I agree. That's not a problem with level scaling though, rather the way Oblivion handled it. Bandits shouldn't have godly gear, it's silly, and as I said above, mobs could be scaled to be any difficulty in relation to your character.
Agreed. You just have to look at the new Fallout games to...
I agree - but isn't that action and rpg meeting in a way that works for both, embracing the blurring of genres that you're against? It's a far cry from what we used to have in the pen and paper days in which there was no trap to see. I wasn't suggesting dropping anything completely btw - it's...
RPGs and action games are blurring into one, and with that the distinction between your personal skill and that of your avatar's. You can't have perception skill dictating whether you can detect a trap or not when you're staring at it in first person. The same is true with real time combat -...
I wasn't arguing for level scaling, rather against levelling as we're used to it fullstop (although i'd choose scaling done well - Oblivion didn't do a good job here - over the way levelling has been traditonally handled). I also fail to see how scaling results in less challenge - isn't that the...
Levelling gives a false sense of progression and is used by devs to heard you through a game - which, in most rpgs, results in you fighting creatures of a similar level anyway - and to cheaply extend play time. In the case of mmos and other free roaming rpgs levelling results in a game world...
I don't want to play all games via my PC. Yes, you can output to any display you like and sit back on your sofa etc etc, but it's not the same. Not even close. I want plug and play devices for certain games and no tweaking required. For other games I want the PC.
Gaming is cheap and...
Considering the life span of this generation - the 360 came out in 2005, the PS3 and Wii were launched in 2006, and their replacements aren't expected for another 2-4 years or so - I have no qualms about buying each console. It works out at around £2 a week. I spend more on gum. Cost isn't an...
And now it sucks again. My last 4 hours have been spent running around either in town or in the swamp - being told to go from place to place and talk to person after person after person. It's endless. There's been the occasional fight, but nothing particularly exciting or remotely taxing. The...
The game has taken a bit of a u -turn for me and i'm enjoying it. It does itself no favours at the start, but now the momentum has built up the hours are flying by and I find myself typing this at 4.30 in the morning!
One of my best mates at school got a scientific calculator for Christmas as his 'main' present - he must have been around 13 at the time - and through a major wobbly. He was convinced he was getting a snes, pushed the Christmas tree over in a rage and ended up in a fist fight with his Dad :eek:
There's no denying current progress - the point is are we progressing as fast as we could and should be? With so many young minds in the world being filled up with baseless 'facts', I think not. Not even close. This is not healthy! - especially during the formative years that determine what kind...
Most of the people on this planet live their lives with irrational, illogical and contradictory beliefs - you honestly believe this isn't holding us back as a species?
Creationist museums exist!
There is no doubt that religion is holding us back scientifically. It teaches people that it's ok to believe in something without evidence - what mindset could be less conducive to scientific method?
A gaming future devoid of party games, sports games, fighting games, platform games, racing games, action/advenuture games ... and Nintendo!!
Yeah, that would be great :rolling: