will vehicle's run out of petrol?

Lupus guns are sacred here... most Americans feel it is our right to own them. We have a right to defend ourselves. Something that goes hand in hand with being a free people. Something I love most about America. Now I don’t like crime.. and there is a problem with that in certain large cities. But I wouldn't live in them. And usually its only very poor neighborhoods.

And I am from Texas where just about everyone has at least one gun or more :)

I joined the army for March 2nd 2004 so I will get to see much of the world and I'm pretty excited. I want to see Asia if possible.

nw909 first off get over it. then read it again. and people in the north talk very much like the people who live across the border.
If nobody had guns you could defend yourself without a gun. And guns do a lot more attacking than they do defending
I am aware that "guns are sacred here... most Americans feel it is our right to own them" :) but it's not something that I personally like or feel comfortable about. Also with more guns about its easier for the wrong doers to get them (I'll try to avoid instigating a whole gun debate here). Just saying that I personally don't like guns and don't like so many people having access to them. And well, you are a texan, no self respecting texan can step into a saloon without his guns on his hips and order a drink :p (jk hehe, just a mental image of a cowboy going into a local computer shop and telling the 'barman' to give him a copy of half-life 2). "But we don't have it yet, it doesn't come out till the 30th of september!"
"Step outside boy" <spits tobacco into the metal bowl thing, makes a 'ping' sound, and strokes the handles of the revolvers on his hips>.

Can anyone recommend me a good psychiatrist?
Though I agree more with ElFuhrer, guns could actually 'even' things out some. If you have some 8 foot monster of a guy and he attacks some 5 foot, anorexic programmer with a broken leg...well I know who my money is on. Having a gun kind of negates stuff like that a bit, but when you see how many murders etc there are due to guns...Having a gun to defend yourself is ok, but if someone is attacking you with a gun, you probably wont get to defend yourself at all (less they are courteous enough to announce before hand that they will be attacking you).
Originally posted by Lupus
<spits tobacco into the metal bowl thing, makes a 'ping' sound, and strokes the handles of the revolvers on his hips>.

Try not to laugh but a lot of kids I went to high school with dipped, drove pickups (lifted 6 inches of course) to school, and dressed in tight jeans and cowboy hats (yes to school). They also would drive around playing classic country singers like Hank Williams Jr. and Charlie Daniels with the windows rolled down and the radio turned way up. Not all of Texas is like that but if you are outside of Houston, Dallas, Austin, all the big cities you will find it all over.
And if you’re from Texas you are a Texan… not an American, you’re not from Houston you are a Texan! I like that most about Texas, I just moved to Arizona it’s different for sure.
I say Eh alot, but im proud of it. I also picked up alot of foreign terms in my travels that i use freely. "punter" "aye" etc

the conversations between my group of friends probably confuses alot of people but we understand it :D talk about bastardization :)
Originally posted by Anwar
Lupus guns are sacred here... most Americans feel it is our right to own them. We have a right to defend ourselves. Something that goes hand in hand with being a free people. Something I love most about America. Now I don’t like crime.. and there is a problem with that in certain large cities. But I wouldn't live in them. And usually its only very poor neighborhoods.

And I am from Texas where just about everyone has at least one gun or more :)

I joined the army for March 2nd 2004 so I will get to see much of the world and I'm pretty excited. I want to see Asia if possible.

nw909 first off get over it. then read it again. and people in the north talk very much like the people who live across the border.

flashbacks of "bowling for columbine"

if you don't know what im talking about go rent the movie....you'll understand...and its a great movie.
Actually I had them flashbacks too zdub. I guess a way I look at it is, say you inflate the scale some. Countries have the right to defend themselves right? So if every country had a nuke...well, how safe would you feel? That is the sort of angle I look at this stuff at.

"Anwar: if you’re from Texas you are a Texan… not an American"

Heheh I like that one.

The rain in spain falls mainly in Scotland.
oh don't get me wrong. if i lived in the US i would own several guns...its the fact that they are so easy to attain that is worrying.

