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  1. H

    128 or 256?

    gorgon dont post stuff that you have absolutely no knowledge about. Recent games dont even come close to using 128mb vid ram (including HL2, and DOOM3).
  2. H

    Half Life 2 Gold Date Tomorrow

    and why the hell would anyone feel the need to WRITE in ebonics?? retards..
  3. H


    I am 250lbs, 4% body fat, bench 350lbs and can do up to 380lbs on a good day so stfu.
  4. H

    help me on steam

    I just installed steam and it converted all my files except my opposing force b/c it just kept saying converting for like 40 mins and I forced steam to shut down. After that, I ran steam and I go click on DoD (same goes for all other games) and after a looong wait, nothing is happening.. someone...
  5. H

    steam.. damnit

    my bad... I didnt know I was still on HL2 general disc forum..
  6. H

    Half Life 2 Gold Date Tomorrow

    can you find it plz? I wanna make sure
  7. H

    steam.. damnit

    I just installed steam and it converted all my files except my opposing force b/c it just kept saying converting for like 40 mins and I forced steam to shut down. After that, I ran steam and I go click on DoD and after a looong wait, nothing is happening.. someone help me :flame: :flame:
  8. H

    Half Life 2 Gold Date Tomorrow

    its prob delayed.. damn teh PHL guy is right...
  9. H

    You Are A Pretty Sad Individual If...

    dont get the 256.. get 128. No game hits 256 and by the time any game hits 256, there will be much faster next-gen cards and you would want to upgrade to one of those.
  10. H

    Typical work day at Valve?

    hes good
  11. H

    3 new videos on steam.

    dl rad vid tools.. click on the vid you want to play and click on advanced play. Then go to blitting style and choose the direct draw to surface. Then play the video. Problem is solved
  12. H

    Only 60fps at 1024x768

    my p3 1000 768 sdram radeon 9000 pro 128mb will do fine :) 25-30 fps is what I am aiming for at 1028x768 with mid settings
  13. H

    What have you done for Half-Life 2 lately????

    ...umm ya..
  14. H

    Half-Life 2 praised by Microsoft

    microsoft is very greedy. Reason = needs activation, no source code (equates to very buggy OS) Although I hate windows so much, I still have to use it due to the fact that almost all games only come out on windows/mac. oh and btw, mac sucks more than MS.
  15. H

    P.C Specs What is a C128?

    yes... but it wont be enoough if you want to play HL2 in mid-high settings. Get a diff card.. radeon 9200 is worse than radeon 9000.
  16. H

    The mistake in traptown movie(the answer)

    does he sound like a decent person to you?
  17. H

    are they serious?

    basically what he is saying is 1. Play SP 2. Connect to steam play MP 3. Disconnect from steam 4. Cannot play SP 5. Reconnect to steam 6. Play SP 7. From now on, you have to be online to play HL2 SP. Same goes for other steam-bought games.
  18. H

    The mistake in traptown movie(the answer)

    and still, the fact remains, HL2 is gonna rock. Why would you want criticize a game that didnt even come out yet? All we saw so far are not final.. edit: agreed wit the previous poster
  19. H

    New steam movie on teh way

    buggy, strider, new movie would be great
  20. H

    Tunnels Movie question...

    It seems that you have never played HL1... the point is that you are gordon and not some camera that follows around gordon whenever he climbs up a ladder