Your Half Life 3 ideas?

I heard Gordon isn't going to be in HL3, it's supposed to be completely different than HL2.
I just wonder what HL3 is going to be like, too bad we gotta wait 1000 years lol!
I don't consider bringing out books on the series just a simple way of making money but more another way of telling stories about other aspects and ventures of the Half-Life universe.

If there were to be books and novels I would prefer it to be pre-RC, kinda like what The Hobbit is to the Lord of the Rings

It should detail the constant rivalry and possible espionage and sabotage occuring between corporations and laboratory's before everything went to hell and a bit of foreshadowing.
If there were to be books and novels I would prefer it to be pre-RC, kinda like what The Hobbit is to the Lord of the Rings

It should detail the constant rivalry and possible espionage and sabotage occuring between corporations and laboratory's before everything went to hell and a bit of foreshadowing.

I agree, novels documentating a lot of backstory that we don't know about. I think its something Laidlaw should get into after the Half-Life games finish, or even during.
I agree, novels documentating a lot of backstory that we don't know about. I think its something Laidlaw should get into after the Half-Life games finish, or even during.

I think he'd be in favor for that.
Absolutely - there's so much you could write about especially with the time in between Half-Life & HL2 (a novel about the Seven Hours War perhaps?)
HL3 isn't going to be released in our life times lol.

"December 31, 3009"
I can't really say what I want HL3 to be like. It depends on what will happen to the Combine...and Freeman...and G-Man.:thumbs:
I'd like to see valve remake the original Half-Life in the source engine with a more story-oriented goal before they add on to the HL story.
It'd be nice to clear up some of those old questions we all have regarding the first game.

No. We already have Half-Life: Source. I know we all loved HL, but let's put it to bed.
I think a prequel would be cool. Like, the seven hour war and the initial combine takeover.
Books? Plush toys? Action figures? Sorry no. I'm down for the odd Lamar teddy bear but the silly scale the Halo games have risen too in terms of milking their product is not for the HL franchise.

What I love about HL's story is the incomplete picture, the ambiguity of it all. It allows me to fill in my own interpretations and imagine things that happen outside of the game (i.e. the Seven Hour War). It further connects me to the character of Gordon, because I see his universe only through his eyes. Milking the franchise will ruin all this.
I don't like ambiguity because I constantly wonder what really happened.

I have no imagination, I must be spoon fed.
I don't know about ideas story-wise, but I have a feeling that 3 will be highly dealing with the G-man, although I think that he's way too smart and manipulative for anyone to be able to do anything about him
Ideas for Half-Life 3...

Episode 3 sees Gordon and Alyx racing through the arctic to beat the Combine from reaching the Borealis. Fighting advisors, synths, and Overwatch soldiers they reach the vessel, which contains not only simple Aperture teleportation tech, but a machine that can, when tuned correctly, work as a massive teleportation hub, effectively being able to mass teleport from one area of the world to any other. Or, as you come to find out, could effectively be overloaded and god-knows-what could happen, on a scale that dwarfs what happened to the Borealis. It'd take a whole lot more than the drydock with it this time.

With conflicting opinions on what to do with the ship ("Destroy it, Gordon!" "We could use this, Gordon!") and time running out before a massive influx of Combine invade Earth once again, hellbent on the total annihilation of our race, Gordon does the one thing a man of science, perseverance, and good judgement would do:

he smashes that goddamned teleportation machine with his crowbar.

And the thing blows up in his face. Or rather it appears to, as the violently-shaking machine starts overloading with blue energy just before it bathes the entire scene in white. Silent white.

The Combine punch their way into our galaxy once more, bringing with them a fleet that could reduce worlds to rubble. They punch in the exact same coordinates for Earth they used last time, head through the wormhole from their universe to ours, and the middle of space. There's nothing there where Earth should be, just a lone gray moon drifting out of an orbit it's no longer stuck in.

Because whacking the portal machine shunted Earth into Xen space. Another dimension completely. One that's cut off from Combine forces, and thanks to the events of Half-Life 1 is completely devoid of higher lifeforms. Earth now hangs in an endless sky of bright green clouds and bursting nebulae.

"Unforseen consequences," the G-man says, and takes his leave. The Earth is safe...for the time being.


Countless eons pass. The human race has prospered, if in a somewhat isolated environment. The universe outside is barren, and the only other sentient race they have contact with are the vortigaunts, a race which has flourished but retained its simplistic and quasi-religious ways, as opposed to the humans whose technology has only increased at an exponential rate. Cut off from everything else and left to advance, the human race has grown restless. Records of their original universe, of stars and systems has led humanity to adopt a wistful dream of exploration.

