Your Half Life 3 ideas?

i think we will fight the g man in hl3

That's what I've been thinking. I figure not so much in the fighting area as in the just dealing with him in general and being rid of him. In reality, however, I think we'll be rolling over 6 feet under by the time HL3 ever comes out.
I wonder how that would look like.

Srsly, would G-man rip off his suit and go fist to fist with Gordon or would he use his telekinetic-ish powers?

"Mr Anderson, welcome back, we missed you"

"It ends tonight"

*Cue Epic fight music*
The way i see it we can FIGHT the G-Man in HL3, maybe even manage to beat him, but we wont be able to KILL him. If there's more Half-Life to come after HL3, we need the G-Man alive, he seems to control everything in some way or another.
Gman's cool, I don't want to fight him. It wouldn't be possible to hit him with a punch anyway.
I'd prefer not to fight him; it seems a little cliche to me anyways.
HL3 is too far for us to able to reasonably speculate annything about. If anything, this topic should be speculating about EP3.
The confrontation between Gordon and the G-Man can only make sense if it is done in the correct arena.

Thus, the show stopping, universe anticipating climax of the Half-Life Saga:
