yes or no, source code real?

Is the source code fake

  • YES

    Votes: 49 53.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 43 46.7%
  • Note to all : The results of this poll are flawed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • due to the question mixup - D33.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
errr well i was hoping that the people that actually are looking through the source code would reply with yes it's fake becuase... or no it could be real becuase... and not some mindless babble in the other thread
Yes or No is the source code real?

Is the source code fake?

Everyone is gonna do what i just did and vote for the wrong thing mate;)

I wanna know answer to question to though.
Not real. It looks too convenient coming from retarded people like t0y.
I believe it's a fake. WTF is with all the TF2 stuff? Seriously, go on with your little theories of TF2 being secretly bundled with HL2, but anyone who has even a basic knowledge of marketing knows that NOT announcing TF2's release months ago would be a huge hit in sales, as awareness of the title would be minimal at best (and lets not kid ourselves, the HUGE majority of people buying HL2 DONT spend time on forums communicating with other gamers). And it's just a rediculous ploy that everyone is falling for. Personally I'm just laughing it of.
you tricked me with your thread title and then your poll title being different, i didn't take the time to read the poll title.
If sombody was going to leak the source code, it would have been leaked a long before now.
lol sorry. but assface man has a point. why would TF2 be in it as well?
i got the hl2_src.rar in front of me and sad to say it is real.
no tork, you're just stupid enough to believe it's real (no personal attack intended). Are you a programmer? If not, then keep quiet, it could be the source to anything.
Originally posted by MrAssface
I believe it's a fake. WTF is with all the TF2 stuff? Seriously, go on with your little theories of TF2 being secretly bundled with HL2, but anyone who has even a basic knowledge of marketing knows that NOT announcing TF2's release months ago would be a huge hit in sales, as awareness of the title would be minimal at best (and lets not kid ourselves, the HUGE majority of people buying HL2 DONT spend time on forums communicating with other gamers). And it's just a rediculous ploy that everyone is falling for. Personally I'm just laughing it of.

Yeah, laught it up. I know I made a big deal about my theory but obviously you didn't read what I had said. I basically added a what if? type of deal.

If you wanna use numbers, I'd say I'm probably 90% sure that HL2 and TF2 will be seperate - this is after I was informed of the announcement months ago.. at that time I was about 75% sure.

I still have 10% because I have this motto - 'ya never know.'


Personally, I have no idea ... no body knows. It looks legitimate, and there ARE people that would spend their time creating all of that but if they did - they're creative and good at it. The question is constantly popping up though.. why would someone send it to a lamer like Toy? Why would any Valve employee send ANY information (pics or not) on the source without authorization? I mean, that's a big **** up and they're held under the NDA they most definently signed.

If it was "taken" off of Valve's computers then someone's ass can get fried.. and hopefully, it does.
Originally posted by Tork
i got the hl2_src.rar in front of me and sad to say it is real.
And I got a Full_HL2_Leaked.ace in front of me. It doesnt mean it contain HL2 :)
Its so easy to prove if its real...

Btw, some of the screenshots of the source apparently show OpenGL components :dozey:
Originally posted by MrAssface
no tork, you're just stupid enough to believe it's real (no personal attack intended). Are you a programmer? If not, then keep quiet, it could be the source to anything.

Im not a programmer but there is alot of programmers in channel C++ that says its legit. Dont take my word for it though.
OpenGL, huh? Yeah.. fake-ola!
What's with the NPCTalker.. wtf?
umm, i read that 'spoiler', and i definately wouldnt consider it a spoiler. For those interested, the jist of it was he found a section in the code where if you died, they could have NPC's (barney, scientist, etc) say stuff like 'we cant go on without him' etc.
Yeah, that sounds like thats what it would be ... I'm just WTF'ing as to why he posted that? I mean, it doesn't really show anything.
This friggin sucks, Valves hard work leaked. Sucks hardcore.
Even IF that were fake.. I mean.. who the **** would FAKE all of those files.. I mean, they might as well code a game theirselves, ya know?
tork, take that file you linked to, replace all the words COMBINE with GRUNT, and you'll see it ALL appears to be code from the grunt from HL.

Dont take this stuff too seriously.
Ahhhhhhh, good point. Me = sleepy so me = nonweary as usual :P
*sigh* Half-Life 2 was susposta be a HAPPY thing... now all the happy feelings are slowly being leeched by inconsiderate ****ing assholes.
Can you explain what the hell it is to us non-nationalists?
Just a topic Ive posted about this 'leak'. Not missing much.
Originally posted by Fuzzy
Yes or No is the source code real?

Is the source code fake?

Everyone is gonna do what i just did and vote for the wrong thing mate;)

I wanna know answer to question to though.

Yep, I voted the wrong way round. But what did I vote for? After being the biggest skeptic at first, I downloaded the code and I've spent the last hour looking through it. It's hard to tell but as of yet there's nothing inconsistnt (it's possible that there are old bits of code that have OpenGL routines for compatibility with parts of HL1). So I'm not 100% sure but given even odds, I would bet on it being real.

Anyone else who is unconvinced should definately read through a few pages. I know some people will declare it a fake without even looking at it, purely based on the origin of the leak.
ok Ive read the text file.
And im no expert. sry if im wrong. But that kinda looked like a first edition of a AI scripting, like a blueprint u migth say. Not the finish product.
Again dont flame me. If im wrong im very sry

Originally posted by MrAssface
tork, take that file you linked to, replace all the words COMBINE with GRUNT, and you'll see it ALL appears to be code from the grunt from HL.

Dont take this stuff too seriously.

Except that there are several places where behaviour is compared to 'HL1' if it were code from the original Half-life, why would they compare it to itself and why call it HL1?
// Speak Sentence - say your cued up sentence.
// Some grunt sentences (take cover and charge) rely on actually
// being able to execute the intended action. It's really lame
// when a grunt says 'COVER ME' and then doesn't move. The problem
// is that the sentences were played when the decision to TRY
// to move to cover was made. Now the sentence is played after
// we know for sure that there is a valid path. The schedule
// may still fail but in most cases, well after the grunt has
// started moving.

Mayhaps is fake.. I still dont know for sure.

Its about a third of the way down in the doc.
Originally posted by worldspawn
you tricked me with your thread title and then your poll title being different, i didn't take the time to read the poll title.

Damn me too - :cheese:

To be honest who really cares about the source code? It's useless without all the models, textures n that....I don't care how fecking L337 you think you are!

It will matter further on down the line but then it'll be released for MOD writers as an SDK with loads of other meaty goodness.
From Valve's website - People section:
Jay Stelly - Senior Software Development Engineer
Jay joined Valve from Tetragon where he was lead engineer and 3D engine developer of Virgin's Nanotek Warrior. Before that, he developed titles for Sony Playstation & 3DO. Way before that, he wrote his first computer game (at age 9) and had a game published in a magazine (at age 15). A native of Cajun Country, Jay finds Northwest buildings too hot (what, no air conditioning?) and the food not hot enough.