Exploration, unfortunately, has long since been forbidden. For within the Xenian dimension, humanity is safe. And in thousands of years of safety they have forgotten an enemy that lies beyond the border world. Only the Librarians, keepers of both knowledge and the forbidden technology that allows access out of Xen, recall that "something" out there once threatened humanity.

But one young Librarian still dreams of the outside dimensions. And in the process of cataloging the records of humanity, she's come across a very peculiar set of audio recordings from one Dr. Wallace Breen. Records that talk of countless zones beyond human imagining. Specifically, one very interesting universe classified as "Aleph"...

Half-Life 3

You want there to be a wide variety hl2 action figures and comic and books and all that gay crap that is made just to get money? Halo can get away with it because it is more child-friendly and a lot of youngens like it. But half life has always been to me a more mature, deeper, darker story than most franchises, and that would be shattered by phoney merchandise. I dont envy halo fans because they get their parents to waste money on stupid crap
Look at me, I'm Fiberawptic, I'm mature and only buy mature things for mature gamers like myself. I think that action figures are gay and not suitable for something so DEEP and MATURE like the Half-Life series; mature gamers wouldn't want action figures only children would want action figures like the people who play Halo, because only children play Halo and only children buy action figures because they're young and not mature like I am. If Valve made action figures it would cheapen my enjoyment of the series because it would no longer be DARK and SERIOUS it would have action figures and I am not a child who uses his parents' money to buy action figures because only parents buy action figures and they only buy them for their kids, who play Halo.

I'd kill a man for Half-Life figures.

I'd kill like ten men.

Maybe twenty if one of the waves was a TF2 wave. I'd kill twenty men for that.
I guess it all sounds feasible. If the Borealis machine shoots Earth into a random spot in Xen universe, chances are extremely slim that the place will be hospitable to life and sustainability on the planet. I like the "and the only other sentient race they have contact with..." bit. It makes it seems like we had more before when we actually had no other races that we communicated with. haha. Sounds good though.

I guess the first part is Ep3 and HL3 starts with the girl?
If the Borealis machine shoots Earth into a random spot in Xen universe, chances are extremely slim that the place will be hospitable to life and sustainability on the planet.
Xen's universe is probably uniform throughout. It'd be Earth with a Xenian sky, that'd be the difference.

I like the "and the only other sentient race they have contact with..." bit. It makes it seems like we had more before when we actually had no other races that we communicated with.
But we could have. ;) We might have encountered more races in the future, had we not been closed off. It's trading the potential of the unknown for safety.

I guess the first part is Ep3 and HL3 starts with the girl?
Yep. HL3 starts with the girl.

Id like to see a game that has nothing to do with Gordon or his friends. Sortof like an offshoot game, similar to HL Opposing force.

Basically the earth is still infested and alot of land remains a wasteland teeming with aliens. The new earth government decides to 'liberate' the remaining cities from the aliens, zombies and assembles a crack team of troops (similar to opposing force) to scout and clear out the infested cities. The game involves defeating the aliens, zombies in the cities and deal with combine stragglers who have made some of the remote areas as their secret strongholds.
Would you mind if i don't read all the 5 pages, will ya? :)

I agree with various points some ppl proposed. For eg i'm hoping Valve will take a pause from the franchise, start a new SP world and gather some really strong ideas. Everything beefed up on a "new engine" (you know they state they won't make an engine from scratch but going incremental - personally i don't think it's possible manteining it thin and efficent)

I've also been thinking about how the storylines and technology of Portal and HL are going to run together after Ep 3 - the portal gun technology could be developed into an awesome weapon
Lot of stuff suggests that and every timeline/theory out there foresee that. I agree the Portal Gun is an awesome weapon, but that's no need to put it in Gordon's hands to see it in action in a "real world" scenario. Chell is now free as we have experienced.
So i hope Valve is going to use Portal as a spin-off, using the Portal timeline to explain some events of the HL world. I would find much more intersting to have the Portal timeline slightly offset HL's, something like Chell being in the immediate past/future respect Gordon or parallel, making her an "agent of chaos" (like Harvey Two-Face in Dark Knight).
That doesn't make her evil, she would be motivated just by survival, so she would inadvertedly undo or mess with Gordon's actions.
That also would allow Valve to dilute the story... and you know Gabe's addiction to milk ;)

Another thing: GMan still putting Gordon in stasis? i'd bet not. We've seen Vortigauns to be able to influence GMan powers, so i think that in Ep3 we'll be more likely be freed from him completely and we will still not be able to know much more about him, his obscure powers and interests are too useful in term of narrative.

I don't like ambiguity because I constantly wonder what really happened.
and that makes you more likely to buy more sequels of the saga, right? so do the math ;)
Would Chell being involved in the 7-Hour War just be too corny? I'm thinking some kind of behind-the-scenes role, maybe using her portal gun to infiltrate a secure location and ensure someone really important to the future survives as the world collapses around her ... perhaps directed by the G-Man?
You like the idea, then?