I live in Canada and own a few guns. but they are a bit harder to get and more background checks take place or some shite like that
Seems that with the availability of guns too, that since a criminal could probably get one without too much bother, you kinda HAVE to get one to protect yourself :( Course this is speculation.
well...its not the same but i carry a knife with me everywhere i go. I've had to pull it on two people so far but never had to use it.

its a butterfly knife :) brought it back from the middle east when i was there...it was after 9 11 and i still had no problem getting a bunch of weapons to home...not on carry on but still...anyways point of the story...don't touch my beer.
I wouldn't carry a knife. Not really willing to use one, so carrying one would cause problems (fight a guy and notice he has a knife and things escalate). I think it's illegal here too hehe. If someone tried to stab me though, and I got hold of them (without getting stabbed hopefully), I don't think I would be too pleasant though.
it is illegal, its concealed and butterfly knives are illegal, but i'll be damned if im going to be jumped by 4 arab guys without a weapon. :) i used to live in the middle east like i said above. was jumped once. but not harmed cause of my knife. and the other time was to bail a friend out of a incredibly outnumbered fight...i'd rather take the risk then get shit kicked...lesser of two evils kinda deal goin on :)
Might want to be a little more careful using the word 'arab', I'm actually have arab myself and it can get kind of annoying when say some Iraqi or Saudi etc does something and 'arabs' get blamed. Just an FYI :) I used to life in the middle east too, in saudi arabia, 12 years hehe. I can see your point but I don't really like weapons, if someone actally attacked me (not happened so far :) ) I'd prefer to do something nasty to them with my body. Umm that didn't sound good. This is a reason why I like martial arts :)
would you rob a house if you thought the owner may have a gun? :)
The problem with total gun control is that guns were ALREADY available (inevitable unless they ahd been disarmed right after the revolution, which just would've led to endless civil war and possibly no US)

Doing gun control NOW in the US would just take them from honest, alw abiding gun owners who are safe with them because they'd actually turn them in/have them registered. The criminals would still have them (duh..) and still be able to GET them (because they already exist..) and the LAW ABIDING people would have none!
But the gun violence isn't TOO TOO much out of control now, which is a good thing, when you look at the statistics. Just send your children to gun safety courses if you own them and the course will show them how to be responsible gun owners (which prevents gun accidents, etc, dramatically).
wow....this thread has gone to shit more than most do.....

awnsering the first post....

I really dont think HL2 is going to be THAT orianted around vehicles. Im sure there will be mabey a dozen or so points in the game where you can drive stuff....but i think thats about the extint of vehicles in HL2.
Originally posted by RakuraiTenjin
The problem with total gun control is that guns were ALREADY available (inevitable unless they ahd been disarmed right after the revolution, which just would've led to endless civil war and possibly no US)

Doing gun control NOW in the US would just take them from honest, alw abiding gun owners who are safe with them because they'd actually turn them in/have them registered. The criminals would still have them (duh..) and still be able to GET them (because they already exist..) and the LAW ABIDING people would have none!
But the gun violence isn't TOO TOO much out of control now, which is a good thing, when you look at the statistics. Just send your children to gun safety courses if you own them and the course will show them how to be responsible gun owners (which prevents gun accidents, etc, dramatically).

Thats exactly what the Australian government is doing here now :(
"only two things come from texas-"

u fill in the rest lol =P jp'ing

sometimes people argue which state is the best in america, alwasy ends the same. california is the best state everyone agree's,....and if they dont...THEIR A NAZI! a dirt albino nazi.
Well, what can I say, you guys should all be very thankfull that you don't live in Chocolate country (aka Belgium). Most of you will think that Belgium is the capital of Brussels (you know, the country that wasn't nice to the US of A with there genocide law that now has been scrapped due to economic pressure of your oh so great country). One out of 4 people who live here is a pedophile, we are chickens when the world needs us for a war against terrorism, we eet chocolate the whole day and that's the only thing we produce, we pay far to much taxes and it rains here all the time.

