Dog vs. Garg

Dog vs. Garg, who would win?

  • Dog

    Votes: 67 54.5%
  • Garg

    Votes: 56 45.5%

  • Total voters


Jan 16, 2005
Reaction score
Who would win in a fight between Dog and Garg?
I'll have to say Dog because he is very agile, very strong, and can jump very far. I also just prefer him.

Let the fun commence.
I think Dog would win, but if he gets caught in the Gargs flaming arms then he could come out a little chargrilled!
Dog dies in a few gunshots for those who never played garry's mod with the ai script so the garg would win 100%, unless if dog could could manage to stay out of it's 10 foot radius weilding grenades or some type of explosive
Garg would win easy because Gargs seem impossible to kill...Plus DOG is smaller than a Garg (I think).
i'd have 2 say dog bcos he cud jump inside the gargs arms or on his back and cave the gargs head
Umm, dog, no contest.

Faster, stronger, smarter, more agile....
Dog would own a garg, no contest.

All this talk of Dog owning mankes me want to play the expansion even more.
special-ed said:
Dog dies in a few gunshots for those who never played garry's mod with the ai script so the garg would win 100%, unless if dog could could manage to stay out of it's 10 foot radius weilding grenades or some type of explosive

um it takes like 8 or 9 rpg shots
Just to score some posts,thats all their for.
Dog btw.
Garg would melt dog almost instantly. :eek: Even if it wasn't hot enough, dog really wouldn't be able to do much while the garg would kick it and crush it.
Dog can pick up and throw a minivan further than garg can kick a car.
you can usually throw something farther than you can kick it. i'm sure if a garg picked up a minivan, he'd be able to throw it farther than dog could...

it really depends on the environment... if it's indoors and they're close by, dog would have the upper hand due to his agility, but it could still be close... outdoors at long range, though, the garg would win simply because of his stomp and flames...

plus, the only things that hurt gargs are explosives... dog doesn't have explosives that we know of, and i don't know if he's strong enough to beat the garg to death in time
A Big Fat CoW said:
you can usually throw something farther than you can kick it. i'm sure if a garg picked up a minivan, he'd be able to throw it farther than dog could...

it really depends on the environment... if it's indoors and they're close by, dog would have the upper hand due to his agility, but it could still be close... outdoors at long range, though, the garg would win simply because of his stomp and flames...

plus, the only things that hurt gargs are explosives... dog doesn't have explosives that we know of, and i don't know if he's strong enough to beat the garg to death in time

The dropship is invincible to player weapons and dog amanged to take one down.
Damn, i voted for garg. I thought a garg was a gonarch.


Anyway, Dog. Because he leaps around and throws cars and stuff.
Neither. Garg's resistant to all damage except Explosives, Energy, and Crush. Dog can't deal those types.

Conversely, as a completely scripted character, Dog can't tage damage from any source.

Nothing happens.

-Angry Lawyer
if gordon can kill garg dog can kill garg...or just throw a gunship at him
Gordon can kill Garg because Gordon can use explosives. Dog hasn't got it coded into him. In fact, Dog has very little AI code. He'd just sit there. Garg would sit with his limited AI, and just fire flamethrowers (which wouldn't work, because Dog is coded to be indestructable)

-Angry Lawyer
Don't ruin my thread with your code babble!
Speculate ;)
Yeah, but you can't prove me wrong.

But, if they could fight, then Dog would probably win. Not out of personal like for him (I prefer the Gargantua), but because he's a plot character. Plot characters only die in heroic ways.

-Angry Lawyer
Damnit, your not doing it right, your meant to say Dog is stronger and he would do this and then Garg would do this, but Dog would do that so Dog would win. etc. etc.

Your just trying to spoil it for everyone ;) .
it would be a tie, if they were in a room with radiation pools, cause garg would break through the bridge and be stuck in it, dog would malfunction because of the radiation. AND THE DOG ALIEN THINGS!!!
Angry Lawyer said:
Neither. Garg's resistant to all damage except Explosives, Energy, and Crush. Dog can't deal those types.

Conversely, as a completely scripted character, Dog can't tage damage from any source.

Nothing happens.

Gordon can kill Garg because Gordon can use explosives. Dog hasn't got it coded into him. In fact, Dog has very little AI code. He'd just sit there. Garg would sit with his limited AI, and just fire flamethrowers (which wouldn't work, because Dog is coded to be indestructable)
I think we're discussing a hypotehetical battle between the two characters here (based on what we've seen throughout the games), not an actual in-game version created with the Hammer Editor, and limited by the AI and Engine capabilities. :P
sfc_hoot said:
I think we're discussing a hypotehetical battle between the two characters here (based on what we've seen throughout the games), not an actual in-game version created with the Hammer Editor, and limited by the AI and Engine capabilities. :P

He was being facetious :)
Angry Lawyer said:
Gordon can kill Garg because Gordon can use explosives. Dog hasn't got it coded into him. In fact, Dog has very little AI code. He'd just sit there. Garg would sit with his limited AI, and just fire flamethrowers (which wouldn't work, because Dog is coded to be indestructable)

-Angry Lawyer
How the hell do you know that, you really have no idea, you just guessing so other people will take your side.
Dont say things you dont know are true. :flame:
^^ It is true buddy, if there is one thing i've learned on these forums it is that AngryLawyer knows his sh*t!
wolvesrdogs said:
How the hell do you know that, you really have no idea, you just guessing so other people will take your side.
Dont say things you dont know are true. :flame:

Gargantua.Cpp, line 50, HL1's source code:

// Gargantua is immune to any damage but this

Line 866:

int CGargantua::TakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType )
	ALERT( at_aiconsole, "CGargantua::TakeDamage\n");

	if ( IsAlive() )
		if ( !(bitsDamageType & GARG_DAMAGE) )
			flDamage *= 0.01;
		if ( bitsDamageType & DMG_BLAST )
			SetConditions( bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE );

	return CBaseMonster::TakeDamage( pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType );

See that bit that says
"if ( !(bitsDamageType & GARG_DAMAGE) )
flDamage *= 0.01;"

If bitsDamageType isn't (the explanation mark means "not") defined as GARG_DAMAGE, then multiply the damage by 0.01. So you'd get less than a fraction of a point of damage, which the engine ignores, as far as I know.

And, in npc_dog.cpp, line 322, HL2's source code:

m_takedamage		= DAMAGE_NO;

And there are also no attacks defined. He's harmless, unless in a scripted sequence.

I know what I'm talking about, because I'm a coder, and you're not.

-Angry Lawyer
I think their damages ingame are irrelevant, the Garg wasn't in HL2, so we can't really make the comparison.

From experience though, I'd say Dog, he can lob an APC down the street. And he opened the combine gates, the best the Garg did was punch a concrete wall down.

Also dog is much faster and more agile, he'd probably punch a hole in the Garg's skin without being affected much by it's flames or limb thrashes.
0mar said:
He was being facetious :)
I know, and so was I. See the little ":P" at the end of my post above ^. I would not have put that there if I was making a serious anti-Angry Lawyer post. I would've put something like: :rolleyes: instead, if that were the case.

Spectre01 said:
Agree with the dude above me. Owned.
evilsloth said:
Angry Lawyer does know his shit, good job
Yep. Apparently, knowing how to code can help you own people. :thumbs: