HL2 Source Code

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there is well over 100mb of source files, and its actual, valid C++ source code. how long would it take someone to fake thousands of files filled with upwards of 125mb of valid C++ code that actually compiles?
Originally posted by Xtasy0
they took t0y to court? hahaha

heh they didnt take t0y to court , this was someone else , i think Warforge, cant remember. But they cracked Warcraft III beta and hosted there own games. this was months before Warcraft III was even released. If it turns out to be real and it looks real , someones heads going to roll over. it could be t0y or whoever did this in the first place.
So a guy with unlimited amount of time dedicated hours to make a believable source code, which is probably the most believable.

:::Shakes 8-Ball:::: "My sources say 'yes'"
Originally posted by Quotidian---
man i hope valve encrypts all the code for on-line play and constantly changes it via steam. i mean... we have to have steam, might as well use it

The code delivered via steam, pathes and updates will be compiled, so it'll sort of encrypted that way. They aren't going to start sending out any 'source' code (no pun intended!).
Originally posted by turbo210
there is well over 100mb of source files, and its actual, valid C++ source code. how long would it take someone to fake thousands of files filled with upwards of 125mb of valid C++ code that actually compiles?

its only a screenshot .

means that you can write one page of valid visual c++ codes and name it HL2 blalalalala. then post a screen shot.

am i right?:borg:
Originally posted by turbo210
there is well over 100mb of source files, and its actual, valid C++ source code. how long would it take someone to fake thousands of files filled with upwards of 125mb of valid C++ code that actually compiles?

alot of it doesnt compile, actually.


but other than that it would be TONS of work to fake, simply not worth the effort.
Im pretty sure it is real, by the look of it.

i really wanna know how this got out
well if its fake the dude who did this has issues.
And maybe Gabe is laughing his ass of rigth now.

edit: and I just became zombie whohoo :cheers:
I am out. I have a fuking lecture for Computer Networks right now.

ce ya all in 6 hours.
Originally posted by Edge
OI have looked through it and it looks totally legit.. but I am not a programmer.

Hmmm these diamonds look totally real. Of course I'm no diamond expert........

Let's let the poeple who know about code, games, software development to make decisions about it's fidelity.

Oh, and by what I've seen so faer on these forums HL2 fans have way too much time on thier hands, so this could be an elaberate forgery.
Originally posted by G0rgon
its only a screenshot .

means that you can write one page of valid visual c++ codes and name it HL2 blalalalala. then post a screen shot.

am i right?:borg:

If you would have read the whole topic you could have read that its also downloadable, im sure he must have downloaded it and checked it out
many people have downloaded the source. alot of people cant compile it because their compiler doesnt support SSE optimizations, but alot of people can.
Originally posted by Edge
dipshit... the game will be delayed if not suspended... not just hacks.. someone with the right compiler could MAKE HL2 and release it on the net.

Get a grip, if some could compile this they would end up with something like the doom3 alpha, that barely works, and they wouldn't have any maps to go on. Did Id suspend D3 after the leaked alpha?
I was worried about something like this happening. I was concerned back when a Valve person answered an email question of mine, and it came from a standard cable modem ip! When you've got something this important, you can't screw around with it.
Originally posted by derby
Get a grip, if some could compile this they would end up with something like the doom3 alpha, that barely works, and they wouldn't have any maps to go on. Did Id suspend D3 after the leaked alpha?

Do you have any idea how many hooks the ***** ******s can make now to get information out of/modify the game during online play? This is nothing like the doom3 alpha.
OK you're all reacting completely ridiculously. Firstly, even if this is legit, it's most likely source of leakage would be through a mod group who already have the SDK (eg, DoD or similar) who had either less than honest members, or too little respect for the privacy and security of the document. So even if this is legit, it's only likely to be an SDK, eg something everyone is going to have access to when the game is released anyway.

Seriously, you're all totally over reacting. Personally I believe it's a load of shit, and I cannot conceive why you all believe it. Why would it have TF2 stuff in it? Someone's pulling your chains, and you're all going for it.

