How professional Pablo. This is a public forum, might I remind you. You wouldn't allow me to post in the comfort of 'your' own community, so you can't really hold me responsible that this dispute has spread elsewhere. You should check your e-mail more often.
Louti, I have nothing against...
viva ins!
Wow... regular updates? Hardly. Solidifying the community? They have done nothing but alienate it.
They are finally listening to what I told them well over a year ago, except at that time, they rejected any idea of refining the current Source version and wanted to concentrate...
Pace is really about who you're playing with. If you want a slower paced game to use tactics, then get together with others who feel the same way. INS is designed with those people in mind, so that when they want to play that way, they can. Hell, even when I use tactics in testing (not...
Last time I checked, I'm still in the Canadian Army ;) Going on five years...
And if you think this is going to be really slow-paced, you are sadly mistaken. It's bloody intense.
AmishSlayer, I agree and disagree with your points.
I too have seen many promising, and well developed, Half-Life mods go down the tube (i.e. Conflict in Nam). It's really case by case.
I think it really depends on the mod whether they choose to adapt the 'release early, release often' or...
How does it compare with the RO mod? I'm a fan of realism games (dur), but found the RO mod to be very flawed (level design, mechanics, gameplay in general).
Frankly, I don't see a difference in a 'public beta' and a 'final release' because they're the exact same thing. There is no such thing as a 'final release' for mods... or there shouldn't be anyways, but if so, it shouldn't/isn't the very first one (unless the mod dies).
Opening up 'beta...