Could be each module contains a/a number of brains and/or other neural networks specifically conditioned to a specific portion of GLaDOS's personality... you never do get to look inside, and each module seems to have its own personality
By the way, I like Darjeeling tea.
Just found this:
It includes links to a picture of the completed cube and instructions on how to do it.
Making it:
Not necessarily lungs... maybe some equivalent though, as some zombies remain submerged under toxic waste for what is conceivably hours without ill effect.
My theory is that Headcrabs can: Store enough oxygen (or whatever they breathe) similar to various crustaceans to last them for a good...
It's really hard to get him to stick, plus any bumps and jumps your car makes will dislodge him. I've had instances where I've lodged him in and he stayed for practically the entire ride, but as soon as you hit a bump, he goes flying...
Still, I just finished the chopper scene by launching...
Well, if you look at the baby Advisors and the full grown one (there's a pic of one around the forums somewhere...), you'll notice that the full-grown one wears a sort of ceremonial potato sack with some runic inscriptions around its collar, plus its mechanical arms are far more robust than the...
It's true: A Magnusson device will stick to even a Strider's leg if you get really lucky, and will fall off if hit by a flechette, but to be honest I tend to launch them from really far away (and pray it sticks) because the Hunters have more trouble hitting a moving target and their volleys only...
Well, between the bloody nose the rebels got in the Silo 2 invasion and the Strider attack, the Advisors also probably incapacitated and ate the brains of all the rebels they went through.
Man, they're turning into zombies... braaaaiiinnnssss~~~~~
Finally got the achievement. After much launching of Gnomissiles, hiding under trains and Gnomebie dodging, I finally managed to seal that little plaster aberration in with Lamarr and launch the rocket. I never want to see that little bugger again.
What if, just what if, the combine Advisors you've seen so far are just barely growing into their telekinetic power? They could be infants as far as powers and capabilities are concerned, and the end result of a fully grown Advisor is something truly, really scary? We see that they can be hurt...
Well, depending on where the Borealis is, weather and terrain conditions COULD make it technically impossible to land a helicopter nearby, or even fly near it. And this is a post-apocalyptic, Combine-dominated world we're talking about, so the helicopters wouldn't exactly be in mint condition...
Whenever I could, I hid behind the car and launched Magnusson devices, and I'd only clear out the hunters after I killed the Striders. Yeah... I quicksave/load a lot. :D
Actually I don't think so. The Combine set them out to cut off access through the three tunnels, so they were clearly expecting somebody to come through.
I finally found my last 2 grubs: In the first chasm where a huge mob of Antlions are hanging around, the Vortigaunt will zap them all and tell you to finish them. At the location they were standing in, look across the chasm and up, there should be 2 grubs that you can't hear (which may be why...
Hey all,
I'm having a little trouble with the Pinata achievement. I can't seem to find the 9th cache, and I've searched all over. I know there are two wall mounted ones and one or two ceiling mounted caches in the first area, four in the area just before the Vortessence, but I can't find the...
Hm, Grub Count: by the time I get to the pounder (vibratory device. :D), I've got 224 grubs. Is this right? (We should keep a running tally so people know roughly if they've got them all)
I have a question: do the 96 grubs include the two just before the loading screen where you end up in the turret camp? I can only seem to get 234 by the third loading... :(
I'm sorry for my seeming ignorance, but is the Orange Box Guide a separate guidebook like Raising the Bar or did it come with the Orange Box physical set? Just curious, because I bought mine through Steam (yeah! Valve gets almost all the money now!)...