Again, even if this is legit, why on Gods green earth would it cause a delay? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Valve isnt going to delay there game coz a bunch of overzealous bedweters got their hands on some of the source code. THINK ABOUT IT! Even if anti-cheat measures were to become necessary, that's why we have steam. And if there are a bunch of untested cheats available before release, it would NOT affect valves release date. Jesus, use your damn heads, put yourselves in valves shoes for once.

Honestly, if this happens to be real (which is VERY unlikely, imho), I think you're all overreacting like children. Grow up and use your noodles.
Some people just seem totally unable to grasp the difference between a compiled executable and the source code. This is a big deal if it is real.
Originally posted by MrAssface
delay there game coz a bunch of overzealous bedweters got their hands on

:::sniff:: he knows my secret!!
on, and btw, to those people who say that no one would put this much effort into a hoax - if I had of conveived such a response (and was a total retard with no life), i would definately have gone through the trouble.
ok then after saying that then ur just as stupid as the other hoaxers
Originally posted by turbo210
there is well over 100mb of source files, and its actual, valid C++ source code. how long would it take someone to fake thousands of files filled with upwards of 125mb of valid C++ code that actually compiles?

a) Has anyone got the thing to compile? No.

b) Have you ever looked at the Quake1 or Quake2 source (which Id made available - intentionally)? It looks very complicated, but at the same time you can tell by the names of the functions etc. that it is a 3D engine. Someone could just replace every occurance of the word 'Quake' with 'Half-life2' in seconds.

I'm not saying that's what someone did, just that it is possible to generate a large ammount of real looking code. Put bits in about monster we know about, add a few more, maybe take apart lots of pieces of source code from different projects and make it look like hl2.

We currently don't know if it is real or not. That is my point.
Originally posted by wowyouareacow
yea im with ya. The ****er who did this (if its real) need to have his balles removed
Bnetd? That's like developing and hosting your own Steam list/content servers.
Have you seen any of it derby? it talks about using the manipulator and left click pick up and drop, right click hurl object etc...check out hl2.net coding forum...
Originally posted by Barbarian

Originally posted by derby
Get a grip, if some could compile this they would end up with something like the doom3 alpha, that barely works, and they wouldn't have any maps to go on. Did Id suspend D3 after the leaked alpha?
Do you have any idea how many hooks the ***** ******s can make now to get information out of/modify the game during online play? This is nothing like the doom3 alpha.

I'm fully aware of the problems that could be caused by poeple having knowledge of the source code, the post I was replying to suggested that valve would halt half-life2 because someone compiled the leaked code and realesed halflife2 on the net. If so it would be very buggy and slow, like the doom3 alpha. No-one would play that rather than the real thing, so valve aren't just going to give up on HL2.

If this code is real they only need to change a few details to enure any hacks based this leak wont work.

The main problem for them , if this is real, is the loss of IP
Originally posted by Fuzzy
Have you seen any of it derby? it talks about using the manipulator and left click pick up and drop, right click hurl object etc...check out hl2.net coding forum...

Unfortuneatly I haven't been able to see any of it. Maybe they didn't cobble together other bits of code. I was just suggesting ways something like this could be faked.
You could still be right though, they could have then added bits to it, i really wouldnt know, i have no degree in the area. But still, even if it is real, its useless by the sound of it.
Well I have to say after studing the code, it is very plausable. I'm not 100% convinced but if it's a forgery then it's a very good one! Let us hope that it's fairly old code and that valve have changed parts of it.
this is a little off the subject but of what I witnessed, this is a record high

235 replies in 16 pages
its a bit coincidental how mister "fired" from http://www.valvesoftware.com/people.htm

is no longer listed at all....

also my programmer friend checked the code out and confirmed that it is only a) partial b) not a SDK as that wouldnt include all the main engine source code and bits for TF2 etc c) not compilable (at least by him)

oh and if the official retail version came out then more than llikely xbox homebrew'ers would be able to rip the maps and the rest of the stuff not in the source code and release a xbox version before the official one comes out... so i should think that the pc version will be now delayed until the xbox version is ready :(
what can u do with this source code?
bugger all, really, without the rest of the game. Potentially manufacture cheats etc, but these people are just being paranoid. Seriously, dude, dont pay too much attention to these guys.
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