Will HL2 get perfect reviews?


May 28, 2003
Reaction score
I've never seen a game get a perfect 100%. I've seen 5 out of 5 stars etc, but from PCGamer, never seen a 100%. Do you think HL2 is capable, or will they throw them a wussy 97% of some such. That reminds me, I think PC Gamer gave the original HL a 97%. Rawr.
PC Gamer UK has only ever rewarded 96% to one game. That game was Half-Life.

100% will never happen because they'll always be something about a game that someone won't like. And the way games are reviewed, I think they'll have to be a staff meeting before they reward any game a really high mark.
I highest rating PCGamer ever gave was a 98% to Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. I remember because it used to be my favorite game :D

(HL1 got a 97%.)
Honestly doubt HL 2 will get 100%.. First of all they will say that the game chugs on anything less then a Radeon 9700pro 2ghz system causing all this hype about catering to the lower end systems a bunch of hogwash. Secondly, the game will have some issues no doubt as all do, such as clipping/bugs/lag causing them not to score it the perfect 100%. But I can almost guarantee that it will be up there with the original HL at around 97% if it's as good as Valve has stated it being.
Originally posted by TAZ
Honestly doubt HL 2 will get 100%.. First of all they will say that the game chugs on anything less then a Radeon 9700pro 2ghz system causing all this hype about catering to the lower end systems a bunch of hogwash. Secondly, the game will have some issues no doubt as all do, such as clipping/bugs/lag causing them not to score it the perfect 100%. But I can almost guarantee that it will be up there with the original HL at around 97% if it's as good as Valve has stated it being.

Erm, you do realise that you don't have to have all the details on. You can turn some of them off.

The first Half-Life probably didn't run that great on the top end systems of 1998 at full resolution.
no i don't think perfect....but don't get me wrong i would LOVE IT TO!

but nothing is perfect.

for a game to be perfect it will have to be GR8 SP AND MP.....no bugs, easy to control, not TOO hard as a game it's self errrrm also what about the hardware. i don't think hl2 will get 100% cause it needs alot of good hardware. so the only thing that will get it down, is that you will have to pay ALOT for your PC to hack it maybe.
graphics- 10/10
gameplay- 10/10
value- 10/10
sound- 8or9/10
roXXorness- 10/10
so prob 9.9 or 9.8
Half-Life 2 doesn't NEED a lot of good Hardware. It would just LIKE a lot of good hardware.

The game will run on a 700mhz with a TNT2, it just won't look very good. Game reviewers only lower marks based on performance if there's noticable slowdown on high end systems even with some of the details turned off.
Originally posted by Feath
Erm, you do realise that you don't have to have all the details on. You can turn some of them off.

The first Half-Life probably didn't run that great on the top end systems of 1998 at full resolution.

Umm.. I know that.. but there is a huge difference between most min requirement specs and recommend specs... A min Requirement allows you to play the game, but not as good as the recommended specs which most gamers will actually enjoy the experience.

MIN REQ - 32 meg Gfx card, 800 mhz cpu

Recommend - 128 meg ATI Radeon 9700/9800 pro , 2 ghz cpu

20-30 fps , low res , no features

50-60 fps high res all features

Which would you rather play? :)
yes but what i am saying is....

the pros, well there will be countless somany gr8 things.

the cons

all i can think of is 1 that they MIGHT say which is....

"if you want to experience it to the full expect a very up to date pc"
Schweppes, Abomination told you on the other thread to stop it, so stfu
gameplay 10 (SO TRUE)
sound 10
value 10 (def)
but there has to be somethin. i mean i myself will give it 100%!!! cause i mean even the modding is suppose to be easy!

but what is perfect in the game world!
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
Gamespot gave one of the Tony Hawk games a 10.0...it was either tony hawk 2 or 3, but they're all the same

EDIT: It was tony hawk 3, http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/sports/tonyhawksproskater3/index.html

That's PS2. It was better for PC but got a much lower score, because PC have alost infinite possibilities and PS2 sucks.

The first Half-Life probably didn't run that great on the top end systems of 1998 at full resolution.

I had a medium to high end system when HL1 was released and ran it at any resolution I wanted, but not in OpenGL...

HL2 WILL run on a very low-end system as long as you tur of stuff, and since it's one of the first DX9-games and the first game I've seen where you can turn of DX9-features to get better performance, noone ca complain about the graphics.

