Search results

  1. MRG

    Risen - First Impressions

    Pre-1.70 & 1.71 patchs, You are right, Gothic 3 was junk. Now the game is rather excellent. Sadly, most of you that gave the game a chance & then came face to face with the bugs, many which killed the game outright, never went back & gave the game another chance. While not perfect, the game is...
  2. MRG

    Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

    Not sure if I read that right. If I did, it's obvious you never served in the Military. Would you "Edge Out" or use cover? :sniper: I have noticed that as well. I think game devs try to toot it up as a "Realistic" feature. Though I'm by no means sure of that. -MRG
  3. MRG

    Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

    Off the top of my head I can't think of the game(s) names, but I recall a few other "Tactical" shooters I have, that if I opened fire on a my squad, they would in turn, turn on me & take me out. That feature seems to be absent from OFP:DR. Somewhat frustrated that my squad's AI was unable to...
  4. MRG

    Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

    I have to agree with you there. I have to agree with you there as well. Though I think, they try to make you think you arrived via UH-60, but i'm not sure, as it's a speck in the sky when the mission starts. Got a laugh later on when I realized that the UH-60 flew right over an enemy SAM site...
  5. MRG

    Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

    As it has "Operation Flashpoint" in the same, it's a given that I will be getting this game at some point. Though to be honest, I have not followed it's development. I loved the original OFP & spent countless hours playing with the editor. Then with ARMA, the editor was ok, but with the removal...
  6. MRG

    Risen - First Impressions

    Valid, well stated complaints. I will agree with you on the clipping, at times it is rather pronounced. However, that being said, please show me a game that does not have clipping. I don't think you'll find one. True some are worse than others, but EVERY game has clipping to one degree or...
  7. MRG

    Risen - First Impressions

    Ahh.. excellent. Thanks for posting that. -MGR
  8. MRG

    Risen - First Impressions

    Please read the bottom of my original post. I cover that. There is a known problem with nVidia graphics cards. Even though I have an ATI card, I hope this problem is quickly resolved, so that those with non-ATI cards will have the ability to enjoy this excellent game. -MRG
  9. MRG


    RIP Rico. -MRG
  10. MRG

    In Russia Stalker CoP goes GOLD on you!!!

    I really enjoyed the original Stalker. Remember my "Stalker Stories"? Anyways, I never got Clear Sky & heard about the newest game, but never gave it much thought past that. Still, my daughter loved watching me play Stalker & if it's co-op, then I just might have to get it. Stalker Coop would...
  11. MRG

    Risen - First Impressions

    Thank you for the compliment Mr.Willie! ( What do you mean by a Community Reviewer? ) 1) You are stuck playing as a male character. 2) You have a clean slate & have basic understanding on how to use all Melee & Ranged weapons. See the first SS in my original post. Each melee weapon...
  12. MRG

    Risen - First Impressions

    <Loaded an earlier save game> Just had an epic battle against a group of Skeletons & Skeleton Warriors. While it was prob only a minute or two long, it felt like it lasted much, much longer. I would Attack using every combo I knew & then retreat to high ground just far enough to down a health...
  13. MRG

    Risen - First Impressions

    You dug up the unknown thief's grave too huh? :thumbs: Not sure how to open that casket either. Can't pick it, so I think you need the key, which is prob part of a quest inside Harbor Town. Not sure though. I'm still looking... -MRG
  14. MRG

    Hey guys, hey, wanna hear something...Transformers 3

    Loved the "original" Transformers movie of 1986. I was 12 & my mom took me to see it. Fast forward many years & Transformers is released once again, only this time, it's not a cartoon & once again, I loved it. When T2 came out earlier this year, I feel it failed to live up to the legacy...
  15. MRG


    The previews make the movie look brilliant & who doesn't like a good Zombie movie? I really want to see it. However, the last time I enjoyed ANY show with Woody Harrelson in it, was in Cheers. In real like the guy is a total trash bag. Still, I hope to see it as soon as possible. -MRG
  16. MRG

    Defying Gravity - Spoilers of course

    I saw this on Hulu & started to watch it. Looked like a show I could really get into, as I'm a fan of pretty much every "To Infinity & Beyond" type of space movie & I made it through the first 3 episodes until I just simply lost interest. I thought the Pilot episode was excellent, but the...
  17. MRG


    Used Search, Found Glee, clicked on it & then I got a white screen. Anyways, was just curious if anyone else has started watching Glee? The family & I really like it, though some of the material is a little closer to "R" than PG-13. My daughter is 12 & she catches on a little faster to some...
  18. MRG

    Warehouse 13

    Am I the only person on the planet that simply likes the show for what it is & doesn't have a need to pick it apart? Oh well. To each their own I guess. I enjoyed the first season & am looking forward to Season 2. I just hope what happened at the end of Season 1 wasn't final. "Phoenix"...
  19. MRG

    Alienware in 2010

    I like the look of the case & "fins". 1) Buy the Case & motorized software. 2) Insert Custom Hardware. 3) Spend the $ difference on a fantastic vacation with the family. Of course the software is prob proprietary to the mobo.... -MRG
  20. MRG

    Risen - First Impressions

    I am lvl 9 now & I have yet to see any magic. Thus far, I have not used any scrolls, nor pissed off any Mages. Hows the spells eye candy? Anything like in the intro? I'm in Harbor town now. While in town, I was playing around with the Bow. I really like how you had to be fully drawn, before you...