How did you find this site?


Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
I heard of it when Custom PC recommended it in their review of Half Life2:bounce:
Oh what a tale it is! Gather round everyone, let me regale you with this tumultuous fable!

After a week of buying and playing Half-Life 2, I was bored at work and was checking the web for HL2 related info. I think it was things along the lines of the super grav gun and mods.

Lurked for a few weeks and signed up. Everythings pretty much a blur until now though. :O
I was really pumped when they announced HL2, so I looked for a forum dedicated to it, and now here I am.
same as Demon. I saw the binks and was like "WOOOAAAH". So I signed up.
I saw the very first scanned image of the game when it leaked - the combine soldier and ant lion against the untextured walls, and I had to know more. I initially signed up on the forums on another Half-Life 2 site (forgot what it was called), but I found and stuck here because it was much better ;)
Too long ago to remember. But I think it went something like this...

I saw some of the E3 2003 gameplay footage and trailers on TechTV. From there, I went to watch some more on, then browsed some forums. Came across this site and forum and decided to stick with it over
Same as Dekstar. Although I joined a few weeks before its release, I only started posting like 8 months ago :p
Uh, no idea. Think I was linked to the site somewhere.
I'm not sure, but I think I was searching for "half-life 2 forum(s)" in google.
Axyon said:
I saw the very first scanned image of the game when it leaked - the combine soldier and ant lion against the untextured walls, and I had to know more.

Ditto. Saw the pic on (what a hole, not been there for a while!)
Steve said:
I was just surfing at work one day.

Are you a lifeguard? Can you command dolphins and sea turtles to attack enemy vessels?
Was looking for HL2 sites back in '03, typed in "".

Lurked for a bit, then came back a year later and have been a fairly regular poster ever since. I'm also probably one of THE most ignored posters on the forum.
same as miccynarc... I had read an article about Half-Life 2, and was super psyched about it, so I typed the address in the address bar to see what I got and what I got was an ugly page saying "Site coming soon, for now visit our forums".

I did and they sucked me in.

This is my fifth name here. I was Chris-008, Cylleruion2012, Tseng!, Audiophile, and finally Ennui... the last one's lasted for about a year and I don't plan on changing it.

Site used to be a whole lot different two years ago.
I was reading into what Vortigaunts were saying(What a surpriese!) and I wanted to discuss it among other things and I typed halflife2 into my browser.
I remember you as Audiophile. I also remember seeing someone with Audiophile's avatar and post count, but I didn't recognize the name. Started with "E" and ended with "nnui". Then it dawned on me:
The message that dawned in my head said:
Audiophile changed his name to Ennui!
And I lived happily ever after.
The fact that my signature at the time said "ENNUI FORMERLY KNOWN AS AUDIOPHILE" in big letters might have helped that message dawn a bit.
Ennui said:
The fact that my signature at the time said "ENNUI FORMERLY KNOWN AS AUDIOPHILE" in big letters might have helped that message dawn a bit.
Sadly enough it took me a week to catch on.

Umm...head trauma? :o
As soon as the anouncement was made that HL2 was in development and the first leaked screen shots came out I began looking for a site dedicated to the game. I had never really taken part in any online communities or even any internet forums for that matter and I wanted to change it by being part of a HL2 community. I signed up on a few sites which I think are all dead now and at one point I found a link here and saw it was the largest dedicated HL2 site with over 600 members already so I signed up.

Those were the days when ComradeBadger was still mrBadger and he along with EVIL were having a post race first to 500 when I signed up and then to 1000 after. I think I may have even been in 3rd place for the first to 500 for a short time.
I remember him being mrBadger.

I couldn't remember what his old name had been for the life of me...
I wanted to ask a question about the copy protection of hl2, I signed on to planet halflife2, but they said that this site was bigger and thet I could get help here. So here I am.
I also was a very short term member at PHL... about three days, then I found this site and never went back.
Browsing for Half-life information. Saw the forum, smiled and began shoving my story speculation down everyone's throat.
hm dont remember excactly ... discovered this page a few month b4 the HL2 release, used it for information about mods and hl2 related news and last week signed up to the forum couse i felt the need to write more english.
I got banned from the planet half-life forums, so I decided to come here and bother you guys instead. :P

When I heard HL2 was on E3 2003 I tried various sites like then I tried and here I am!
When i saw HL2 at E3 2004 i was amazed. Found this site and lurked a while... joined up.... lurked a bit more and i post more often now :)
I have no recollection of how I found this site, it being in the long, long ago and all.
I think it was shortly after HL2 was announced, I did a search for info and stuff, and this place came up. The rest, as they say, is hideous.
Nah, I wubs it weeely.
Not sure, really. I was pumped for HL2 and then found this website. Meh.
The DemonWithin said:
I was really pumped when they announced HL2, so I looked for a forum dedicated to it, and now here I am.
same, it just took me a little over a year to sign up and stop lurking.
You know, I honestly can't remember. I find that quite scary. D:
I was bored one day and was curious if there would ever be a sequel to half life so i googled hl2.
Friend of mine linked me to this huuuuge (700mb) Quicktime video that was out a while before HL2 was released. Just from the footage, I was hooked. Looked for a good site for HL2, lurked around here for a bit, then joined and haven't looked back.
I saw it mentioned on... Planethalflife, so I signed up, because I liked the topics that were being discussed.

See, back then, there was Half-life 2 discussion and not much else, Munro also had hair, and was able to grow a beard.

God it was good back then.

*Shodan writes rap song about it