HL2 Source Code

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I didnt want to know if it can happen, only if it already has. It's devastating to a game company, others could/will inspire themselves by the code.

January...well hell by then I can actually go out and legally get drunk...err :eek:
True about the downloading just for news thing though :/
Originally posted by TripleDES
I didnt want to know if it can happen, only if it already has. It's devastating to a game company, others could/will inspire themselves by the code.

exactly why this thread should be deleted and everyone should forget they ever saw this...though it won't happen :\

if anyone from valve reads this:
sorry people suck :\
Haha lost interest. Who can lose interest in Half life 2.

Originally posted by PiMuRho
Enough of this now - I've already warned once. Stop posting information from the source code, that includes the results of your compiles. Failure to do so will result in......consequences.
You read the news much? Consider what has been going on recently at the white house, and a leaked name of an undercover CIA operative, and more. Only the person who leaked that information is accountable for any crime in the situation ... You've never seen the press accused of a crime for publishing what an informant says -- its the informant who has done wrong.

In other words, there is no legal implication for those of us who do have that code ... since we got it from people who were freely giving it out.
That's like saying that if you have a copy of warez you're okay because it was given to you freely by someone else.

If you mean freely by the company Valve (by the leaker), I wouldn't consider one employee to be Valve's judgement as to whether or not it was giving it ouf freely.
Yeah... down with the man
Fight the power
Rage against the Machine

If they released on time instead of farking around with steam, then none of this would have happened.
Well I really regret that I read the little of code I read cause its a total spoler.

Damn U whoever leaked it. I hope u get the crabs

In other words, there is no legal implication for those of us who do have that code ... since we got it from people who were freely giving it out.

Well, much as I'd love to take your word on that, I want to do the responsible thing. It's not up for discussion - do not post any sections of code or anything obtained from the code on here.
That's a very tenuous line if you're leaving BitTorrent windows open or Kazaa share folders etc... We can't just all abdicate responsibility because someone else would have done it.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
If they released on time instead of farking around with steam, then none of this would have happened.

saying this kind of thing is immature. of course it wouldn't have happened...but if the earth blew up it wouldn't have happened either.

if your parents never had sex, you wouldn't be here spouting stupid crap. valve had their reasons for delaying...obviously wanting people to have a better product. now they get screwed for that...by people leaking the source...it's not really fair to them :\
Originally posted by Wolf
That's a very tenuous line if you're leaving BitTorrent windows open or Kazaa share folders etc... We can't just all abdicate responsibility because someone else would have done it.

especially when bittorrent has you uploading AS you download.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
wowyouareacow, PM the spoiler details to me.

no sry dude. I dont wanna **** it up for you.
Just wait for the game and be happy
Originally posted by PiMuRho
Well, much as I'd love to take your word on that, I want to do the responsible thing. It's not up for discussion - do not post any sections of code or anything obtained from the code on here.

PiMuRho is right to take this line. You'll find in about the first 3 seconds of your spirited defence in court (or quite probably beforehand if you didn't hire Lionel Hutz as representation) that distribution of said stolen goods is covered under handling stolen goods. As is simply downloading them yourself.

Remember in donwnloading this item illegally you are commiting a felony. Although the practicalities of chasing you all down are difficult the RIAA has already proven that legally it CAN be done.

Also the source (no pun intended) of the leak and those nearer it is much easier (assuming there's data stamps etc in there, which wouldn't suprise me) to track down and follow until the net gets too big.

So those people initially involved had best start thinking about legal representation if this leak is as serious as we fear.
Question for the people looking at the code itself: is there any game content apparent (like BSP's, character models, audio files etc.), or is it just engine code?
Originally posted by YoBeardMaestro
Question for the people looking at the code itself: is there any game content apparent (like BSP's, character models, audio files etc.), or is it just engine code?

if they posted that...they'd be doing what phimurho just asked them not to do
Originally posted by MrAssface
OK you're all reacting completely ridiculously. Firstly, even if this is legit, it's most likely source of leakage would be through a mod group who already have the SDK (eg, DoD or similar) who had either less than honest members, or too little respect for the privacy and security of the document. So even if this is legit, it's only likely to be an SDK, eg something everyone is going to have access to when the game is released anyway.

