Steam Crash Gallery


Aug 20, 2003
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I'm starting this thread inspired by the Microsoft Crash Gallery.

I want to make a note as to why I'm starting the thread. I'm not bashing Steam, it's an excellent concept, but with less then desireble implementation. I hope to bring attention to its defects, so that they mey be fixed in the future. Without further ado:

Part I - Steam Bugs


Got this just after spawning into a TFC server running dustbowl. I still can't play dustbowl.


This seems to be a common error in Steam.


I can't decide whether to play Checkers or...Checkers.


As you can see, it's asking me if I want to close a game of Go, although I'm playing Chess. This is actually the symptom of another problem, windows which you've closed a while ago seem to pop up again later, sometimes more then once. Alas, I was indeed playing Go two or three minutes before this window appeared.


I'm pretty sure this is a steam error...


Note the strange character in Dunsel's name...this seems to occur when there is only one player on a server.


This is probably related to the content servers being down...but what the hell is a Steam Ticket?

If you have any images of the likewise, go ahead and put them on the net and PM me, or if you need a host I can do that too. Try to save them as a png.

Part II - Steam Complaints

I'm going to spare you the "omfg theres not enough content servers" part, my complaints with Steam hold more weight.

First off Valve, I think Steam was a good idea. If it was only the content servers that had needed upgrading, you guys would be in pretty good shape. However, in your shift from the beta version to the full client, you indroduced alot of bugs. Don't you guys betatest your software, forgive the pun? There's so many things that could have easily been solved by the programmer when he wrote it... Sometimes I get the impression that Valve rushed Steam to gold simply so they would be on schedule for HL2. Here's a small list of minor things that irk me:

-Copy/paste doesn't work (for me) and doesn't copy line returns (for anyone)
-Run Steam.exe while Steam is running and it will complain that Steam is running. Can't it just open the Steam window?
-Steam can never decide if it's updating a game or not.
-Steam takes almost an entire minute to boot, and doesn't seem to shut down. Half an hour after I "Exit Steam", Steam.exe is still truckin away.
-Steam is not robust, and cannot cover for it's mistakes. It leaves many stray files around the disk, and will not resume an interrupted process (i.e. converting files during installation.)
-Steam cannot account for processes it spawns. Oftentimes, an already-running version of hl.exe will cause Steam to refuse to run another copy. Win98 users, who are not able to manually kill this process, will be stuck rebooting their computer.

(PM me and I'll add to the list.)

Lastly, I must complain about the closedness of Steam. Sometimes I feel that Valve is taking lessons on business from Microsoft, and I'm not suprised looking at Gabe's former profession. Steam gives unambiguous messages that mean nothing to the end user. For example, while installing, I read a message that went something like, "Pre-loading files from disk." What on earth does pre-loading mean? What is it for? Why do I need it? What are you pre-loading? Where are you pre-loading it to? How long does it take? Why is it taking so long? I'm also informed that during this stage of the installation, Steam was contacting the Steam servers constantly, and since the Steam servers were slow, so was my installation. I would have never known this looking at my installation screen. "Pre-loading files from disk" is only a step above a useless message such as "Steam is doing...something."

End users are frustrated by vague messages, and programs that don't respond. How hard is it to throw us a bone as to what's going on with our own computer? Instead of "Preparing to play Team Fortress Classic..." why not a more informative message such as, "Checking Steam Servers for updated content" or "Starting hl.exe -console -game tfc" ? What's so hard about this, Valve? If you would simply throw us a small bone as to what's going on, I can guaruntee you that the number of complaints you will get about how stupid Steam is will be cut in dead half. Also, don't forget progress indicators while booting, shutting down, etc. In fact...put them everywhere.

And now, follows is discussion by other people at who feel the same way I do, who want to list some problems they have about Steam. Try not to mention the content servers, Valve knows about this. Also, try not to just say "I agree", say why, say something useful.
^good read. this is probally another reason why i dont like steam or dont care to download it.
Great post. In their defence, I suspect that until now Steam has been worked on by only one guy (Erik?). The software shows all the signs of that. I don't think the UI is that well-thought out at all, and I agree with the points you make about the unhelpful messages.

[Steam just crashed as I was writing this... :)]

Hopefully, as HL hits 'gold' they can draft manpower from HL2 itself onto Steam and fix the bugs.
ere's another one


  • ihateyousteam.gif
    7 KB · Views: 645
god...I'm afraid of downloading STEAM lol...seriously, can't get myself to download it with all the errors and problems people post about, especially knowing that my system already acts more weird than I'd like it to.
Think thats bad?