To clarify, I didn't so much mean 'involved' as in, putting on a US Army uniform and tooling up with an M16 and going against the Combine... I more mean 'active at the time', in some secret, hidden way... if that is any clearer....
No, no, I understood what you meant. It's just...we don't know around what period of time Chell escaped the Aperture facility. It could have been during the portal storms or during the 7 Hour War, or it could have been later. And the idea that she'd get free and start doing stuff other than saving her own behind, and then coming across the G-man of all people...reaaaaaally hokey.

If I were Chell and I just escaped a crazy death facility, and the first things I notice going on are aliens wandering around and shit going to hell, I'm not going to start infiltrating secure locations to rescue "important people." I'm going to portal myself the hell out of there, find somewhere safe and secluded, and curl up into a ball and wait for the whole thing to blow over.

And maybe sometimes I'll open a portal to 7-11 and steal myself some snacks, then close the portal quicklike before anything can come through.
You could easily say the same thing about Gordon at the point he reaches Lambda Core.. when faced with the choice to flee for your own sake or to continue fighting for something else... you might run and hide, but Gordon didn't... and that's why the game is about him and not you lol... and there would be no point in a game about Chell where she did just what you said.. unrealistic as you may think it would be for her to choose do anything else... but as I've suggested, if the G-Man was involved, it wouldn't even be her choice, neccessarily.

As we've seen, one doesn't come across the G-Man by chance... if he wants you, he finds you... and he's all the more likely to if you're an incredibly capable survivor... like Chell.

I'm not saying mine is the greatest idea, just think your points against are a bit trivial... :)
Xen's universe is probably uniform throughout. It'd be Earth with a Xenian sky, that'd be the difference.

Forgive me if I'm not up on my reading, but how would Xen's universe be uniform throughout? That doesn't really make sense, but maybe I'm missing things.


Did you draw? Good concept art, if original.
Oh my... google image search Chell with Safesearch off, 13th result. NSFW. New?
Did you draw? Good concept art, if original.
Jeez, it's concept art of the Prospero heroine Aleph (AKA The Librarian) from Raising the Bar.

I quite like Darkside's idea of HL/Portal/Prospero crossover, I would also maybe like to see some bits of the old HL2 art direction, that "Terry Gilliam esque" desing(stenographer's chasm, Vorticells etc.) was great.
I'm not saying mine is the greatest idea, just think your points against are a bit trivial... :)
With Gordon, G-man had a reason for being at Black Mesa, observing him. He really never had any plans with Gordon in the first place--his original plan was Adrian Shephard. And then he was kind of like, "This Gordon character keeps showing up where I'm going and he seems resourceful. I will test him a little bit and see if he survives. Also, I will go take this Alyx girl and go bother Eli Vance, because that is the highlight of my day."

For him to come across Chell, who was at a completely different facility that was either of no interest to the G-man or simply unknown to him, for him to become a uniting thread between all these "survivor"-type characters becomes a large stretch.

My biggest criticism with the whole thing is the G-man factor rather than the "Chell would run and hide" factor. Even though I really do think that she'd probably go and do that.

Heck Gordon would probably run and hide too if people wouldn't stop coming up to him being like, "Save us Gordon!" "You're the only one who can set things right, Dr. Freeman!" "You gotta kill that thing, Gordon!" :laugh:

Forgive me if I'm not up on my reading, but how would Xen's universe be uniform throughout? That doesn't really make sense, but maybe I'm missing things.
I dunno, it's just speculation. Xen's a weirdo dimension. The way the place looked could lend itself to something like that though, couldn't it? It's like, "This is how this place looks anywhere you are in Xen space." Place is weird, man.

And yeah, like Polaris said, the drawing is Aleph, the Librarian. Prospero is a discarded project that's influenced some of Valve's works. At some point the Combine were supposed to have hailed from the "Aleph" universe, but ended up never being mentioned.

Prospero sounded like real cool beans though, traveling to different worlds and using your psionic abilities to manipulate the world around you.
At some point the Combine were supposed to have hailed from the "Aleph" universe, but ended up never being mentioned.
How do you know that? From some lovely official source that I'm not aware of?
The source was Dr. Breen himself. ;)

None of that might even be relevant anymore.
I'm hoping that Portal is more closely linked in Half-Life 3. I'm not saying that Gordon should have a Portal Gun, but somehow link Aperture Science/GLaDOS in to the game.
A collide between chell and alyx and chell is her mom?.that would be trippy:cat:
Or just teleport around a room while dusting off his suit. Then for his KO move he adjusts his tie - killing Gordon and the hopes of human kind...