Anyone have an idea as to how big the game actually is, with all the side quests finished?
I find I am doing a lot of running back & forth, doing a fair share of the typical "Fed Ex" & "Kill X & Return" type of missions, but oddly, I am not finding them annoying, as I would in pretty much any...
I agree. This game is crack.
I just killed 9 Toes & gained a level. I'm now Level 8. I like the amount of Skag spawns. I like how they are all over the place & respawn when you do. I really love it when they jump at me & I pull off a critical, causing their heads to explode in midair.
I love...
At first, I found it a little difficult to see past the "Art Concept" or Cell Shading" or whatever the politically-game correct term is that's being used to describe the games graphics. The last game I played that had a similar art style, was the RPG "Silverfall", a game I rather enjoyed once I...
What type of games do you enjoy playing? No point in telling you about an awesome RPG if you don't like them or a fantastic RTS, when they only put you to sleep.
A few across the spectrum:
1) ARMA2 - Is a fun, though hard game. OFP:DR is faster paced & easier to play, but shallower...
I typed in "Boycott Modern Warfare 2" in Google & got a crap load of site listings that are trying to do just that. I browsed a few of the sites & read what was posted. Some were childish rantings, while others were rather funny & even informative. A few people even told stories how they called...
Looks interesting...
Due out this year? Well if that's the case, we'll know just how good it is within a couple months. Gonna keep an eye on this one. An exclusive PC title as well...
I said a person should learn to speak the language of the country they are in. English is the predominate language spoken here in the US, so yes, I believe that you should have a basic understanding of the language if you live here. Did I say you had to have a vocabulary to rival a Harvard...
True. It could really do with an overhaul.
I fully agree that the cop was right in giving her a ticket for making the illegal U-Turn, but I do not agree that she got ticketed for not speaking English. I had hoped that you would have been able to pick up on that.
Perhaps I was too subtle for...
Sorry if this is a repost. I took a quick glance, but I hardly ever peek into the politics section, so I honestly didn't look that far back.
Gist of Story:
Dallas Cop issue tickets to non-English speaking motorists.
I am sorry if I offend anyone here, but I a STRONG believer that people need...
From around the tender age of 15 onward, I slowed way down on thinking about what I wanted for Christmas. My dad drilled into me that it was more important to give, than to receive. Not to say I didn't like to get goodies under the tree, just it wasn't as important. My parents ask me...
Well said & I would guess you are correct as well. Because if the main quest alone was 80+hrs, that's just gotta be one hell of an epic story. Think of it. 80 hrs. That 2 full standard work weeks, M-F @ 8hrs a day gaming constant. Now I'm getting all excited...
Killing Floor is a blast if you manage to team up with a few people that actually follow the concept better known as "Teamwork". However, as it currently stands, such players seem to be far & in-between. 99.9% of the players you will find in-game, act as though they are 13 to 17 year old males...
Hmmm... Interesting....
I wonder if that pissed off Ubisoft?
That the game was leaked like that...
The Ghosts have kicked butt all over the globe. Time for a new theater?
Be interesting to see how the game takes shape. There are a lot of "Shooters" on the market dealing with WW2 & Modern day...
Hahahaha..... funny, but so wrong.
Fallout Nexus: - Mod Category Listing
Fallout Nexus: - Top 100 Mods
"Must-Have" Mod support Files.
1) Fallout Mod Manager...
Not a big fan of "Pay for items" here.
For me, it will all depend on how the base game itself pans out. Will you get meh stock weapons, skills, &/or spells, or will you get good or even great stuff? Can you finish the game pretty much god-like, such as is more or less available in a stand-alone...
Well said with valid points.
It is my strong belief that we as gamers, have simply become too Desensitized.
Compare if you will, gaming to that of a drug. The more a user pushes, over time, it takes more & more to get that same high. For those of us that are fans of Hack n' slash type games...
I found Batman boring & stopped playing it, but you gotta admit, the joker was fantastic. I got & played RE5 for about 10 mins. Looked fun, but I HATED that you could not move AND shoot at the same time. That one feature, kills it for me. Once I start playing it, I hope the rest of the game...