best hangover medicine =...


Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
bugs bunny and tweety show.

wow im hungover as shit right now but watching this has made me better by the minute. I cant stop howling at how hilarious this cartoon actually is...and when was it made in teh 50's??

seriously the humor is so good and the animation is like 1000x better than most of the cartoons today...haha i swear the creators were on some type of drugs making this cuz wow im howling my ass off at basically everything on this show.

discuss the best cartoon ever in this thread plz :D
Hangovers are caused by dehydration, so drinking lots of water before bed / just drinking lots of water = cure. Roadrunner and tweety = wtf. no. Are you sure you're not on some kind of drugs?

Also, I agree with spunge. Roadrunner wins.
lol it still makes the situation a whole lot better..laughing feels good and that show always guarentees a laugh

Greasy food (ie burger), isotonic sports drink, multivitamin tablet and a painkiller.
Works a treat.
i didnt drink THAT much, i think it was the 2 double big mac meals i had RIGHT after i stopped drinking that made me throw up for like an hour lol

never again
normally i would eat a banana before i drink cuz the potassium helps to cure the hangover. also, dun drink too quickly.

for every shot u take, drink 1 cup of water.
normally i would eat a banana before i drink cuz the potassium helps to cure the hangover. also, dun drink too quickly.

for every shot u take, drink 1 cup of water.

i will forever remember your post <3
How about not getting drunk in the first place? Seems the perfect cure to me.
Go spread your lies somewhere else, fiend.
Completely agree. My flatmate was incredibly hammered, and I was sober (as always). We stayed up 'till 5:30am playing poker. Next day, she woke up, was perfectly fine (and looked hawt, too), and I had a headache.

Sympathy hangovers are most likely possible.
Just drink a lot of water. Have a few cups of water while drinking, have another cup before you go to sleep, and then have a cup when you wake up, and you'll be right as rain :)
I drink a bunch of water prior to going to sleep after drinking. Usually works like a charm.
Play more tonyhawk underground.

If i remember correctly, a donut, some wine, some bread, some olive oil etc
ASTupid threads What can you recommed i wil hngeoverwed tomorz
Am I like the only person here that doesn't get hangovers?

I only do when I drink so much that I puke, hasnt happened in like 2 years though :cheers:

nothing feels better than a huge cup of coffee after a long night of drinking though, still have no idea why, but thats the first thing i think of after i wake up after partying all night
btw weed helps too

and no not double posting to get my 1000th post, never noticed that till now actaully, I must now decide on something epic for my 1k post, you only get it once...

unless you get banned make a new name and make 1000 more...
I eat several loaves of bread, and 2l bottles of water, to stop muh hangovers.


That's right, I eat bottles of water. >_>
Figured you know, after over 3,000 years of producing alcohol mankind would realize science says: **** that shit.

But no.

That's ridiculous. After 3000 years mankind knows all the better just how fun the stuff is! :D
Spinach > Water

Spinach is 91% water and, as food, it gets absorbed into the bloodstream faster. Just eat spinach. Eat it right out of the can, like Popeye.
Spinach > Water

Spinach is 91% water and, as food, it gets absorbed into the bloodstream faster. Just eat spinach. Eat it right out of the can, like Popeye.

Don't forget the salmonella! Yum.
In the future:
Wait until you've sobered up a bit before going to sleep, and drunk lots of water during and after the drinking session.
Since the OP talked about cartoons after drinking, I just remembered one particular occasion - My friends and I were watching old-school cartoons in the morning, one of them showed some old lady with a goldfish. She pulls the goldfish out of the bowl, kisses it while the goldfish struggles to get away from her. After she puts the fish back in the bowl, the fish looks at the 'camera' pulls out a revolver, marches into his little fish-bowl castle and shoots himself as bubbles go flying from the castle's opening.

We were just completely shocked and laughing our asses off about it all morning.

Sometimes I'll just down a gatorade or a lot of water before going to bed or upon waking up to drown a hangover.
The best hangover medicine is to not drink in the first place.

I don't understand the whole "drinking until you can't put a sentence together" shit everyone does.


Besides, I think certain people are faking it. I've talked to quite a few seriously drunk friends on the internet before, in teamspeak while playing an mmorpg, and while they were drunk they were able to type much better than I've seen some people type here. Sure, they had the often minor misspelled word, but none of this needing to have a ****ing decipher to translate shit.
drinking thinks before bed = win.
if your still drunk you can either:
1: drink more beer
2: go back to sleep

thats the best solutions.