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  1. derby

    HL2 Source Code

    Yep it made, with an 'interesting' tag...
  2. derby

    HL2 Source Code

    True, I hear the game is actually quite good.
  3. derby

    yes or no, source code real?

    r_ refers to any part of the rendering engine (at least it did in the quake1 source) it's a naming convention, not owned by Id. If valve re-used HL1 code then they may well have bit of GLQuake in there for compatibility - remember they did say source was backwards compatible with HL1
  4. derby

    yes or no, source code real?

    I doubt that very much. Most people think that Id make games just so they call sell the engines, but they make a lot more money from seeling games than licensing engines. Plus they released the whole source code for Quake 1 and 2. So they obviously don't care about squeezing royalties out of Q1...
  5. derby

    yes or no, source code real?

    How do you explain all the parts that couldn't be from HL1, like the manipulator, all the vehicle code, the lip synch code etc. etc.
  6. derby

    yes or no, source code real?

    And I don't think PiMuRho would be happy about anyone posting exceprts or whole pieces of code...
  7. derby

    yes or no, source code real?

    No, I've read through the manipulator code. The code calls it a physics cannon, but it's clearly the manipulator. It talks about where on the screen held objects should hover, what happens when they're launched etc. It's very convincing.
  8. derby

    yes or no, source code real?

    'Grunt' is just slang they use for combine soldiers which are essentially grunts. I'm not saying that this file alone prooves the code is real but the presence of 'grunt' and 'GRUNT' disprove any multi-replace theory. But if you look at all the files, there's so much stuff specific to hl2...
  9. derby

    yes or no, source code real?

    Like a triple bluff, interesting thoery. Although you can apply that argument to anything it's essentailly meaningless. I'm sure they'll lock these threads soon, so we'll just wait and see who turns out to be right.
  10. derby

    yes or no, source code real?

    I don't think so.... if it was a hoax why add folders like CS, Hl1, TF2 etc. that just make it seem not genuine?
  11. derby

    HL2 Source Code

    Have you read all of the code? Do you have any insight into how 3d engines work? No, I didn't think so.
  12. derby

    yes or no, source code real?

    Reasons you are probably wrong: *The word 'grunt' appears several times, both in comments and funciton calls if they had just replaced 'grunt' with 'combine' these occurances would have been replaced. Also 'human grunts' are mentioned. *This file states that HL1 behaviour is missing, so...
  13. derby

    Bit Too Soon

    Wow, geez that wont even run half life 1 let alone hl2 might as well bin it and start over. I wonder wether any of these questions are real or wether people just want to boast about their new pc. FFS, halflife2 will run dx6 hardware, valve have said it multiple times... ...they were...
  14. derby

    HL2 Source Code

    Yes if this turns out to be genuine (which i'm defineatly leaning towards) there will be a large group of people all of whom will be pissed.
  15. derby

    HL2 Source Code

    The quake 1 source was written in C this is clearly C++ Plus I've looked at the Q1 source in detail and this isn't it. I did suggest earlier that one way you could fake something like this was to do a word replace on the source code to an existing engine.
  16. derby

    HL2 Source Code

    Poor guy? He's very lucky to work for Valve in the first place...
  17. derby

    HL2 Source Code

    I'm just waiting for this news to hit (they posted a story on the delay) what tag do you think they'd give it?
  18. derby

    yes or no, source code real?

    Except that there are several places where behaviour is compared to 'HL1' if it were code from the original Half-life, why would they compare it to itself and why call it HL1?
  19. derby

    yes or no, source code real?

    Yep, I voted the wrong way round. But what did I vote for? After being the biggest skeptic at first, I downloaded the code and I've spent the last hour looking through it. It's hard to tell but as of yet there's nothing inconsistnt (it's possible that there are old bits of code that have OpenGL...
  20. derby

    HL2 Source Code

    It's quite simple really, Valve would keep the source code on a secure machine, one that's not networked to the internet. So some just crawled through the air-conditioning vents and lowered themselves down into the room on some clever harness thingy where they copied the source code on a...