headcrabs?Excuse me. *Blocks up door and boards up windows*
  9. half lunatic

    Xen crystal in Black Mesa East

    when your doing the experiment did anyone notice what the beams were shooting at?i took a look and saw a huge crystal any one else notice?
  10. half lunatic

    1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

    1106:you shoot everything that knocks on your door at halloween :sniper:
  11. half lunatic

    Shaved Freeman!

    actually if you made the skin a bit paler and smoothen the skin it would look like the g-man.
  12. half lunatic

    I drew Gordon Freeman

    wow!you sure can paint fast! lol no its pretty good 10/10 :thumbs: edit:wheres the eyes?
  13. half lunatic

    Half-Life 2: A Hoax!

    take that teens! lol
  14. half lunatic

    Gman + scientist conversation, translated (partially)

    g man 1 definatly says:this is not your desision to make! g man 2 im not sure but:you must not exit it.(or get exited makes more sense) g man 3 almost sure:i wont be getting along with you _______ g man 4 not sure on last bit:if i had one with me ________ and it wouldnt make hell??? g man...