Seriously, you're all totally over reacting. Personally I believe it's a load of shit, and I cannot conceive why you all believe it. Why would it have TF2 stuff in it? Someone's pulling your chains, and you're all going for it.

Again, even if this is legit, why on Gods green earth would it cause a delay? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Valve isnt going to delay there game coz a bunch of overzealous bedweters got their hands on some of the source code. THINK ABOUT IT! Even if anti-cheat measures were to become necessary, that's why we have steam. And if there are a bunch of untested cheats available before release, it would NOT affect valves release date. Jesus, use your damn heads, put yourselves in valves shoes for once.

Honestly, if this happens to be real (which is VERY unlikely, imho), I think you're all overreacting like children. Grow up and use your noodles.

I agree its either the SDK or a Fake if it was real valve would have slapped the mods of this forum with instructions to shut it down by now as people have posted links to the download in this thread. Wait for a statement before you start crying that the sky is falling.
Originally posted by YoBeardMaestro
Question for the people looking at the code itself: is there any game content apparent (like BSP's, character models, audio files etc.), or is it just engine code?

no models , no audio , but it does have names of all weapons and vehicles in hl2 and npc's , it also has the hl2 icon but no models or anything like that. i feel sorry for valve :\
do you thyink this will delay the game even more?
Will you be able to play the game if you have the source code?

the answer is


then to sum up

HL2 source code has been leaked over the internet, but you can not compile it and run it.

"if they posted that...they'd be doing what phimurho just asked them not to do"

I'm not looking to see the game content - I want an enjoyable experience when the game is released just like everybody else. I'm just curious as to whether there is any game content or not.

Besides, I don't think it would be possible to post the code for game content - it wouldn't make any sense as ascii text.
This is an uneducated shot in the dark.. but ... we're people attempting to get into http://www.valvesoftware.com/hl2 ? Personally, I don't think they would have the HL2 source on a networked machine with access to the internet, but could it be that people have broken into Valve's system to get this? I'm curious (if it's real) as to how they got it..
Again, I'll go back to the example I used (http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/09/29/wilson.cia/) ... Divulging classified details of an undercover intelligence operative, or operation, is a federal misdemeanor, punishable by 10 years in prison and a $50,000 fine. Do you honestly expect anyone here to believe that the journalists who brought the information (the media that the original "leaker" went to) to the public are *each* facing the above penalty? Of course not ... There are limits.
Originally posted by madCoder
Again, I'll go back to the example I used (http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/09/29/wilson.cia/) ... Divulging classified details of an undercover intelligence operative, or operation, is a federal misdemeanor, punishable by 10 years in prison and a $50,000 fine. Do you honestly expect anyone here to believe that the journalists who brought the information (the media that the original "leaker" went to) to the public are *each* facing the above penalty? Of course not ... There are limits.

Classified and copyright are not the same thing. I doubt the government made HL2 a classified project LOL
Thats not a good idea, there are to many new ones, its spoilers, mods wont like it.

EDIT: i swear this forum is to fast for me
Originally posted by G0rgon

always give logical reasons to what you say.

because then this thread would contain spoilers which not everyone wants..duh
why? Because some of us (me included) don't want to know. I'm happy to wait for the game to find out.
Originally posted by G0rgon
HL2 source code has been leaked over the internet, but you can not compile it and run it.
This is true ... But as I've told other people: the important part is the code anyway. Well, when it comes to a leak as serious as this, it is. Leaking screenshots of an upcoming game or program is nowhere near as serious as the source code for the program. If this is actually the game's source, then not only could cheaters inspect the code to find ways to hook the client, but someone could make their own modifications to the engine or something else, and just use their newly compiled DLLs. By the time the game comes out, all the resources will already be out, and simply replacing the EXE or DLL will be sufficient to implement whatever change you made...
and because I'll ban anyone that posts that kind of information.
If it's real (as it appears to be), wait until the news is posted on slashdot. They'll hack it to pieces. Then it'll be in the hands of tens of thousands of programmers.

I bet Carmack already has a copy.
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