On the other hand you guys (US) have:
-guns are legal and stimulated to have
-little taxes
-democracy (we try to have it, but US is champion in this)
-freedom of speech
-the biggest army (the largest budget for defence per capita, after your good friend Israel)
-an intelligent leader called George Bush (he learned it from his daddy)
-no minimum wages which is nice because that way you seem to be having almost no unemployed people
-very state of the art private prisons (and many of them, you wonder why because everything is so great in the US)
-and so on
The whole "This is a free nation, so I have the right to own something capable of projecting a piece of lead through someone's skull" argument isn't logical at all. Guns have become a far too integral part of american culture.

Anyone who hasn't should definately watch "Bowling for Columbine"

It raises a lot of very important issues.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
wow....this thread has gone to shit more than most do.....
Yeah I'm surprised that it hasn't already been moved to Off-Topic. Although it's somewhat hypocrtitical of me to say that as I added to the detour.
he swears we only study the battles we won or somfin
do i not know stuff about the 13th centry because im american. dont be a english snob.-KiNG
I'm not being an "English snob", I'm just stating the fact that if you're studying British history, there's more to study than American history. In Britain we don't study much American history (although I have friends who studied your Revolutionary war, I think but not many. Oh and also the Civil rights Movement) and I'd be interested to know how much British history you learn in America... Very little, I'm guessing.
Does anyone else agree that patiotism is essentially racism? -Logic
Yes. I would not consider myself a "patriot" and to an extent I am opposed to the entire concept of "nations" and I genuinely believe that they'll start to break down soon enough into 1984-esque Superstates. Whatever I said that seemed "patriotic" was just for laughs.
I second the anti-gun vibe going on here and yes EVERYONE should go and watch Bowling for Columbine.
I'm going to stop now before I incite any more arguments.
Its all fun and games until Bush thinks theres a terrorist in your country.
Originally posted by Detharin
Its all fun and games until Bush thinks theres a terrorist in your country.
America itself has it's fair share of terrorists. I don't think that's really a fair statement. It's more like "Its all fun and games until Bush becomes a terrorist in your country."
Originally posted by Logic
America itself has it's fair share of terrorists. I don't think that's really a fair statement. It's more like "Its all fun and games until Bush becomes a terrorist in your country."

One of my fav. quotes (from 'Have I Got News For You'):

"A recent survey says that 80% of Americans admit that they're fat. The other 20% are too fat to speak."

Sorry if that offends anyone, and needless to say it's in no way true, but it gave me a laugh.
Oh Jesus, I thought this blood-bath was dead and buried...
Och well!
Have I Got News... is a great program, though. surely we're due a new series soon?
Originally posted by el Chi
Have I Got News... is a great program, though. surely we're due a new series soon?

Yeah, i'd have thought so. There hasn't been one where they had different hosts.
What? They've already had an entire series where there was a different host each week.
I wonder if they'll keep that idea running, bring in a new permanent host or bring back Deayton. I like the last one!
Originally posted by SLH
"A recent survey says that 80% of Americans admit that they're fat. The other 20% are too fat to speak."
LOL pure gold! :laugh:

Oh, and don't anyone take any of my anti-Bush comments seriously, btw, it's all in good fun :)
my god... what a fight you started.. :|
I am Spanish and I'm supposed to learn British English at school, so when we use them at school because we have learnt that word in the internet, and we didn't know if it was british of american they tell us to use the british word. Also, I use them because they look like more "complex" because they dont drop letters you know...

Behaviour -> Behavior. Most of times our teachers correct us because they may be thinking that we dropped it accidentally, and then we say we used the american word heheh. It happened once to me when I wrote "traveled" in an exam. the teacher corrected it to travelled because:
a) we are supposed to learn british english
b) she was sure we had forgotten that it had double L (this one happened to me LOL).

PD: In Spain, we have 5 official languages though Spanish if the official official one and must be spoken by all the country, then in some regions, they grow bilingually. We even have a non indoeuropean language, they don't know where it came from. it has 16 cases :| lol So don't argue so much about British English or Am. English after all, it's the same language :)
Indeed. There's no right or wrong English variant, because language constantly evolves, and it evolves differently in different locations. Correct spelling is hardly important at all, the way I see it, as long as people understand what you're trying to say. Of course, if you spell things correctly, though, you may appear to be more 'educated' to others, but whether that matters to you is up to the individual.