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  1. The DemonWithin

    Donuts in the snow = bad;

    I've been drifting/doing donuts in the snow for years now and I've never damaged my car. If you know what you're doing it's fine.
  2. The DemonWithin


    I'm studying Biological sciences for now.
  3. The DemonWithin


    Haha, I got that exact email not too long ago, good stuff. University is definately the shit.
  4. The DemonWithin

    Ever pulled a hiest?

    Just about everyone in my highschool stole stuff from the wal-mart and futureshop across the street in my senior year. It was some sort of fad I guess. I imagine over the year my friends stole more than 5000. Then someone got caught and everyone stopped haha. I've only ever stolen food and...
  5. The DemonWithin

    Magic the Gathering

    I've never really played, but In grade school I loved looking at all the different card art.
  6. The DemonWithin

    Show your trashcan

    Thought you meant the contents heheh, probably wouldn't want to see that. My trashcan is just plain black though.
  7. The DemonWithin

    How did you find this site?

    I was really pumped when they announced HL2, so I looked for a forum dedicated to it, and now here I am.
  8. The DemonWithin

    Awesome clothing

    Heh, i'm going school in lethbridge.
  9. The DemonWithin

    Your Halloween plans

    I went to a house party on saturday, today we're having a party here at the school. I actually love halloween, dressing up is good times. My costume is a rock star, I even made a guitar out of cardboard and duct tape.
  10. The DemonWithin

    OMG! Digi Cam!

    this thread has my approval!
  11. The DemonWithin

    White American Women

    That seems a little high, source? edit: ^hahahah that avatar is hilarious!
  12. The DemonWithin

    White American Women

  13. The DemonWithin

    Is Emo bad?

    Emo girls are hot, some of them anyway.
  14. The DemonWithin

    What is the most interesting place you've been in?

    Yay I live two hours away, sounds cool.
  15. The DemonWithin

    How many of you failed you driving test?

    Passed first time, only thing I did wrong was being too far from the curb when parallel parking.
  16. The DemonWithin

    Orange = 3.2....

    One orange equals the letter one, no others can do this amazing feat, except maybe apples.
  17. The DemonWithin

    3 = white shoe

    Well obviously if i do random things to this equation I can manipulate it to equal whatever the **** I want it too, this means I am a very smart man!
  18. The DemonWithin

    New Study: Vancouver best city in the world to live in

    Yay I live in calgary.
  19. The DemonWithin

    What does the room you're in right now smell like?

    It smells like university! HAH!
  20. The DemonWithin

    Going Away To University

    I dont know about you, but I would rather live with 600 other people my age rather than 2 a generation older. Also the university is a 30 second elevator ride away.