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  1. The DemonWithin

    Are you male or female?

    18/f/cali i have pix
  2. The DemonWithin


    lol well whatever works, anyone who is up right now do thiiiiis!
  3. The DemonWithin


    I was wondering if had a voice comm server of some sort. I'm bored and there are not many americans or canadians on, so i thought i'd see if some of my eastern brethren are up for some gaming/talking, ill probably be up all night.
  4. The DemonWithin

    Is it worth getting for SP?

    there are mods that allow you to play the other maps as well I believe.
  5. The DemonWithin

    $1,500- what to do with it?

    I would save it for post-secondary or a car. matters how old you are though, if you are <16, i would say spend it on whatever you want and blow it all lol. live for the moment.
  6. The DemonWithin

    Deadly Weapon?

    Hahah yes, that was an epic time, with broadswords and hellfires and whatnots. Hey, is that still on the site? or did you have that saved?
  7. The DemonWithin

    Deadly Weapon?

    You talkin about me? thats probably cause I posted all through 2003, then stopped.
  8. The DemonWithin

    Deadly Weapon?

    The greatest weapon I've ever made were my arms! hahaa!
  9. The DemonWithin

    Hacker Gary McKinnon gained access to US military black project's.

    I think you're gettin caught up on terms here, We're not talking full blown hallucinations like one would get on acid, we're talking small things. Waves and distortions, tracers, seeing minor things like glowing balls and whatnot. If you cant experience these things with cannabis, then tell me...
  10. The DemonWithin

    Favorite Facial Feature?

    Tits...oh wait. Eyes, and overall facial structure.
  11. The DemonWithin

    Hacker Gary McKinnon gained access to US military black project's.

    When you pack a pipe bowl full of weed, although in this case it wasnt packed, and it wasnt a pipe. And to actually contribute to this thread; My vote is in between fake and not fake. I'm thinking the government has special projects like this, but on the other hand I dont believe alot of these...
  12. The DemonWithin

    Hacker Gary McKinnon gained access to US military black project's.

    Yes, very wrong. Trust us, you can hallucinate on weed with a high enough dosage. I dont know about reaktor, but I am speaking from experience. In fact, I was hallucinating last night after three bowls. Now lets stop derailing this thread hahah.
  13. The DemonWithin

    Hacker Gary McKinnon gained access to US military black project's.

    I didnt hear it anywhere, I hallucinate (though mildly) most times I smoke, and usually only in the dark. I agree with reaktor that the stuff you see isnt defined enough to be mistaken for being real.
  14. The DemonWithin

    Hacker Gary McKinnon gained access to US military black project's.

    Actually, weed does make you hallucinate. Its a psychoactive drug....
  15. The DemonWithin

    What would you choose?

    I would want to be reincarnated, but not remember my past lives. When i died however, I would want to remember all past lives, untill i decided upon a new life to live. This way life would never get boring and you would live forever, you would keep on experience the same things but they would...
  16. The DemonWithin

    EVERYTHING is unlocked

    this happened to my buddy, from the very start though.
  17. The DemonWithin

    Your best maps

    There has to be stinger placements, otherwise it turns into bfv lol. Plus that would be really stupid and unbalanced.
  18. The DemonWithin

    If this was my mom...

    Haha thats kinda funny, the kid doesnt seem to mind too much, and the mother seems like a complete psycho. They dont look like they are that bad off either, so I dont know why she wouldnt have her own car.
  19. The DemonWithin

    I'm a skinny little man.

    I gave good advice, and there is no skinny in my arm, so I take the win while discarding the weird
  20. The DemonWithin


    5'9 160lbs