Think it might be Amazon's fault, not the reviewers. There are posts there from 2002- before Amazon had a product page for HL2. Looks like they scooped up a bunch of comments for HL1 and CS:CZ (why?) and dumped them in HL2 to give it some weight. Truly bizarre.
Wow, how did you know that I was a douche hat, schweppes? We're you at the last get-together?
Seems the ATI page doesn't like Opera's Flash support (or just my computer), as it only loads the GIF substitute. Flash shows up in Explorer fine.
djkanuk goes to adjust plugin settings and renew...
Really??? I'm still only seeing the same animated GIF, admittedly meant to look 'Flash-like.' Right-click on it, and you don't get the Flash options, but the browser's image options. And the link I posted before.
They've kinda hedged their bets by saying, it will be available worldwide through Steam on the same date, which is different than saying that you're local computer shop in Kabul will have it at the same time as an EB in Seattle. I think it will take up to a month to get HL2 in many parts of this...
There have been some other rumours along this same line, but it would do more than just piss Vivendi off, it would probably breach the publishing agreement. Can you imaging how much retail sales they would lose if HL2 were available on Steam like a month or two before it was in stores? The...
The mist/fog rising from the street in the HDR demo video are perfectly subtle and realistic. That's what I wan't from a particle system- to give an added feeling of immersive realism, not to advertise themselves... "hey, look at this great particle effect!"
The RV360 is the mid-range card- the successor to the Radeon 9600 Pro- probably called the 9650. The R360 is the high-end card, the successor to the 9800 Pro.
The 9800XT/9900 Pro will not be able to be produced by Sept 30, so I think the bundle will come along a bit later- maybe Christmas. So far as I know only the RV360 has been taped out and started manufacture. And it'll still be a couple months before they're produced in enough numbers to be...
Yup, right you are. In fact, I now noticed the actual Strider behind the walkway with the distortion effect from firing it's shockwave weapon. For some reason I thought the Strider was in front of the walkway at that point. My bad.
I guess I'll know soon enough how it'll look. I've got an...
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but what's up with the new screenshots , that show some sort of distortion around where the Strider should be, judging from the E3 video? Does the Strider have some sort of cloaking mechanism that makes it invisible? Was this just to show off the new...
Nah, the European market won't stand for such big-box mass-market shennanigans. Only one version will be sold here (not counting Steam, DVD vs 4xCD, plus Collector's edition). Ok, so only four versions will be sold here. But NOT five!
I think everyone who pre-ordered in Europe will get the...
Actually, I don't think there's a direct connection between the G-man and the Administrator. The Administrator was some 'higher up' dude at Black Mesa (maybe the director of the reseach facility), judging from the dialogue in the Test Chamber. The only possible connection to the G-man is that...
True that. I just got back from Scotland yesterday, but the metric system wasn't much in evidence in where I spent most of my time: the bars (pints- for which I still have absolute respect as a proper size for a Guinness), or the roads. Don't worry, I was a passenger not the driver. But even we...
The mass market/low-end/Walmart segment is much more important in the US where a just a couple of retailers account for something like half the sales of CDs, DVDs, and video games. This is why record labels need to have "clean" versions of CDs for the religiously-moralistic Wallmart. They...
An interesting, but predictably off-topic thread, which I happily engage in promoting...
No one country or language owns english anymore. It's become the world's lingua franca and arguments about who speaks it correctly are just silly. Broken english is the international language of...
All very well and good, except Gabe's original message on the pay-to-pay question stated that there would actually be two Steam options. Both the pay-once, get the regular (mod-able) version of the game, or the infamous $9.95/month subscription service.
No sh*t, ApocalypseNow. I've got one of the Mini-ITX puppies myself. I'm just trying to figure out what cool thing I can turn into its case that suits my personality. The old skool toaster is trés cool.