You could remake that scene from The Full Monty, where they're all in a queue, doing the dance to 'Hot Stuff'. It would probably require a bit more careful animating, though.
You wouldn't want it to be like unrealed....
It will be more like QEradient than URed as the former shares the same map format (ie intersecting planes). From all accounts it will be similar to the previous Hammer, but with different entity controls.
it's glad to know it was appriciated. instead of just ranting about the vast number of anti steam thread i decided to join them, but with my own take on the situation....
It's about time we all moved into the 20th century and started using internal combustion engines - such as petrol or diesel.
Internal combustion engines are more efficient than steam power ever was. While steam has served industry well for the past 100 years, it's time to embrace new...
Whenever I see the words 'dos attack' I think of a pile of dusty 5.25 inch floppy discs waiting for my round the corner, brandishing a cast iron 'c>' prompt.
WOW you bought a new mousepad for HL2. Everyone else seems to be upgrading thier entire computers....
I seem to be really agressive today. I gues I'm still annoyed at MS for using HL2 to brag about windows...
Erm.... ever heard of the POSIX standard (the one that UNIX, Linux, Mac, BSD all adhere too)?
Microsoft charge for everything they can, sure they have free support, but they need to becasue thier original infinitely overpriced* OS has so many problems.
Compared to other COMPLETELY FREE...
Now, I think about it, Valve mentioned a lip synch editor, where you could tune the 'performance' to be more lifelike, perhaps just using the basline (or if that isn't an option just creating your own track at the same tempo!) would be give a convincing dance after all. Good suggestion Bailmog.
I have a five button mouse, it's great for games as I can have secondary fire, reload and all sorts on there. I find it's easier if I can play the game without ever moving my fingers around the keyboard.
You could certainly import animated models into HL1, so it must be possible in HL2. Valve's lip synching is actaully a lot more sophisticated than previous efforts (eg RTCW) which worked by the volume of the sound file alone. The lip synching in HL2 works by analysing the frequencies present...
People will blames piercings but...
...obviously the piercing has a lower resistance than the human body (as it will be made of surgical steel) but it's not the cause of the lightning strike as after the electricy left the piercing it would have had to have travelled through the rest of the...
The half-life 1 forum seems to have dissapeared so I'll post in here:
Does anyone know of a way to create a video (ie. an .avi file, or a series of images) from a HL1 demo? I'm trying to make a short film based on a map of mine. Videoing the screen a la E3 is not an option...
Oh, and...
yeah, i found the FF ant lions when searching for the real ant lions (little beetles) a while back.....
i wonder how long it will be before every single thing related to HL2 has been mentioned, and people who have been on the forums since the beginning can instantly reply to every new post...
why do I always feel so old when i look at these forums. valve would never include alyx's bra, a dildo or an inflatable sex doll of an HL2 character
the cost would be prohibative...