HL2 Source Code

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No way was this leaked on purpose. A useful leak would be a working tech demo, not source code. Source code is meaningless to 95+% of the populace.
Originally posted by KagePrototype
yup, during La Mer. I have a matching sig picture to go with it, but Hl2.net doesn't like them. :)

hah, i knew it was trents silhouette!
Originally posted by Wolf
You is it the same shit. There is a HUGE difference between a build demo version of a game and the bloody source code.

What, you think it woulnd't have been leaked eventually? A game this big doesn't go that smoothly, it will be torn apart, limb from limb.
Originally posted by PiMuRho
No way was this leaked on purpose. A useful leak would be a working tech demo, not source code. Source code is meaningless to 95+% of the populace.

EXACTLY my point. What better way to keep the hype then release something VERY important, yet useless?
Originally posted by Rice-Rocketeer
Possibly through the e-mail exploit that Munro was trying to warn VALVe about, a disgruntled employee, non-secured servers at VALVe, partnership companies with disgtruntled employees.

There are plenty of reasons that a leak of source code is feasible.

Possible connection with Fired Valve Guy ?
Originally posted by [[LuCkY]]
Remember Doom 3 Alpha.

I don't follow. Doom3a was supposedly leaked by an ATi employee to show to the world that the 9700pro was the best card for Doom3.

So now part of the HL2 source code is leaked by X to prove Y?

Please fill in the blanks:



Yea. Same shit, different pile.

So young, yet so cynical :)
Originally posted by [[LuCkY]]
EXACTLY my point. What better way to keep the hype then release something VERY important, yet useless?
I can understand you're in denial right now, but nobody leaks their own source code for hype.
I'm saying you are all over-reacting. Big deal the source is out. Now what? You wont be able to play HL2 any sooner, and I doubt it will delay it any later.
Originally posted by SpaceRain
I can understand you're in denial right now, but nobody leaks their own source code for hype.

Eh...Denial over what? Leaked code? Where did I say it wasn't leaked?
Exactly it is insane. Not only do they open Source multiplayer to the hacking community but they also give away trade secrets and IP including stuff they don't own - ie Havok. If this is real it is really bad news...

I don't subscribe to your theory. Source is the major part of your IP and revenue in this case. You don't let Joe Public have it.
Originally posted by PiMuRho

I don't subscribe to your theory. Source is the major part of your IP and revenue in this case. You don't let Joe Public have it.

You should know how secretive Valve is. This could never have happened by accident. Period. I mean, they were so secretive before and all of a sudden the SOURCE leaks?

He has a point. They don't even let a beta/alpha build leak, much less any info about anything half-life2 related.
well heres 3 possibilites.....

valve leaked it themselves
someone stole it from valve
its fake

which is most likely?
Originally posted by grekster
well heres 3 possibilites.....

valve leaked it themselves
someone stole it from valve
its fake

which is most likely?

Yea I still think its fake.
Unless Valve says otherwise.
And they have to say something now.
Leaked themselves, can you honestly tell me that you think after 5 years of NOTHING, NO word at ALL from their mouths, that they would all of a sudden accidently get the source leaked? It just doesn't make sense...
Originally posted by wowyouareacow
Yea I still think its fake.
Unless Valve says otherwise.
And they have to say something now.

I think someone on their forums said it was real, then the thread got deleted.
Well shit, I just need to see an e-mail or interview or even a statement from gabe/valve..
.. I hope nothings terribly wrong.
it was obviously stolen. no company would release the source to the engine and everything behind one of their up and coming games. at valve every machine has a public address, so if some moron happened to get backdoored on a port their firewall didnt block, i'm sure someone could exploit that to dig around and find a copy of the souece or something.
Originally posted by [[LuCkY]]
I think someone on their forums said it was real, then the thread got deleted.

Yea but if it is real they would have laywers all over those who have this.
Yeah, Valve is going to purposely leak modified versions of liscenced source-code (IE: Havok)

!@#$ like that can get them sued, BIG TIME. Releasing source they liscenced from another company is a HUGE no-no.

Jeremy Dunn
yeah like they're gonna find out the hundreds of people who are going to download it.
How is it possible to find out if the source code is actually real?
Originally posted by rndhotdog
yeah like they're gonna find out the hundreds of people who are going to download it.

no but the sites it was posted on gonne get in trouble
Originally posted by wowyouareacow
no but the sites it was posted on gonne get in trouble

yes this t0y guy is really stupid. Remember when Warcraft III beta was cracked ? They took them to court but the charges were dopped i think. I hope they burn him alive.
Originally posted by Tork
yes this t0y guy is really stupid. Remember when Warcraft III beta was cracked ? They took them to court but the charges were dopped i think. I hope they burn him alive.

they took t0y to court? hahaha
Originally posted by Tork
yes this t0y guy is really stupid. Remember when Warcraft III beta was cracked ? They took them to court but the charges were dopped i think. I hope they burn him alive.

yea im with ya. The ****er who did this (if its real) need to have his balles removed
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