You Are A Pretty Sad Individual If...

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I've been looking at these screenshots for 10 minutes now. They compare the DX9 shaders in HalfLife2 to the 8.1 and 8 shaders, I guess. I don't know much about video cards, but if you're willing to shell out a considerable amount of cash to replace your NVIDIA card so it supports DX9 features, then you're a pretty sad individual or one with too much money to spend.

The only difference I can see is a miniscule difference in the water. Is this what everyone's up in arms about!? Jesus...
Well, nobody really knows why Nvidia is falling behind. I mean, they claim their DX 9 performance is absolute crap. But, it could possibly be just the drivers. We don't know yet until they release the Det 50s'.
I guess its hard show all differences with 1 screenshot. I guess there are tons of other small things - which in total creates a great leap in creating a immersive atmosphere.
those are bad screenshots... they show hardly any dx9 features... load up the new movie that was released today, you will be missing alot of those features
DX 9 capable cards dish out more fps you git, that's the difference.
That's probably not the best screen shot to show off the better features of dx9. The soft shadows and the pixel shader (ps2) is what people are looking at dx9 for. However dx 8 cards like geforce 3 and 4 cards can do pixel shaders (ps1 though) albiet at a lower standard.

I bought my gf4 card about a year ago and in that time I have yet to buy a game which has used any of it's additional chipset features. Games just have biggger textures and look nicer at higher res these days.

I've been waiting a long time for a game to make use of the features I do have, I'm not about to go out and waste £300 on a new card just for a couple more features, especially when both nvidia and ati have new chipsets in the offing, which more than likely will hit us before xmas and drive the price of the fx 5900 and the 9800 pro down to a much more sensible price.

In short I agree ;-)
Just a sidenote, the guy who wrote the article comes off as a real arrogant ATI fanboy... like in a "Oh by the way, we just looked at pricewatch... ATI is the best value! Not saying anything... just... you know... BUY ATI CAUSE THEY ARE PAYING THE BILLS!" It makes reading them sound really stupid, plus NVIDIA comes out with a statement trying to defend themselves, but before you get to read the statement, you read through all the "Well we told you so" comments from Gamersdepot...

Too bad Gamespy didn't cover something like this. They aren't biased...
bah i will never believe any nvidia statements from now on
"DX 9 capable cards dish out more fps you git, that's the difference." The cards do tend to give more fps due to more recent processors but not necassarily. DX9 has very little to do with fps, it has to do with what it the card is acapable of putting in those frames. The processing power of the gf4 Ti4600 is better than mainstream gf fx cards and isn't far off the 9600 pro. It just doesn't have the nice effects.

GF4 is still a damn good card. The 9700 pro and 9800pro are drastcially better but you'll get a good frame rate on hl2 out of a gf4, just not as high detail or as good effects.
The screenshot is lousy, end of story. It shows absolutely nothing. The rooftop movie shows alot more.
Originally posted by Heleos

I've been looking at these screenshots for 10 minutes now. They compare the DX9 shaders in HalfLife2 to the 8.1 and 8 shaders, I guess. I don't know much about video cards, but if you're willing to shell out a considerable amount of cash to replace your NVIDIA card so it supports DX9 features, then you're a pretty sad individual or one with too much money to spend.

The only difference I can see is a miniscule difference in the water. Is this what everyone's up in arms about!? Jesus...

i tottally agree, thats why im using my ti 4600, i cant tell a difference in those pics.
Originally posted by MoJo|Night
"DX 9 capable cards dish out more fps you git, that's the difference." The cards do tend to give more fps due to more recent processors but not necassarily. DX9 has very little to do with fps, it has to do with what it the card is acapable of putting in those frames. The processing power of the gf4 Ti4600 is better than mainstream gf fx cards and isn't far off the 9600 pro. It just doesn't have the nice effects.

GF4 is still a damn good card. The 9700 pro and 9800pro are drastcially better but you'll get a good frame rate on hl2 out of a gf4, just not as high detail or as good effects.

Have you seen the benchmarks??? How can I explain this to you without having anyone call me a fanboy... nevermind I can't, not on these forums.
what differences can u expect in a wall without any light features?
makes me wonder..
fps *check*
effects *check*
Yup, i think its a good decision to buy a card capable in playing hl2 with good resolution and the effects it has to offer..
"Have you seen the benchmarks??? How can I explain this to you without having anyone call me a fanboy... nevermind I can't, not on these forums."

I'm not gonna call you a fanboy but go to the anandtech benchmark and ignore the nvidia fx stats and look at the gf4 stats, cosidering it was running with the same detail levels etc as the radeon cards it did a decent enough job. Good enough to persuade me to let my bank manager keep the £300 i was gonna add to my debt anyway.
These graphic card threads are getting old, its like im watching tons of reruns.
lol I would buy the 9800 pro if i cared that much about how the game looks, I'm more interested in playing it. 800x600 with 2 x AA on dx8 graphics will suit me down to the ground thanks very much.
Originally posted by Ele
what differences can u expect in a wall without any light features?
makes me wonder..
fps *check*
effects *check*
Yup, i think its a good decision to buy a card capable in playing hl2 with good resolution and the effects it has to offer..

Yeah, but I still have a card capable of running HL2 just fine (gf4 ti) so for me it's a waste of that extra money for a couple of features.
Originally posted by MoJo|Night
lol I would buy the 9800 pro if i cared that much about how the game looks, I'm more interested in playing it. 800x600 with 2 x AA on dx8 graphics will suit me down to the ground thanks very much.