Ha, you think thats bad? If I try to connect to a steam server (or downlaod updates for games), my internet connection stops working all I was hoping it was a beta problem that would be fixed...guess not.
Hey idiot try running SCANDISK on your computer s it seems you haven't done that in a few years I'm guessing.
for me, when I double click steam, it doesnt even load.. but when I ctrl+alt+del, I see steam on the process section. Then after about 3-5min, it loads. After that, if I am lucky, it doesnt freeze. If I am lucky and it doesnt freeze, I cant run a single game b/c it keeps saying preparing to run game or something like that.. and sometimes I get the debug assertion failed thingy.. I tried both the old steam alone version and steam+CS version.. but ended up with same results. I havent got any game to work on steam yet..

edt: aww GREAT!! now it doenst even load..:x :x
When I join a server of Natural-Selection, few seconds later I get disconnected.

Vino mentioned pretty much all of the problems ..
Works perfect for me.

But I've managed to download all the content. Seriously, wait a few days for the content servers to die down. Things are a bit overloaded at the moment.

This is not the worst non beta release, it's just one of the bigger releases. There was a limited user base in the Beta so they didn't pick up on the UI bug. Valve know about this and are going to try to sort it out. Be patient.

And Erik Johnson is merely the project head of Steam. I don't even think he knows how to program. John Cook and Taylor Sherman are working on Steam developement (And probably a few other people).
Thanks guys. There's three images up there, but I'm only going to include the third, as the first two are simply a result of the content servers being down, which are not bugs/crashes in themselves. Actually, on second thought, I'll include that first one as well, just because the error message is so stupid.

EDIT: It seems that these boards bite, and I can't edit my original post. Well then, I'll simply mirror that third post for those who don't have access to the boards.

When the network is pumping, i just got up 7.00am in uk, you guys must be all asleep. I got a CS game no problem for the first time and I have to say, when the network is working, its wonderful.

Really fast server refreshes, love the new console/interface/menu system for CS.

Everything seems faster and more responsive and less laggy than before.

No more waiting for WON every time you try to connect to a game, connecting to a server is so fast now.

CS with 32bit colour and high resolution looks great now.

Mouse seems better at the very high resolutions now than it used to be.

I am well impressed.

The problem with steam is when the network isn't giving it this instant feedback, it becomes a pig of an app, hanging and sitting there, not keeping you updated as to what is wrong. "not responding" in task manager is also common. If they update it to give the user more feedbak on what is IS or IS NOT doing, it would be great.
you gotta be kidding me mike.
first of all, steam doesn't load half the time, but that's not the point here i just wanted to bring it up.
my problem is how long it takes to join a game, and be in the game.

let's say steam is already running, i click on cs, and launch CS.
i'm greeted with a somewhat nice background image, but the whole experience once some kind of loading bar shows up, feels unstable and like it's eating up all my resources.

i click on find servers > refresh > connect.
and yeah, now i can go and make myself a coffee.
seriously, up to this point it has taken wayy too long.

not only that, but when the server changes maps, i'm kicked out.
and this is for all servers.
in 1.5 i could just click esc or ~ to do a retry, but the whole of 1.6 just feels buggy and unstable.
so basically i can't play on any servers more than how one map lasts.

later yesterday, i fired up ASE, connected to a pub in 1.5, and boy, it felt great. i was in the game in like.. 10 seconds.
I WANT THIS STABILITY BACK IN 1.6, not to mention the extremely fast loading times.
I'm with mikesux. When the content servers don't have much strain on them, the game works perfectly fine for me.
but this doesn't have anything to do with the content servers..
actually when i downloaded cs, it didn't take very long, i got 50 kb/s till it was done.
my point is, if i exit my game of cs, it's very unlikely that it will run again sucessfully.
now my machine may not be a monster of a box, but i expected the smoothness of 1.5 to transfer to 1.6
if i want to play, i have to consider this: "do i really want to wait for steam to load? "i mean i can't do anything else or it won't load at all"
"what if the remote server is almost done with the map? "I would have to reboot because steam would crash cs on me".

and i could go on.. oh god i hate the day when won goes down.
It took me all day, but I think I've finally figured out a (mostly) Steamproof way to get Steam to work properly (aside from actually being able to connect to the servers due to all the content servers being hosed).

First, get all the cache files downloaded. I personally want to set up a torrent with them all in it so you can avoid further hosing the servers. I mean, I've got the whole thing zipped an it's only 500 or so megs.

