HL2 Source Code

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Originally posted by MrAssface
bugger all, really, without the rest of the game. Potentially manufacture cheats etc, but these people are just being paranoid. Seriously, dude, dont pay too much attention to these guys.
Well, if Worldcraft is real (despite being named "Worldcraft" and not "Hammer"), that's where it gets fun.
I very much doubt that they would create their own X-Box version from this leak, that's a bit of a leap. (and yes i realise the similarities X-box and PC share).
Originally posted by Magicpants
I very much doubt that they would create their own X-Box version from this leak, that's a bit of a leap. (and yes i realise the similarities X-box and PC share).

whether the source in this leak is full enough to do that, i do not know, but if it is then i would most definatly say that Xbox homebrewers WOULD try to port it.. but as i said, it would have to wait til the pc version was out to get the rest of the files.

the guy i was talking about made the X-Link xbox network software and is very much into the homebrew scene.
ok. a different angle.

slightly off topic (but then all i care about is hl2 being release not the source) :frog:

can anyone PLEASE tell me what the winamp control type thing on the bar at the bootom of the page in the screenshots. it looks very nice and shiny.

i wants it.
Re: ok. a different angle.

Originally posted by janonol
slightly off topic (but then all i care about is hl2 being release not the source) :frog:

can anyone PLEASE tell me what the winamp control type thing on the bar at the bootom of the page in the screenshots. it looks very nice and shiny.

i wants it.

its windows media player 9 running on Windows XP... when you minimize it it goes to the taskbar like that
If this is a fake then its a very good one.

There are parts of code that... well, they seem like afterthoughts, ie. you would only add them once you'd noticed it was wrong in an earlier implementation.

Anyway, just my thoughts... I'm undecided as yet.
Where did people get this? Im not asking to download it, just like to know if someone hacked into Valves office or something far fetched like that.
My synopsis (god I'm bored) if this is genuine then:

* It has to be embarrasing for Valve, especially coming after thier failure to finish the game for Sept 30th.

* I will give people a few insights into how the game is put together but I doubt anyone will be able to complile/run this code, by all accounts it is incomplete and most likely very buggy.

* If the net code/client server code is present Valve will have to enure they re-write just enough to ensure the final code is secure. It is not as big a task as some poeple fear IMO, as Valve will know which parts of the code people have had access to and what sort of exploits they can come up with.

* Valve aren't going to cancel half-life2, no-one will be able to create thier own xbox port from the release of hl2. The game may be delayed a little longer while Valve a) try and find the source of the leak to stop future ones b) try and guard against any exploits.
So basically we could face a further delay because of pindicks spreading this :mad:
Originally posted by azz0r
Where did people get this? Im not asking to download it, just like to know if someone hacked into Valves office or something far fetched like that.

It's quite simple really, Valve would keep the source code on a secure machine, one that's not networked to the internet. So some just crawled through the air-conditioning vents and lowered themselves down into the room on some clever harness thingy where they copied the source code on a rightable CD, dropped a knife, then reeled themselves back in and escaped through the air ducts.
Originally posted by derby
It's quite simple really, Valve would keep the source code on a secure machine, one that's not networked to the internet. So some just crawled through the air-conditioning vents and lowered themselves down into the room on some clever harness thingy where they copied the source code on a rightable CD, dropped a knife, then reeled themselves back in and escaped through the air ducts.

*sounds like mission impossible*
I wouldnt be surprised if that fired guy leaked the code (if it's real). Myself I kept a copy of the database backups of my old company. I'm able to create a working clone of the warehouse and sales management system on my own box, with the data from two days of my last work day (outdated over a year now though). In case of my old workplace, it was advantageous being able to leak details, because the company was known to be one big mobbing place throughout the whole region.
the fired guy is back on the valve site with a full description, so i dont think he was really fired
I'm just waiting for this news to hit fark.com (they posted a story on the delay) what tag do you think they'd give it?
"the fired guy is back on the valve site with a full description, so i dont think he was really fired"

I suspect it was an office joke. Poor guy.
It's real. The code is real, and it compiles.

--------------------Configuration: client - Win32 Release CounterStrike--------------------
Creating library Release_CounterStrike/client.lib and object Release_CounterStrike/client.exp
Copying to cstrike\bin
1 file(s) copied.

client.dll - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)

I suggest anyone who's having trouble compiling it read the documents a little closer, and you'll see what you're missing...
Yeah, if you notice in the HL2_source folder it has HL1 and Counter-Strike in it.. WTF would it have that in there? HL1 I can MAYBE see.. but not counter strike.
Originally posted by YoBeardMaestro
"the fired guy is back on the valve site with a full description, so i dont think he was really fired"

I suspect it was an office joke. Poor guy.

Poor guy? He's very lucky to work for Valve in the first place...
Much as I hate to discuss this, isn't it obvious?

HL2 will run both HL1 content and CS natively.
Originally posted by madCoder
I suggest anyone who's having trouble compiling it read the documents a little closer, and you'll see what you're missing...
Ignore my stupidity, but can you now run the game?
No, at best he'd be able to run an incomplete debug version of the engine console... More likely it won't run at all because there are no core resources..
btw - compiling it doesn't prove it is HL2 source it just shows that it is real code for something...
if it is real then whats the dealy with the quake files in the "engine" folder and the GL_ files if its a DX game!

this smells fishy to me
someone i think might have had FAR too much time on their hands
Originally posted by Wolf
No, at best he'd be able to run an incomplete debug version of the engine console... More likely it won't run at all because there are no core resources..
btw - compiling it doesn't prove it is HL2 source it just shows that it is real code for something...
Indeed, but are you a C++ programmer, and have you read the code? It doesn't take long to see that it sure as hell is not HL1.
You are right about the game not running fresh out of the compiler, because you'd be missing maps, models, sounds, and a slew of other resources. But the engine is what matters most anyway. I'll let you know when the rest of it is finished compiling though. :)
Just a little useless idea: This wouldnt matter if HL2 had come out on the 30th as promised several times. Just release the damn Box without Steam.
Maybe it's the old Quake 1 Source Code.. but edited. That's correct code and the Quake 1 source code was release about a year ago.. I just hope it is.
I don't know how long it's going to take to compile everything, but here's the client.dll :)
Originally posted by PiMuRho
Much as I hate to discuss this, isn't it obvious?

HL2 will run both HL1 content and CS natively.

Oh really? Backwards compatibility.. cool.

See, I hadn't known about this nor gave it any thought (obviously :P). Okies then...
Even if you compile it, shouldn't it tell you what it's spitting out? I mean, that should be coded. I use Visual Studio.NET and when I compile something, I can generally tell what it's compiling.. like, when all of the source files are compiled with headers etc it says what it's compiling (as defined in the code)..

Bah, don't listen to me - I'm very newbie with programming (VERY).
Well, the entire thing isn't there according to some people - how anyone could manipulate or use the Havok engine from any of the code that's there is behind me.. ya never know, I suppose.
Originally posted by Foggy
Maybe it's the old Quake 1 Source Code.. but edited. That's correct code and the Quake 1 source code was release about a year ago.. I just hope it is.

The quake 1 source was written in C this is clearly C++

Plus I've looked at the Q1 source in detail and this isn't it. I did suggest earlier that one way you could fake something like this was to do a word replace on the source code to an existing engine.
Originally posted by azz0r
Wont havok be pissed?

Yes if this turns out to be genuine (which i'm defineatly leaning towards) there will be a large group of people all of whom will be pissed.
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