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  1. H

    Adam, how's your HL2 Techdemo project (pt2) coming along?

    how do you load up the map?
  2. H

    +++++New Movie+++++

    its chinese fool
  3. H

    what resolution will you be playing at.

    I wonder how my radeon 9000pro128mb will do at 1024x768 (I cant stand anything lower than that)
  4. H

    Direct X 8 shaders vs Direct X 9 shaders images

    you never specified that people who boast about their cards are morons.. you made it sound like all ppl who bought Ati cards are morons. You moron :)
  5. H

    technical question about graphic card..

    800mhz wont be a bottleneck dumbasses.. 800mhz would give you lower framerates when rendering all the physics and etc but wont bottleneck the gfx at all. Why do you think a crappy CPU with a high end gfx card does much better than a great CPU with an average gfx card in 3dmark?
  6. H

    Whats The Best Upgrade Choice: Vid card Or CPU+Mobo ?

    your OLD system is my dream system. I have a p3 1.0gig, 700 or so SDRAM, and radeon 9000 pro
  7. H

    Last game you were this excited about...

    warcraft3.. shit I was so happy when I first got my hands on it.. I drooled all over the box. But then my cd broke so I cant play nemore
  8. H

    Will HL2 get perfect reviews?

    graphics- 10/10 gameplay- 10/10 value- 10/10 sound- 8or9/10 roXXorness- 10/10 so prob 9.9 or 9.8
  9. H

    help steam dont start

    ok now it loaded and I was lucky enough that steam didnt freeze up on me.. but now it says the game is unavailable at the time.. hmm wth is goin on
  10. H

    help steam dont start

    my steams not starting.. I double click it and it doesnt load.. then I do that about a million more times and it still doesnt load. But when I CTRL+ALT+DEL, I can see steam.exe on the process section.
  11. H

    New Ant Lion vs Old Ant Lion

    so far, from what I've seen, I dont think its worth it to upgrade to a dx9 card since I already have a dx8.1 card and dont see much of a difference between em which I care about.
  12. H

    Down with steam! Show your support!

    damn I hate steam so much :( :( ... I wish itd work..
  13. H

    Steam Crash Gallery

    for me, when I double click steam, it doesnt even load.. but when I ctrl+alt+del, I see steam on the process section. Then after about 3-5min, it loads. After that, if I am lucky, it doesnt freeze. If I am lucky and it doesnt freeze, I cant run a single game b/c it keeps saying preparing to run...
  14. H

    Video Card Prices And Numbers - Are you getting what your paying for???

    doom3 uses about 80mb of vid ram I hear. by the time games need 256mb, you would have a radeon 15000 or something like that
  15. H

    ****Steam Now Works Perfectly****

    it was not working at all for me. Just about all the problems listed on these forums happened to me. I got so freaking frustrated with steam I uninstalled it and now I am happy.
  16. H

    what survival skills did you use in half life 1 and will

    I liked playing at about 40-50 hp since it was more challenging
  17. H

    Video Card Prices And Numbers - Are you getting what your paying for???

    I can get radeon 9600 pro for about $180 canadian :)
  18. H

    Why cant i play games on steam?

    steam sucks btw :)
  19. H

    How much of a difference?

    its arrrrrnuld btw, the diff between dx8 and dx9 isnt very much, at least for me (I would never notice any of that when an antlion guard or a strider charges at me :cool: ).
  20. H

    128 or 256?

    gorgon.. you're wrong.. just accept it