There are extremely many small features in the game and if what Valve keeps secret is as good as what we know, the game should get perhaps even better reviews than HL. Of course, some reviewers won't care about mod-abilities and such.
Honestly doubt HL 2 will get 100%.. First of all they will say that the game chugs on anything less then a Radeon 9700pro 2ghz system causing all this hype about catering to the lower end systems a bunch of hogwash. Secondly, the game will have some issues no doubt as all do, such as clipping/bugs/lag causing them not to score it the perfect 100%. But I can almost guarantee that it will be up there with the original HL at around 97% if it's as good as Valve has stated it being.

umm, yah, no. It doesnt chug full settings with a 9600pro only $152 here unless you think 46 frames is chugging.
MIN REQ - 32 meg Gfx card, 800 mhz cpu

Recommend - 128 meg ATI Radeon 9700/9800 pro , 2 ghz cpu

20-30 fps , low res , no features

50-60 fps high res all features

have you seen the benchmarks????? Idiot...

the 9600pro kicks ass. Unless you want to run it at 1600x1200, but i think 1200x960 is fine with me.
And anyway, remembering a few interviews, it has been stated that the detail will automatically change if the game is experiencing unplayable framerates.
Originally posted by TAZ
Umm.. I know that.. but there is a huge difference between most min requirement specs and recommend specs... A min Requirement allows you to play the game, but not as good as the recommended specs which most gamers will actually enjoy the experience.

MIN REQ - 32 meg Gfx card, 800 mhz cpu

Recommend - 128 meg ATI Radeon 9700/9800 pro , 2 ghz cpu

20-30 fps , low res , no features

50-60 fps high res all features

Which would you rather play? :)

20-30 fps hi res all features (yeah readeon 9600...im gonna buy it)
no game, NO GAME is worthy of 100%.
absolute max is 98% in my book.
I except it will be 92-98% in 90% of reviews, with a few oddities in the 70’s and 80’s. I’ve never seen a game everyone loved and I’ve never seem the main stream game press give anything better than 98%
100% would be better than reality...I expect a rating in the middle 90's (if valve doesn't screws up on MP, now that'd suck). However, knowing germany, after all the mesures taken to make it more youth-appropriate and the dubbing (someone would still have to sample it, and translate it into german...), it will most likely get a high 80 in germany for the german version.
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
Schweppes, Abomination told you on the other thread to stop it, so stfu

Stop what? I was expressing my disdain for Gamespot. So how about you calm.....down....
its gonna get 94-97% by pczone/pcgamer imo
All I know is that I won't give a hat about the reviews for the first month, I'll be playing the hell out of it, once I emerge from my cave, then I'll read some other opinions ; )
Or HL2 could be a victim of the sequel curse and turn out bad.

Not being as good as the first...

Hypothetically of course.:o :eek:
What If Half-Life 2 turned out to be crap? Imagine, you open your new PC GAMER magazine with a big HL2 logo slapped across the front cover. Definitive review! it says. You turn to the review, and to your horror it says 55%!! Although I would personally still buy it to see what the hell is wrong with it..
no. no game can get perfect reviews.. all reviews are atleast 50% subjective, and everyone's different.. on average it will do better than any other game though.
If it turns out as good as I think it will, I'm guessing PC Gamer will give it a 96%-98%. 98% is the highest they have ever given.
Or HL2 could be a victim of the sequel curse and turn out bad.

Not being as good as the first...

A lot of people will think this, because they haven't played the original HL in quite along time.
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
Pong got a 11/10 by gamespot in 1972.

lol nice one m8. :dork:
Anyways I think it will get ALOT of 5/5 and 10/10 but when u have 100 marks that has to be right its too easy to find something wrong... So I dont think 100% will happen well not for the serious testers anyways.

For me over 90% is the same as a 100 (read: 10) in my book :)
Nothing ever gets 100%, there's always something wrong, something that was put in the game that other people like, and other people dislike.
Imho the problem with review rating systems is that all ratings given are too high and often not worked out 'mathematically' at all.

One would assume that the whole reason in using the percent system in the first place was so that games could be rated out of 100 thus giving a large capacity for different ratings and a more precise score (again imho better than this 4 out of 5 stars business).

The problem seems to be, as each game came out and a certain reviewer was very impressed by it they would rate it far too highly, thus requiring them to push up the review score of every game they rate thereafter. (you rarely see a game worth buying rated less than 80%). Having worked for a computer magazine myself (PC FORMAT, UK) i know that the ratings that games are given are generally plucked out of thin air.

It is my opinion that any game rated above 75% should be damn near perfect - and lets face it, they more often thant not aren't. Games that are simply 'good' should be more than 50% (which should still mean it's a reasonable game) but nothing, ever should have got more than 90% or even 80%. Some form of review system needs to be formulated by someone with a weighted deterioration over time so you can compare games properly.

I'm a bit tired and i realise that i have rambled and probably not explained very well what i was trying to say.... but well it's been bugging me for a while. Everything is rated too high goddamnit.

Zzz... :|
i hope they give it a F- so we can all be spared by the 10 year old nubs that just buy games cause they get good reviews from a biased gamer that dosnt even like shooters.