will vehicle's run out of petrol?

Originally posted by MoJo|Night
Us brits are meant to use the metric system, we went metric back in the 60's with everything apart from road signs for some unknown reason. Everyone still clings on to the old stuff though through force of habit.
True that. I just got back from Scotland yesterday, but the metric system wasn't much in evidence in where I spent most of my time: the bars (pints- for which I still have absolute respect as a proper size for a Guinness), or the roads. Don't worry, I was a passenger not the driver. But even we Canadians can't seem to adjust to referring to our height and weight in meters and kilos.
Oh and don't forget Americans and their Nook-yoo-ler weapons.
"Also, Connexion is the British way of spelling "Connection". It's a cooler way because it has an x."

Nah connexion is a portugese and spanish language childrens science program broadcast in south america by the discovery channel (in both languages before anyone mocks me).

"Feath does not rhyme with Teeth" - ok so what does it rhyme with.
Its amazing what the word "petrol" can cause :dozey:
All I know is one thing: If I cant eat it, I dont like it.

/me chews on a burnt out PII 233mhz chip as a afternoon snack
Oh yeah and there is more than one type of beer. Lager and bitter and ale and stout. Not just beer and guiness as it appears to be in many other countries.
I'm scottish, went to school there for many years, all I ever learnt was the metric system (don't know if imperial is being taught anymore here), my mother has tried explaining the imperial system to me. To be honest, it seems like whoever came up with it was high and had a sick sense of humour hehe (refering more to things like what a 'hundred weight' consists of etc).
yea english have a funny accent and i had a a few friends in high school that can here from england and they said they hated england and hope it burned down to the ground in a firey blaze or soemthing to that extent...in fact they said we americans are everything that english once had and again strive for, beign the main world power now. wierd blokes eh?

btw im just fuxing with you english are alright in my eyes =P

its just that they think they so supieror sometimes.

correct my mistakes and ill launch my private stash of nuclear arms.

Feel free to ignore this post, I'm bored.

I wish I'd been there when they invented the imperial system.

A: yeah how many pounds would make sense in a stone? 10? 5?
B: nah 16 will do.
A: Ok so 16 ounces in a pound aswell then?
B: nah 14.
A: Ok so pence in a pound?
B: Two hundred and some, that'll make sense.
A: Are you drunk?
B: 8 pints in a gallon
A: Fluid Ounces?
B: 16
A: But normal ounces is 14.
B: I know it'll make more sense this way.
A: Did you go to school with tha Farenheit chap? He made as much sense as you do. For distances though we can do nice round numbers like 100 and 1000 yeah?
B: OK for distance we'll have a nice round 1600 yards in a mile and 3 feet in a yard, then 12 inches in a foot that'll help.

and on and on.

p.s. I know most of those numbers are probably wrong, I learnt in metric and then converted to catholicism via banking.
Hehe mojo that is the kind of stuff I was on about :)

"its just that they think they so supieror sometimes."

You'll find this is common to many places. Actally I'd say I here things like that more from Americans than the English. But then I'm Scottish, it's in my blood to bash the English, I am building a collection of weaponry for this cause (a frozen haggis in the end of a rugby sock is the weapon of choice) :p
Yeah, sorry should have put that in hehe, I copied and pasted forgot about the quote button (hit myself with the haggis a couple of times).
brits are so funny and different. Wtf is arse. You call your police bobbies. The fire brigade? I learn so much from the osbornes. It's elevator not lift. It's cracker not biscuit. You drive on the right side of the road not left. Oh yeah and you guys can have nudity on tv cool. Wtf is rogering lol. It f**king. PAL !!!!!!!!! Mini cooper. Hockey+soccer= rugby. Lol we are weak for wearing armor to stop us from loosing teeth and breaking legs for a game? yeah we are stupid. North America owns earth!!!!

Oh yeah i love you brits!!! Gimmie the spice girls back. :(
Arse= one of the many, many words for ones posterior,butt,bum,glutius maximus and minimus etc. Umm well bobbies are called bobbies cos the first policeman was named Rober Peel, Bob is short for Robert, so policemen got the nickname bobbies. Elevator, lift, means the same thing. Biscuits here are sweet, like a chocolate biscuit, crackers are savoury, the kind of thing you have with cheese or something. Rogering, well, that is ummm, well you were half right, but its 'taking the tradesmans route' if you get my drift. Not quite sure how you get hockey+soccer= rugby, though I guess you are meaning what we call ice hockey ('hockey' here is what I think you call field hockey). We were gumshields in rugby so we dont loose teeth :) We play it in the cold so our bodies are numb so we can't fell the legs breaking :p And finally, please, please take the spice girls, please. Take them away from us and don't let them come back.
well if you run out petrol you exit from car.
Originally posted by David
well if you run out petrol you exit from car.
I would bang my head on the steering wheel until I became unconcious, and hope someone nice comes to help, then steal their gas can.
Well then the only solution is all out war because everybody elses language and sports are stupid and wrong. USA is #1 wooo00ooo other people are silly and Im never the least bit incorrect about anything because that is what everyone I know thinks to.
ok, just for sake of argument, you DO get that we are another nation, correct? OK...

anyhoo, Americans invented the elevator, and we named it such. (So no more "lift" stuff

we made the automobile available to all thanks to Mr. Ford, no, we didn't invent it, but we DID make it affordable. We call the hood a hood, rather then a bonnet.

