Magic the Gathering


Oct 30, 2005
Reaction score
Anybody play Magic the Gathering, and if so whats your favorite deck build?
I have a crapload of cards but the newest ones are probably four years old. It's still pretty fun to play with em. I'm fond of my black discard/megrim deck. Some Serra Avatars make for a nice white life deck too.

LOL, i used to play magic loads, i had completely forgotten about them until this thread!

I have a huge box full of them downstairs, some old, some very rare and expensive.

It's been about 5 or 6 years since i even touched them so i can't remember shit other than i used to have a killer green deck with some wyrms and quite a number of mana producing card combos to fuel the wyrms.
MTG_Maro said:
Megrim, I got that card someware.
It's a great card. If i have one of them out and i draw a time machine (or something like that) i can do 14 damage. I have four megrims and some cards that let me search my deck for cards so i can get em out fast.
short recoil said:
I have a huge box full of them downstairs, some old, some very rare and expensive.
Do you have a Black Lotus?
No. But it did get into Yu-Gi-Oh for about 2 months. I have all these cards stashed away somewhere. Meh. I was 10, btw. Stfu.
I would have to say that my favorite deck build is Affinity from Mirrodin.
I used to play MtG as well for a while. I liked my "Catastrophe" card which destroyed all monsters or all lands in the game :D

Qonfused said:
No. But it did get into Yu-Gi-Oh for about 2 months. I have all these cards stashed away somewhere. Meh.

Lmao, that's almost Pokemon :P
Damn, the Alpha Black Lotus is worth about $1300
Beta is about $800 I beleve.
I've never really played, but In grade school I loved looking at all the different card art.
The DemonWithin said:
I've never really played, but In grade school I loved looking at all the different card art.
Heh, did anyone here have a magic club at school?

I did and at one point it was like 30 members strong (not that big a school)

It was closed down when someone stole loads of cards, everyone found out who it was and beat the shit out of him putting him in hospitol for a day.
The school decided it was a "gambling game that evoked violence" or some crap.
I used to play a lot back when all my friends did. It was (is) a great game. I still bring out some old decks once in a while and play a game or two.

My favorite (and probably best) deck was a green/blue control deck I made back when Invasion was in Type 2. It was pretty unique... I don't think I've ever seen anyone play anything like it. Mystic Snake ftw! :D
Too bad for me that alot of the Affinity cards were banned from Type 2 this is all Mirrodin cards
Artifact Lands
Arcbound Ravager
Skull Clamp
Disiple of the Vault

Disiple was banned in extended and in Type 1.
I used to play in a tourney and loads of shit like that (free tourney at local comic book shop, lol) i really sucked at making decks, im great at playing decks but could never seem to make them =\. so i quit one day and i cant find my cards other than my rares, though i never had any good ones anyway. im preoccupied with guitar and cs:s now too.

oh and nice short recoil, punk ass mother ****er got what he deserved ;D
I've used this program called Magic workstation, that lets you download all the card scans of every single card in existence, and play online with them, making any deck you could ever dream of.

Pretty cool.

However, I have kinda grown to hate magic.
THE LEVELER DECK. Now there's some awesome.

4 x Leveler
4 x Shared Fate
4 x Fabricate
4 x Tel-Jilad Stylus
Lots of card-drawing cards
A few defensive cards


-Angry Lawyer
One of my online friends owns like 26 thousand actual cards. He makes these decks that piss the hell out of me, and is one reason I stopped playing. He'd make em so cruel, so mean, and so VARIED(with like 50 decks) that would kick my ass so bad I wanted to punch in his face.

Like, literally!
There pokemon cards except with wizards on 'em I think.
Well thats not good. Speaking of which, I found all these Japanese Pokemon cards in the bottom of my wardrobe. I have to destroy them, or Ebay, whichevers good
theSteven said:
There pokemon cards except with wizards on 'em I think.
Pokemon cards are magic cards with soft furry animals on them, actually :P

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Pokemon cards are magic cards with soft furry animals on them, actually :P

-Angry Lawyer
This man speaks the truth.
I got my rares and my 4 decks up on my desk. Don't play really anymore, because I don't have the money to put into decks that acutally win :P

The favorite deck I've ever created would have to be my green/white creature deck. I got me the Elvish Piper in there with a couple Planar Portals..if I get the right hand, I generally win.

used to have a straight Legends deck...I miss it :( Everybody was scared of it..gogo Legacy Weapon.

I stopped playing all the time when I went down to the local card/board gaming place, and saw 40 year olds spending their entire checks on Magic and D&D stuff...I just wanted to save myself, so I ran farrrrr
CyberPitz said:
used to have a straight Legends deck...I miss it :( Everybody was scared of it..gogo Legacy Weapon.

If by Legends deck, you mean a deck completely made of the sets "Legends" and containing such awesome cards as "COSMIC HORROR!" then I am in awe.

[booming voice]
[/booming voice]

-Angry Lawyer
That game was Awesome! My Uncle has lots of boxes of old cards..he said he has at least 2 Black Lotus cards! Which are worth a good chunk of money.

My favorite deck I used to play was a Blue/Black deck..basically a counter spell deck..always pissed of my friends. :thumbs:
Blue control? D: D: D:

Nothing's better than a crazy combo, though. Rod of the Elements + Crucible of Worlds = win.

-Angry Lawyer
Raziaar said:
One of my online friends owns like 26 thousand actual cards. He makes these decks that piss the hell out of me, and is one reason I stopped playing. He'd make em so cruel, so mean, and so VARIED(with like 50 decks) that would kick my ass so bad I wanted to punch in his face.

Like, literally!

I know exactly what you mean. My friend made these sliver decks, where it's like a death trap! Basically "All slivers ammune to Fire!" "All slivers protection from black!" "All slivers get +1,+1!" That was mean...and frustrating,
Slivers were so damn overpowered. I stopped playing because of Affinity - that was even worse.

I've still got a resonable all-blue Wizard deck (Type 2 legal) sitting with me, which can draw some obscene amount of cards per turn because of Azami, Lady of Scrolls.

-Angry Lawyer
I have recently found my second favorite deck from Ravnica, its a Red White Weenie that hits you for 30. Skyknight Legionarex2; Argus Kos; Boros Guildmagex2; FlameKin Zealot just played; Warriors honor; Rally the Rightous; Dogpile, WIN.
I had a gigantic deck of cards, but I went to sell them and the guy took them and he never gave me the money, I didn't know how to play or didn't want to know, I just loved the art on the cards, my favorite was the Zombie Lord (or is it Zombie master?).
vegeta897 said:
What seems to be the problem?

Where is the pieee? where is the pieee? Where is the Pieee ieee ieee ie!