I'm pulling your leg buddy, besides you bought a card last year and if you were to buy a card right now you would not profit from your previous purchase : )
Attachment: gabe.jpg
This has been downloaded 18 time(s).

Haha, that's excellent. It looks like Gabe is using the Force to choke helpless victims. Gabe Newell is Darth Vader!
I watched the rooftop video, and if what they were trying to show off was the reflections? I can definatly live without that, actually I disliked that, but anyways if it's something else then oh well, looks like I don't get that. I don't know whatever happened to people actually liking games for gameplay rather than graphics I learned that a while ago.
er, some of you guys don't seem to be able to read without misquoting. the gf4 does not get anywhere near the 9800 in those benchmarks, reason, because its not dx9, the graph showing its fps at a reasonable level, shows the dx8 levels, not dx9, which of course, the gf4 isn't capable of.
Also, despite those example comparrison pictures being quite bad for the purpose they are being used for, if you can't see any difference in them, you need glasses or a better monitor. If you can't see the notched up graphics then fair enough, you personally will not benifit from such a nice card and game, save your money and keep the lower spec card you have.
agree, if those 3 water pictures show the difference in what the game will look like, i'm glad i still have my gf4 and didnt decide to upgrade
Yeah paint me to much money. Tomorrow I will be the proud owner of a 9800 Pro 256. What did I base it on? Bench Marks, Pictures, Words of Gabe, AND for the future. Yes I could wait but I had the money now. So before you judge anyone take a look in the mirror and worry about yourself first. It is MY money not yours. By crack with yours as much as I care and I will buy a video card with mine. Other then that have a happy day.
i dont even know why you posted this- now all the people that brought dx9 cards must come in and start defending their reason for buying the new cards-to someone who has dx8 there may not seem to be a big difference- but to the person that shelled out the big bucks theres a difference and they must let everyone know about it.
Originally posted by kinggi
i dont even know why you posted this- now all the people that brought dx9 cards must come in and start defending their reason for buying the new cards-to someone who has dx8 there may not seem to be a big difference- but to the person that shelled out the big bucks theres a difference and they must let everyone know about it.
Yes and no. Me I was sitting nicely on the sides and trying not to comment (on any of these threads) but it just became to much of a strain :) and I decided to let one of these numbnuts know it is quite frankly none of their business what I or anyone else does with their money. You can "B&M" about the two companies and pledge your allegience to one or both, but when it comes to someone elses choice you have no comment on it. They have to live with whatever choice they made, not you. Now if they were buyng a video card and not getting food for their family then by all means make a stink.
you obviously dont need the latest and greatest to play hl2, a lot of those benchmarks were based on really high quality with all the fancy stuff on. but if u want a decent framerate (at least 60fps) then consider buying a better card in the near future, a radeon 9600 is only like 100$. with the fx cards you have to deal with two things, a lower framerate and worse image quality, and it can only get worse
Originally posted by Aknot
Yeah paint me to much money. Tomorrow I will be the proud owner of a 9800 Pro 256. What did I base it on? Bench Marks, Pictures, Words of Gabe, AND for the future. Yes I could wait but I had the money now. So before you judge anyone take a look in the mirror and worry about yourself first. It is MY money not yours. By crack with yours as much as I care and I will buy a video card with mine. Other then that have a happy day.

dont get the 256.. get 128. No game hits 256 and by the time any game hits 256, there will be much faster next-gen cards and you would want to upgrade to one of those.
Originally posted by harhar
dont get the 256.. get 128. No game hits 256 and by the time any game hits 256, there will be much faster next-gen cards and you would want to upgrade to one of those.
While I do appreciate your advice this is something I have never been able to do (top of the line purchase). I will probably NEVER do it again. I will also be buying another proc and fan. If I have enough left over DVD burner. I had thought about a whole new system but with the new chip and VC I should be good for at least four years. I USUALLY buy a VC about every 2 at about $200 a pop so I figure I am still within my "budget". But thanks for the advice that is the same I usually give everyone also. I figure the 256 will help in the long run. Yes I can wait but I got the cash now and have about everything else I will ever need........for now.
Originally posted by Aknot
While I do appreciate your advice this is something I have never been able to do (top of the line purchase). I will probably NEVER do it again. I will also be buying another proc and fan. If I have enough left over DVD burner. I had thought about a whole new system but with the new chip and VC I should be good for at least four years. I USUALLY buy a VC about every 2 at about $200 a pop so I figure I am still within my "budget". But thanks for the advice that is the same I usually give everyone also. I figure the 256 will help in the long run. Yes I can wait but I got the cash now and have about everything else I will ever need........for now.
maybe ill give it a try :) . benchmarks (which cant really be trusted, but still..) show that the 256 and 128 are just about even , the 128s are only about 300 dollars compared to the 400$ 256. actually in some cases the 128 beat the 256, i think it was a latency issue or something, dont quote me on this.
Well everyone has been crying today about "OMG THE GEFORCE SUCKS WE ALL HAVE TO GET ATI'S NOW!" so I decided to post this topic and show you what Valve thinks a $300 upgrade is worth in graphical quality, not to mention throwing out a perfeclty good card just because Microsoft favours ATI.

Perhaps this is a bad screen to post, but it was the one posted by Valve at GamersDepot to show it off, so it must mean something... Everyone is ganging up on GeForce nowadays, and I don't think it's very fair. Microsoft ditch NV for ATI, and lo and behold, there was Microsoft showing off ATI and DX9 this week at the benchmark test.

Don't tell me corporate backstabbing and money wasn't involved in this test. This whole benchmark thing is an advertisement for ATI and Microsoft, just so they can monopolize the graphics card industry as well.