(same with boot and trunk)

in the end, no ones basterdising anyone elses language, its the SAME BLOODY THING. (And yes, I DO use that term alot) It makes NO DIFFERENCE how we say certain things, we Americans are an independant lot (Though you may think otherwise after WWI) actually, we WERE isolationist until WWI, thus the reason so many words are different. It doesn't matter though, not one iota.
Originally posted by A2597
anyhoo, Americans invented the elevator, and we named it such. (So no more "lift" stuff
Actually both is wrong, the design was originally called "hoist" :P

nah im just messin again, that my family guy in the wheel chair impression. lol.

well we are the americans so i say we call the hoist whatever we want and u can call your police boobies bobbies brittneys or whatever u want =P
The "u" in "favourite" is useless. And with something like "catalogue", the ue serves no purpose; so we simplified the spelling. Then again the English language is and always will be a ****ed up language so it doesn't really matter who changes what.

To you Brits: do you guys sometimes have a hard time understanding Americans? I know that sometimes I can't understand a British person, especially if they are the type that leaves out consonants when they talk. (For example, "pretty"="PRIH-EE")
Originally posted by CommieX
I know that sometimes I can't understand a British person, especially if they are the type that leaves out consonants when they talk. (For example, "pretty"="PRIH-EE")
I know I cant understand americans sometime, when they leave out... uhm... words... :P
Originally posted by Be-vishead
we are weak for wearing armor to stop us from loosing teeth and breaking legs for a game? yeah we are stupid. North America owns earth!!!!
Oh yeah i love you brits!!! Gimmie the spice girls back. :(
Yes, yes you are pussy. Broken noses and cauliflower ears is where it's at baby... Hmmm. You might be onto something there, but it still means we're harder (and in this respect stupider) than you.
And we can drink better than you can.
And we gave the world Monty Python. Be thankful.

Please don'tt misconstrue me there - I'm not some raging nationalist. No really.
Hehe rarely have trouble understanding american accents, though I can still have trouble with some of the ones over here. I don't know if I'd say we drink 'better' as I don't think I'd class the consumption of alcohol here good hehe. I've heard that in america sometimes a barman might 'cut off' someone from anymore alcohol, I don't think I've ever heard of that happening here. And frankly, from working in a nightclub, I wish we did. And again, please, take the spice girls away from us.
i doubt there will be a fuel system and that buggy seems awfully electric
Originally posted by alb1221
i doubt there will be a fuel system and that buggy seems awfully electric
theres no way its electric dude... If it was it probibly wouldnt be able to off road, or even go over 30 mph....
Dude, it's sci-fi... It could go as fast as they like.
Remember that it has a gun attached that shoots highly-charged beams of energy.
Saying the buggy can't go over 30 on electricity is a little like saying that the Gauss gun can't run off that car because it'd sap the battery.
brits...i have two questions:

1. does the re in centre/theatre etc actually make sense to you?

2. i'm curious, what kind of spin to they put on our revolutionary war? i mean, we're taught all about the oppressive snobby british governers lining their pockets and how we fought for our freedom. I'm curious about how you guys are taught about it.
(history is written by the winner type thing, like the "war of northern oppression", or the "civil war", as those of us in the civilized north call it.
Originally posted by Typhon
brits...i have two questions:

1. does the re in centre/theatre etc actually make sense to you?
Yes. Well sort of.

2. i'm curious, what kind of spin to they put on our revolutionary war? i mean, we're taught all about the oppressive snobby british governers lining their pockets and how we fought for our freedom. I'm curious about how you guys are taught about it.
(history is written by the winner type thing, like the "war of northern oppression", or the "civil war", as those of us in the civilized north call it.
Quite simply, we're not taught about it. Why would we be? we have our own Civil War to deal with plus centuries more history to cover than you do. And an Empire to study.
Originally posted by L33
and its colour, not color
and centre, not center
and arse, not butt ass or fanny
motorway, not highway
pavement, not sidewalk
pikey stealing stinking **** face bastards, not iraqis
and you drive on the wrong side of the bloody road!!!!!!1 sort it out

No its a mix

Arse or ass (depending on how you feel)
Highway for life damnit
Pavement or sidewalk (either is good)
Iraqi's (then its not racist)
And as for the road, it wouldn't matter to me any.
Now everyone here is divided and making fun of cultures, oh well, Im Canadian so its more of a mix.
Originally posted by KidRock
who won the revolutionary war?!?! HA HA HA silly brits
You, sir, are a moron.

Oh and by the way, I despise how America so often pours scorn (and the CIA) onto guerrillas and revolutionaries like the past never happened.
Oh you totally can - that's the most RIDICULOUS one.
Originally posted by el Chi
Quite simply, we're not taught about it. Why would we be? we have our own Civil War to deal with plus centuries more history to cover than you do. And an Empire to study.

look at that...he swears we only study the battles we won or somfin. different schools have different content and ways of teaching. do i not know stuff about the 13th centry because im american. dont be a english snob.:dozey:

its just teh way u state it...

lol logic dont dig to deep keep it superfical