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  1. MRG


    Anyone have an idea as to how big the game actually is, with all the side quests finished? I find I am doing a lot of running back & forth, doing a fair share of the typical "Fed Ex" & "Kill X & Return" type of missions, but oddly, I am not finding them annoying, as I would in pretty much any...
  2. MRG


    I agree. This game is crack. I just killed 9 Toes & gained a level. I'm now Level 8. I like the amount of Skag spawns. I like how they are all over the place & respawn when you do. I really love it when they jump at me & I pull off a critical, causing their heads to explode in midair. I love...
  3. MRG


    At first, I found it a little difficult to see past the "Art Concept" or Cell Shading" or whatever the politically-game correct term is that's being used to describe the games graphics. The last game I played that had a similar art style, was the RPG "Silverfall", a game I rather enjoyed once I...
  4. MRG

    Any games to recommend?

    What type of games do you enjoy playing? No point in telling you about an awesome RPG if you don't like them or a fantastic RTS, when they only put you to sleep. A few across the spectrum: 1) ARMA2 - Is a fun, though hard game. OFP:DR is faster paced & easier to play, but shallower...
  5. MRG

    Are you going to purchase COD4: MW2 :: The re-count

    I typed in "Boycott Modern Warfare 2" in Google & got a crap load of site listings that are trying to do just that. I browsed a few of the sites & read what was posted. Some were childish rantings, while others were rather funny & even informative. A few people even told stories how they called...
  6. MRG

    Shattered Horizon (PC)

    Looks interesting... Due out this year? Well if that's the case, we'll know just how good it is within a couple months. Gonna keep an eye on this one. An exclusive PC title as well... -MRG
  7. MRG

    [Hack 'n' Slash] Torchlight

    I agree 110% I took another long look at the games website & am starting to feel the tug that will result in me getting the game... -MRG
  8. MRG

    Ticketed For Not Speaking English

    I said a person should learn to speak the language of the country they are in. English is the predominate language spoken here in the US, so yes, I believe that you should have a basic understanding of the language if you live here. Did I say you had to have a vocabulary to rival a Harvard...
  9. MRG

    Ticketed For Not Speaking English

    True. It could really do with an overhaul. I fully agree that the cop was right in giving her a ticket for making the illegal U-Turn, but I do not agree that she got ticketed for not speaking English. I had hoped that you would have been able to pick up on that. Perhaps I was too subtle for...
  10. MRG

    Ticketed For Not Speaking English

    Sorry if this is a repost. I took a quick glance, but I hardly ever peek into the politics section, so I honestly didn't look that far back. Gist of Story: Dallas Cop issue tickets to non-English speaking motorists. I am sorry if I offend anyone here, but I a STRONG believer that people need...
  11. MRG

    Your Christmas List

    This. From around the tender age of 15 onward, I slowed way down on thinking about what I wanted for Christmas. My dad drilled into me that it was more important to give, than to receive. Not to say I didn't like to get goodies under the tree, just it wasn't as important. My parents ask me...
  12. MRG

    PC Gamer UK gives Dragon Age 94%

    Well said & I would guess you are correct as well. Because if the main quest alone was 80+hrs, that's just gotta be one hell of an epic story. Think of it. 80 hrs. That 2 full standard work weeks, M-F @ 8hrs a day gaming constant. Now I'm getting all excited... Damn... -MRG
  13. MRG

    Killing Floor Free Weekend

    Killing Floor is a blast if you manage to team up with a few people that actually follow the concept better known as "Teamwork". However, as it currently stands, such players seem to be far & in-between. 99.9% of the players you will find in-game, act as though they are 13 to 17 year old males...
  14. MRG

    Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Predator

    Hmmm... Interesting.... I wonder if that pissed off Ubisoft? That the game was leaked like that... The Ghosts have kicked butt all over the globe. Time for a new theater? Be interesting to see how the game takes shape. There are a lot of "Shooters" on the market dealing with WW2 & Modern day...
  15. MRG

    Fallout 3 mods?

    Hahahaha..... funny, but so wrong. Fallout Nexus: - Mod Category Listing Fallout Nexus: - Top 100 Mods "Must-Have" Mod support Files. 1) Fallout Mod Manager...
  16. MRG

    For anyone that has Heard of Battletech

    LMAO!!!! Funny stuff. Who knew Hitler was such a ranter... -MRG
  17. MRG

    [Hack 'n' Slash] Torchlight

    Not a big fan of "Pay for items" here. For me, it will all depend on how the base game itself pans out. Will you get meh stock weapons, skills, &/or spells, or will you get good or even great stuff? Can you finish the game pretty much god-like, such as is more or less available in a stand-alone...
  18. MRG

    Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

    LOL... touché :) -MRG
  19. MRG

    Risen - First Impressions

    Well said with valid points. It is my strong belief that we as gamers, have simply become too Desensitized. Compare if you will, gaming to that of a drug. The more a user pushes, over time, it takes more & more to get that same high. For those of us that are fans of Hack n' slash type games...
  20. MRG

    Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

    I found Batman boring & stopped playing it, but you gotta admit, the joker was fantastic. I got & played RE5 for about 10 mins. Looked fun, but I HATED that you could not move AND shoot at the same time. That one feature, kills it for me. Once I start playing it, I hope the rest of the game...