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  1. Nathaniel

    Aliens eyes in HL2....

    as usual... worthless G0rgon crap thread... [on topic] as stated above, HL2 already have glowing eyes... besides, if it hadn't, why would Valve want to rip off Doom3 for no reason what so ever? sidenote: Glowing eyes are not a game feature, it's a part of the model. Gordon doesn't have...
  2. Nathaniel

    The War of Fans

    G0rgon: Doesn't the fact that you've been banned several times now make you understand that you're not welcome? we simply don't want you here, and I have the mods to back me up on this one, since they're the ones banning you. Only good thing about this thread is that you at least managed to...
  3. Nathaniel

    Bink video sound sync

    Thanks, that worked like a charm! it's still slightly choppy at times, but it's way better than before.
  4. Nathaniel

    Bink video sound sync

    The movies themselves lag a great deal on my XP2000 with a clocked gfDDR, which I think is just stupid. For now, I've simply re-encoded all the movies to XViD, but a lot of the great details are lost. so what's the fastest bltting style available for playing Bink-videos, while still maintaining...
  5. Nathaniel

    change card?

    ...but the gain on the memory will be all the bigger, since it's the same memory as on the Radeon 9800Pro (Quality Samsung baby!), which has been proven to clock quite well in some articles I read. And anyway, even if the core-overclock isn't that huge, what does it matter? it'll run just fine...
  6. Nathaniel

    change card?

    I'm going for a sure thing myself, a Radeon 9600Pro 128Mb Ultra which I'm confident I'll be able to clock a bit. I can already run UT2003 on my clocked GF1 32Mb DDR with 90FPS so I don't think HL2 will be much of a match for the radeon (or so I hope) :D
  7. Nathaniel

    When the hell is this website coming back!?!

    Yes. This is a very important post indeed. Very. Important. * Falls over * may I propose you ask someone who actually has a part in running the site? I also propose a lock on this one, and that we throw away the key...
  8. Nathaniel

    Level Of Detail

    I believe it was Holy Wars. A friend of mine did some of the playermodels. Simple. Car crashes into Boulder. Car Explodes from impact. AgentXen seemed to think we would be able to crash into a Boulder and make that explode from impact.
  9. Nathaniel

    Camera Mounts on all your friends

    What Xstasy0 said is true, there is a limitation of 1 single camera per "area". Although we don't know how large these areas will be, do we? :D
  10. Nathaniel

    Configuration specs question

    or perhaps it's a demo and they did it like we usually record HL1 movies, frame by frame? we already know that it was, in fact, a demo (demo interpolation playback bugs and what not), so why the hell bother with two screens when you can just use one?
  11. Nathaniel

    HL2 preorder t-shirts.

    Sniper: That would kick ass :) Wonder if I should find out where to preorder HL2 here in Sweden, it might pay iff...
  12. Nathaniel

    HL2 preorder t-shirts.

    btw, wasn't there this huge discussion about wether the Lambda symbol actually stood for homosexuality? I don't really matter what it stands for, I want one anyway :)
  13. Nathaniel

    HL2 preorder t-shirts.

    well... you WILL get girls... but only the ones who also are HL-fans. And then you can get matching Gordon/Gina costumes... aaw, how cute.... *wakes up* damn, dreaming again... :(
  14. Nathaniel

    HL2 preorder t-shirts.

    MagnetoHead you daft shrimp... OF COURSE they're there AFTER they're released :P * Nathaniel falls over due to MagneticHeads daftness :D [edit] and btw, mine's in the /Programs/ folder :)
  15. Nathaniel

    HL2 preorder t-shirts.

    * Nathaniel opens door to cache "hello?" * Nathaniel looks around a bit "heeeere, video video video"
  16. Nathaniel

    Half-Life 2 CS style weapons system?

    btw, this topic has been discussed before :P I am all for the one-weapon approach, since running around with 15 weapons at once is totally unrealistic. also, it wouldn't be all bad is they could do like a belt-model with grenades haniging off it when you picked up some greandes :)
  17. Nathaniel

    Gordan's HEV Suit

    yeah, but that's concept art, not the real, finished model. I say we wait until the game ships and we get to see the final model. (and for all you nitpickers: if the HEV is the same, shouldn't the HUD be exactly the same too? they can't just go around and changing one thing without changing...
  18. Nathaniel

    Gordan's HEV Suit

    How come it's either the original HEV-suit down to the last detail, or no suit at all? maybe it's gotten a few upgrades during the 15 years in between, maybe it's an entirely new model, maybe it's an entirely different, new kind of protective gear. I'm just saying maybe here... :)
  19. Nathaniel

    Gas masks that the Combine Use

    hey, any excuse is good enough for getting a gasmask :D I'd love to have one on my wall, it'd go nice with all my band-posters.
  20. Nathaniel

    People who are worried about physics in MP

    I suppose it might be like this - player gets shot - angle of shots get's sent to server - server decides that player dies - server decides simple coordinates of how he should fall, based on fire-angle - client renders the fall although I admit I know nothing of these sorts of...