Next, you're probablly going to want to uninstall Steam, because, if you're like me, Steam has stopped working at this point, or something.

Next, Reinstall Steam! Now, drop those cache files into the SteamApps directory.

Exit Steam. Start Steam again. You've got your games now!

Now, individually start each and every game so that all of it's non-cache files have been generated.

Dump any mods that you really like into the Half-Life directory under steamapps.

Watch in awe as THOSE work, but DOD, CS, and anything else DOESN'T.

No, I'm not bitter. Just annoyed that they didn't add swarming content delivery before this huge giant god damned release.
Originally posted by harhar
for me, when I double click steam, it doesnt even load.. but when I ctrl+alt+del, I see steam on the process section. Then after about 3-5min, it loads. After that, if I am lucky, it doesnt freeze. If I am lucky and it doesnt freeze, I cant run a single game b/c it keeps saying preparing to run game or something like that.. and sometimes I get the debug assertion failed thingy.. I tried both the old steam alone version and steam+CS version.. but ended up with same results. I havent got any game to work on steam yet..

edt: aww GREAT!! now it doenst even load..:x :x
Aww man, you too? I hate that! We better send an email to Erik and tell him or something..
btw, does anyone know what this is all about..??


  • steam-error-wth.png
    4.1 KB · Views: 461
This is by far the worst program I have ever downloaded, not only is it big brother, but it doesn't even work! :D

(No it doesn't even load for me either)
Let's see... Steam crashes about 50 of the time I try to start it. For some weird reason, clicking on the games button seems to crash Steam everytime.
Originally posted by tewmten
btw, does anyone know what this is all about..??

It means you put in an invalid cd key... I put in mine and got the same thing, I guess someone used a generated one that was like mine ;(
It worked fine yesterday, but today it's giving all sorts of crap...
And again!

Edit: forgot to attach second pic, and i cant delete this post, what a mess...

"Attempt to read from virtul address 32 without appropriate access rights"... whatever the fudge that means
This is hilarious, gamespy provided a content server and they are actually LEECHING bandwidth!!!
Steam just uninstalled HL for me so i must download it again.
Yeah I've got the same problem with Day of Defeat. I've been trying to get it back for 2 days now. It's finally downloading ("ready to play in about 3097 minutes and 26 seconds") and if I uncheck "launch game as soon as it's ready" it'll stop downloading.
Remember the problem where games you could play with friends would mirror image? Well it appears to be getting worse!



Remember guys, stay on topic, post here non-bandwidth related issues you've had with steam, and screenshots of bugs!
Bugs/crap ups I get:

1) Can't connect (like most people)
2) Clicking the "Games" section takes ages (like most people)
3) No Children (like most people)
and a couple more mentioned here.

1s I haven't seen mentioned here that I get:
1) Changing Video settings in a game makes it so that "Game is unavailable, try again later" when I try to reconnect.

2) Sometimes games I have cached (HL, CS, DoD) appear to be not there when they are, so I have to restart Steam or restart the computer for them to appear in Steam and this doesn't guarentee it. With this it says I need to download them when I go to play them, when I click Install the window disappears and it acts as though the window never came up in the 1st place and same when I try it again.

3) I can't play anything through the WON system since I installed the new Steam, I could with the beta installed.

4) Since I installed the new Steam, when I start up my computer and don't open anything an etra 60Mb of Memory is being used up, even though Steam isn't set to open when Windows starts.

5) Just remembered, I never had to enter a CD-Key for some reason.
i think the one with the weird character in a persons name means the owner of a server
No, I'm the person in Vino's picture (with the funny first char in my name), and I'm not the owner or admin of any server.

I think the first person to join, or the person in the server's #1 slot is given that funny char. I can't be sure, but it seems like at least one player on almost every server has that flaw with the display of their name in steam's server browser.
Rofl, hi Dunsel. Sorry to make you the subject of a bug, but your name looked best with the funny-lookin thing in it :P

Originally posted by ilh
1) Changing Video settings in a game makes it so that "Game is unavailable, try again later" when I try to reconnect.

Make sure you kill any stray hl.exe processes you have running.

5) Just remembered, I never a CD-Key for some reason. [/B]

This is normal. It pulls it up from the cache automatically, you have HL installed.
I've just looked through about 12 servers player lists for this "weird character", it's a sqaure over the 1st letter. It appeared on the name who was top as they came (no sorting) apart from on 1 server where it was on the 2nd guy.
If you click the "Games" button to soon after starting steam it will freze for like 5 minutes :eek: