dos attack... hmmm

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ok I was sitting here on my fat ass and I thought maybe nvidia is haxxing ths shit out of valve and all teh steam-nes-

before you flame me and say stop makein bogus threads I seriously think this is possible

big corporations rule the planet!
from your post to your sig... everything is pointless and silly
No way dude, i thought they were getting email bombed by super intelligent donkey squirrels!!1
It's them car-sarned devil squirrels again. I dun tol'ja we should BLAST 'em.
hahaah this has to be the funniest thing i have heard all day!
Yeah, a supportor and provider of content servers is attacking their websites. I agree wholeheartidly.

probably either becuase their updating the site, or, its getting hammerd by people hitting F5 over and over looking for the new steam client (probably that one)
alb can you please read your posts before you submit them, cos recently they've been a little..crazy.
no offence btw
All people kept hammering the site yesterday and that probably made DDoS attack to (without people actualy know they put in denial of service.)
Originally posted by switch
alb can you please read your posts before you submit them, cos recently they've been a little..crazy.
no offence btw

Originally posted by Slash
stop making threads

agreed, you're kinda.....insane...and stuff...yeah...
Whenever I see the words 'dos attack' I think of a pile of dusty 5.25 inch floppy discs waiting for my round the corner, brandishing a cast iron 'c>' prompt.
Originally posted by derby
Whenever I see the words 'dos attack' I think of a pile of dusty 5.25 inch floppy discs waiting for my round the corner, brandishing a cast iron 'c>' prompt.

i see a cisco IOS admin prompt ;/
Whats wrong about nvidia, they were in the lead before, now they aren't.

I don't see why you keep making posts about nvidia hating or nvidia trying to ddos steam.
Originally posted by alb1221
im sry but this post seemed actually resasonable

Imagine this forum when we all would post our insignificant speculative brainfarts that seem reasonable for a second. Do you see it.... ? yes, it would make a bloody annoying unreadable forum with useless uninteresting posts.

Don't want to flame you too much, but why not post it in one of the existing threads relating steam or nvidia at least then it would be more centralized and the better topics won't be bumped from the first page.

You're probably a nice kid, but just a bit impulsive. Next time as said before, think before you post and think if you can't post it in another existing thread. Just helping out in an passive agressive way :)